Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 886: Can't stop it


Qinglong Army was green at the time. This time is the time when they face the most stress. It can be said that it has reached the edge of collapse. If someone else rushes to them, they will kill those people as monsters. Absolutely Can't let them break through their battles.

However, this is the Tianjiao team of Wu Zongdian!

What is the Tianjiao team?

That is the future hope of Wu Zongdian. The future pillar of Wu Zongdian, as long as they do not die, will become the top of Wu Zongdian in the future, becoming a lame, and the people of the military are all changing.

Such a character, Qinglong Army dare to kill?

They are the lifeblood of Wu Zongdian. The death of one will make Wu Zongdian’s heart hurt to drop blood. If their Qinglong army dares to kill them, Wu Chuanlie will definitely fight and empire face and destroy the Qinglong army.

However, they did not kill them, and they were so rushed by the Tianjiao team. They were at the critical point of collapse, and it was difficult to stand firm and keep the line of defense.

Just at the moment of their hesitation, the Tianjiao team had already rushed to their front. The Qinglong army’s defense line suddenly became chaotic. The Tianjiao team seemed to be the last straw on the Qinglong army, and it collapsed...

The Qinglong Army collapsed. Under the chain reaction, the Xuanwu Army also collapsed.

The so-called defeat of the army is like a mountain. The Xuanwu Army and the Qinglong Army under the collapse will not do what he wants, and will turn around and die.

The Qinglong Army, Xuanwu Army and Tianjiao team all collapsed, and the more than 700 Wuwang naturally would not be stupid to continue to be strong there.

In other words, are they still strong and useful there?

Compared with the animal tide, they are just a wave of waves in the ocean. They have the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army. They can play the role of harassing the animal tide. Now even the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army have collapsed. They are still there. Not harassing, but looking for death. Therefore, more than 700 Wuwang, including Jinlongxing, also began to run away.

Don't look at the time when they are blocking the tide of the animals, because they are small, they can only play a role in harassment. But fleeing, more than 700 Wuwang absolutely escaped faster than the Qinglong Army, Xuanwu Army and Tianjiao. It was only in less than a quarter of an hour that they fled to the forefront and fled in the direction of the Great Wilderness.

However, the Tianjiao team suffered hardships. Mixed with the Qinglong Army, fleeing in the direction of the Great Desolation City, and there are still many cyclone periods among them, the liquid rotation period and the Chengdan period, the Chengdan period is still good, and the warriors in the cyclonic period and the liquid rotation period gradually The land fell in the middle and back.

Therefore, when Qin Double was the first one they encountered, they were the King of the Golden Dragon, then the martial arts team, the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army.

The front line was long and the depth was deep. The Qinglong Army, Xuanwu Army and Tianjiao team became a mess. Cangjie’s land passes through the portal opened by the Jiuzhan Mercenary Corps. At this time, if the Jiuzi Mercenary Corps has dozens of pythons, after letting the fleeing warriors, hover, smash, and smash a monster. ......

When the Qinglong Army collapsed, the huge roar sounded Wu Chuanlie. After all, his cultivation is the peak of the Valkyrie. He is keen on the change of the gas field, and the power of the soul spreads out quickly, and his face becomes pale. He did not think that the Qinglong Army would collapse so early, only for two days. He did not see that the Tianjiao team had hit the Qinglong Army's big battle, which caused the collapse of the Qinglong Army. It only saw the collapse of the Qinglong Army and the collapse of the Xuanwu Army.


Wu Chuan-lie was angry in his heart, and he had already killed the Qinglong army in his heart for countless times. However, at this time, he did not dare to flee from this place immediately, or to help the Qinglong Army, because once he left, I am afraid that the high-order monsters will follow the impact behind him, so the Qinglong Army may be completely annihilated...

Of course, the Qinglong army has nothing to do with him. He is a man of Wu Zongdian and not an empire.


Tianjiao team!

Right, what about the Tianjiao team?

The power of Wu Chuanlie’s soul swept through the battlefield quickly, and then his face was pale as paper. The future of Wu Zongdian, Wu Zongdian’s Tianjiao, which had not yet grown up, was mixed in the Qinglong Army and fled in a panic. From time to time, there are one of the two low-profile Tianjiao team warriors who have been torn by the monsters.

His heart is bleeding, but fear has caused the impact of high-level monsters, not to save those Tianjiao team. At this time, he does not have to be here with the high-level monsters, and he will keep a certain distance from the fleeing warriors, and fight back. It was just that the heart was full of hatred towards the Qinglong Army. He vowed that when he went back to the Great Wilderness City, even if he could not kill the Qinglong Army, he would kill a few generals to vent their anger.

"My Tianjiao team!" Wu Chuanlie’s heart sighed.

"Can't stop!" Qin Qian suddenly like a double voice into the secret.

Qin double sighed in the heart, the power of her soul has been shrouded in the audience, naturally it is clear to see the situation on the battlefield. The animal wave with the fifth-order monsters involved is really strong.

The most important thing is that the reason why the animal tide is called the animal tide is that the monster is endless, the fifth-order monster is endless, and the pressure on the piano can be imagined. And the fifth-order monster has come, will the sixth-order be far behind?

Qin double they have been insisting for a long time, this half-day time for the piano double they have killed 300,000 people, and the warriors who are still halfway away from them are still besieged in the beast, is struggling toward They rushed over here.


If they wait for them to completely rush, I am afraid that the piano pair does not know how many people are going to die. Qin double is trying to save people, but it doesn't mean putting his own people here. Once the sixth-order monsters have come over, let alone other mercenary groups, that is, the string month mercenary group of more than two thousand people, I am afraid to confess here. More than two thousand people for Qinshuang, just like the Tianjiao team for Wu Chuanlie. Qin double naturally refused to let the warriors of the string month mercenary group die here. So, she looked helplessly at the part of the Qinglong Army, Xuanwu Army and Tianjiao team that were struggling in the animal tide, and then decisively passed the sound to the secret channel:

"And fight and retreat."

"Like the green flag!"

The remaining 1.8 million warriors saw the green flag rise, one by one in the heart, and the battle was turned, starting and fighting.

At this time they were less than a day away from the Great Wilderness City, but they were still very nervous at this time. At the moment of retreat, they gave up the rescue of any Qinglong army, Xuanwu Army and Tianjiao team, but under the condition of fully protecting themselves, let the whole array retreat toward the Great Desolation City faster, and try to shorten the withdrawal of the Great Desolation City. time.

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