Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 868: Is her


He was patient and patient with the volcanic anger, and a voice was in his heart:

"Qin double, the old man will definitely kill you, let you bury the Tianjiao team."

The piano looked at the warriors who had not rushed out before, one by one, and her heart had an indescribable pain.

"Is this the responsibility of the stunned mouth? Is this the guardian of the screaming mouth?"


This is too heavy! ”

At this time, Qin Shuang’s heart rolled and felt, and the battlefield under the power of the soul made her feel the fragility of life...

Her mood has a different sentiment...

At the same time, the sound of killing, screaming, screaming, beasts, the percussion of weapons, the roar of martial arts, and the synthesis of a murderous rhythm, stirred the soul of the piano. This rhythm has been impacted over and over again, like the tide of the sea, giving her a deep understanding of the sound.

In her knowledge of the sea, those fogs built a guqin, began to play rhythm, constantly changing rhythm. Gradually her power of knowing the sea is completely immersed in the rhythm...

I don't know how long it took, and the rhythm in the sea suddenly swayed. At this moment, Qin double knew that her sound had entered the realm of the eight shadow masters. If she plays with the power of the soul at this time, there will be eight ghosts. At the same time, her state of mind has repeatedly broken through a layer of yarn, the power of the soul broke through the fourth layer of Wu Sheng.


The piano double spit out a long breath, and the look on his face became more and more dignified. Her power of the soul still enveloped the audience as she grasped the power of the sea, and everything that happened was under the power of her soul.

Now she has been able to see the wall of the Great Wilderness City, but now the mercenary group she led has only about 1.3 million left, and more than 400,000 warriors have been killed. In the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army, those who did not have time to kill the encirclement, there are only a few thousand people left. As for the Tianjiao team in the animal tide, there are only a dozen or so left, and they are still **** and scarred.

"Up the green, blue and blue flags!"

Qin Qiang screamed, and the blue, green and blue flags immediately rose. The mercenary group that saw the green, blue and blue flags began to gather together. Qin Qian sneaked in the footsteps, behind him is the string month mercenary group, but also stopped.

In this way, the string month mercenary group is in the position of the front, the two wings are close to the middle, from the ranks of the cross, and the war and retreat into a column.

There is no way to do this. The gates are so big that they must become a column before they can retreat into the city.

At this point, the string month mercenary group is at the forefront, then plus Qin Qin and other 20 pairs, followed by the top ten mercenary groups, then the medium-sized mercenary group, small mercenary group Take the lead to retreat into the city gate.

Above the city wall.

Gai Bai and other people looked at the mercenary group led by the piano double and retired in an orderly manner. In the endless wave of animals, they did not panic, and they could not help but see the color of surprise.

All the people in the Great Wilderness City who had come back through the escape also knew that they were able to escape. All the mercenary groups led by Yu Qinqin blocked the beasts for them, and they continued to escape from the mouth of the warriors. It was learned that the mercenary group led by Qin Lian actually blocked the animal wave for six days.

A full six days!

This is not finished.

Not long ago, they learned from the hundreds of martial arts kings and some Qinglong troops who had just fled back. According to the Xuanwu army, after the defeat of the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army, the mercenary group led by Qin Shuang blocked the beast.

Nowadays, all the people in the Great Wasteland have no contempt for the string mercenary group in their hearts. Instead, they are full of admiration for the string month mercenary group.

Especially at this time, when they saw the string month mercenary group, they were at the forefront. When they drove, Qinqin would definitely put the top ten mercenary groups in the forefront, and the string month mercenary group first withdrew into the Great Desolation City. Because everyone's heart is very clear, don't look at the string month mercenary group in the position of commanding the top ten mercenary groups, but its strength is also a medium-sized mercenary group, let the string month mercenary group top in front...

Do not say whether it can stand up to the problem, once the string month mercenary group is washed away, the mercenary who is retreating behind will have the possibility of annihilation, and the monsters are also likely to rush into the Great Desolation City, causing panic in the Great Wilderness City.


The Wicked Beast has collided with the Chord Mercenary Corps. In the eyes of the crowd, the beast tide is like a wave of waves caused by the hurricane rolled up by the hurricane, and slams toward the string month mercenary group. The string month mercenary group is like a wall of a thousand blades, and the crazy animal tide is slammed against it.

This made all the warriors on the walls, including the eight-year-olds, stunned in their hearts, and their eyes could not help but fall on the Jiuyi Mercenary.

Everyone in the string month mercenary group was seen to be neat and uniform, just like a person. And it seems that it is not only that, it seems that the string month mercenary group through this uniform action, let their explosive power suddenly surge.

At this time, Wu Chuanlie’s face has become very ugly. At this time, there were more than a thousand people in the Tianjiao team who were trapped in the beastly tide. At this time, there were six people left, and they were in danger. They also died in the mouth of the demon. .

Among the six people, there is a teenager, a boy in a liquid period, a genius he values ​​very much, and he is regarded as the genius of the future martial arts master. At this time, he is already bruised and bruised, and he is always at the bottom. The possibility of being shredded by the monsters.

Looking up at the Great Desolation City, I glanced at the mercenary who was retreating toward the gate of the city. I glanced at the mercenary group in the front of the string, and his eyes flashed with anger that had been suppressed for a long time.


Suddenly, Wu Chuanlie broke out the momentum of Lingren. This kind of momentum was more than doubled before. The opposite monster had not reacted from the momentum erupted by Wu Chuanlie, and was smashed by Wu Chuanlie’s sword. After two halves, then the figure was spurred out like a meteor in the direction of the Great Wild City.

The moment when Wu Chuanlie broke out a fierce momentum, it caused the attention of the two martial arts and the emperors who followed him. When they saw Wu Chuanlie rushing in the direction of the Great Wild City, they suddenly burst into momentum and killed a piece. The **** road is also rushing in the direction of the Great Wilderness City.


The teenager of the Tianjiao team, already in despair, was suddenly caught by a big hand, then the body flew up and flew toward the Great Wilderness City. The boy looked up and saw Wu Chuanlie. His face was immediately excited and red. When he saw Wu Conglie’s face angry, he closed his mouth and looked at Wu Chuanlie’s gaze. He saw the Qin double in the crowd.

His gaze was also instantly angry.

It is her!

If it weren't for her withdrawal, if she could withstand the attack of the monster, his brothers would probably survive.

It is her!

After the order of the church owner, the commander of the church was violated, and the public and the head of the church spoke up, and they abandoned their Tianjiao team and ran into fear of death.

Seeking a monthly ticket~ Ask for a ticket!

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