Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 867: Wu Tangzhu, please pay attention to yourself


Qin Lie, along with the battle, smothered the monsters, while watching the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army's warriors who were constantly bitten by the monsters, the tiger eyes were tearful. Looking at the piano double, the lips moved, and finally did not say anything. He knows that the decision of Qin Double is the most correct at this time. If you stay here and help the warriors who are still killing the monsters, they will not save the warriors. In the end, I am afraid that there will be no more than two million fighters. .

Wu Chuanlie, who has been paying attention to this side, has a sharp look. When he saw the string doubles mercenary mercenary group reappeared, when he saw the string month mercenary group once again set off the battlefield to withstand the animal tide, covering the routing army retreat, his nervous The heart was slightly relaxed. At this moment, his heart even began to thank the string month mercenary group, and in his heart, he had a remorse for the misunderstanding of the string month mercenary group in the Great Wilderness.


When he saw the Qinshui's string month mercenary group began to retreat, his mood changed again, because his Tianjiao team still has more than a thousand people surrounded by monsters. His heart raised anger, and the string month mercenary group dared to abandon the Tianjiao team, and it was still in the case of the Jiuzi Mercenary.

At this time, he neglected that the mercenary group led by Qin double had already killed more than 300,000 warriors. He ignored the mercenary group led by Qin double and continued to die. He ignored the mercenary group led by Qin. Not back, the distance is also not far behind.

His heart is only the Tianjiao team, only the Tianjiao that represents the future of Wu Zongdian.

Those Tianjiao are the outstanding disciples he has chosen, but his efforts, he brought them, not let them die, but let them become stronger through experience!

But at this time...

He watched as one of the heavenly arrogance fell, was torn and shattered by the monster, his heart was bleeding, and suddenly yelled in the direction of the piano double:

"The string month mercenary group listened to the order, immediately stopped back, withstood the monster, and protected the Tianjiao team to retreat."

This violent drink came, and those who had already lost their hearts, the face of the arrogant team, suddenly shed the hope of hope. Even the heart raised a deep pride.

"This is our Wu Zongdian, this is our Tianjiao team. The warriors on the mainland of the warriors must serve us, and we must give our lives to protect us. You slags to abandon us and take the lead in retreating. Now our churchlors have ordered Are you stupid?"

However, the anger of the mercenary group such as Niu Meng suddenly broke out.

this moment!

The image of Wu Zongdian collapsed in their hearts and collapsed.

Is Wu Zongdian not a warrior who should stand before the crisis?

When did you become a baby protected by others?

Is this the Wu Zong Dian in their hearts?

In the face of the animal tide, like a dog, in front of them, but as noble as a dragon!

At this moment, all the warriors looked at the banner of the Jiuyi Mercenary.

There was a strong sigh in the eyes of Qin Qian, and his heart was full of anger. As a person with the potential to have a matchless battle, his heart has his own insistence. Everything changes with the changing situation on the battlefield, and he will never obey a ridiculous order.

and so……

Although he was silent, he still did not change the banner, still took everyone and fought back, and did not even seek advice from Qin.

Qin double looked at the piano and his heart was filled with infinite appreciation.

This is a matchless war.

The war of no match will have its own persistence, with its own courage, determination of the heart, no need to listen to others, and no need to seek the opinions of others.

Not bad!

At this moment, the Qin Qiang is undergoing a transformation, one foot has entered the realm of the unparalleled war.

I saw that the banner of the Jiuyi Mercenary Corps did not change at all, and all mercenaries showed gratitude and admiration on their faces.

They are grateful for the decision of the piano and admire the guts of the piano.

To know that this order was issued, but Wu Zongdian martial arts master, but the Great Wild City at this time to fight the main command of the animal tide, but a Wu Shen peak.

And Qin Qian will ignore Wu Chuanlie!

And they are the direct beneficiaries of Qin Qian’s disregard. It is probably because of the ignorance of Qin Qian, so that they have saved their lives.

How are they not grateful?

How do they not admire?

However, Wu Chuanlie saw that the mercenary group led by Qin Shuang did not stay at all, but his mood was totally different. The anger in his heart broke out like a volcano.

A group of ants daring to dare to violate his orders!

It is simply unforgivable!

The roar of anger roared from the mouth of Wu Chuanlie and blew in the air.

"Qin double, immediately stop back, stop the tide of the animal, protect the Tianjiao team, or kill innocent!"

The face of Qin double changed, and the calm eyes of the lake suddenly burst into anger. At this time, the piano dive was a figure, and his eyes looked at the piano pair.

In his heart, the piano double can never die. At this moment, his heart is shaken, and he wants to order the animal tide and obey the command of Wu Chuanlie. However, he looked at the eyes of Qin double and saw the anger of Qin double.

"Wu Tangzhu, please pay attention!"

The sound of the piano double clear, like Feng Ming, sounded in the air, not only passed to Wu Chuanlie's ear, but also clearly passed to the ears of each warrior.

"We protect the hundreds of thousands of warriors in the Great Wilderness, not the nannies of the Tianjiao team. Are you letting our million warriors die for more than a thousand days of arrogance?

You are not only the lord of Wu Zongdian, you are the chief commander of the anti-therapeutic tide. For the more than a thousand warriors of Wu Zongdian, regardless of the life and death of the million martial arts, where do you place the world warriors? ”

Wu Chuan-li’s heart is a jump. The Tianjiao team is a good blood in his heart, but at this time, the trend of the mainland’s attacking military is on the other side of the sea. It is at the same time that the relationship between Wu Zongdian and the aristocratic class has deteriorated. People, regardless of the million martial arts, will inevitably make Wu Zongdian and the world warriors form a confrontation.


That is the Tianjiao team! That is the future of Wu Zongdian!

He really wants to immediately aside the three eighth-order monsters besieging him to save the Tianjiao team, but he really did, not only can not save the Tianjiao team, but also let the high-order monsters launch a general attack, the Tianjiao team will only be more Fast death.

"Qin double!"

The murderous intention of his heart, he wants to kill the piano double is very easy, as long as one palm can kill the piano double, but in the face of a million warriors kill the piano double...

That trouble is big!

Qin double is for the million martial arts and topped him, but he killed the piano double, and the loss of the people's hearts has been bad since then, may cause the war between the world warrior and Wu Zongdian.

We must know that the aristocratic class has long been waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity that can make the world warrior and Wu Zongdian opposite. And if he kills the piano pair in front of the millions of warriors, it is not only the problem of the opposition between the world and the Wu Zongdian, it will cause the world's military to cast aside on Wu Zongdian.

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