Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 869: Kill one finger


"The owner..."

Behind them, in the beast tide, the remaining five Tianjiao team warriors saw Wu Chuanlie rescue the boy, but did not save them, not helplessly shouting.


In the sky, there were several people who swooped down. It was the two martial arts and several emperors of Wu Zongdian. Each of them grabbed a Tianjiao martial artist and rushed toward the Great Wilderness City. The other emperors of the armed forces also grabbed a warrior and flew away toward the Great Wilderness City.

When Wu Chuanlie flew over the doubles of the piano, he thought of more than two thousand days of arrogant team fighters. Now I am afraid that I can escape into the Great Wilderness City. I am afraid that there will be less than one thousand in my heart. The anger of the Qinshuang in my heart will erupt to the extreme, although it cannot be at this time. Here, the court is smashing the piano, but...


Wu Chuanlie’s moment of flying over the doubles of the piano, a cold snoring, this sound is cold and no one can hear, it is a force of the soul to the piano double shocked the past, only the piano can hear, if the piano double is only the Cheng Dan period The ninth floor, just Wu Chuanlie's cold voice, can make the piano double soul fly, and then be shredded by the monster, who can not find the death of Qin double is what he did.


The soul of Qin Double is the beginning of the fourth layer of Wu Sheng, far beyond Wu Chuanlie. Not to mention the fourth layer of Wusheng, even if it is the first layer of Wusheng, this big level between Wusheng and Wushen is like a gap in the sky, which is huge. Therefore, Wu Chuanlie’s cold voice, even if the piano double did not pay attention, the soul of Qin double did not reach the point of injury, just let the soul of Qin double wave.

However, it was only this downward volatility that also made the figure of the piano double slightly. When I was almost bitten by a monster, I killed one of the monsters and killed the monster. I didn't want to fight back in the direction of attacking my own soul. The same thing was cold, but it was different from Wu Chuanlie's coldness. Wu Chuanlie's coldness is only relying on the power of a powerful soul, without the slightest skill of attack. However, the coldness of the piano doubles fluctuates with the soul explosion.


This cold voice blew in Wu Chuanlie's soul. Wu Chuanlie felt that his soul seemed to explode. When he was in a body, he fell from the air toward the ground. The corners of his mouth ooze a trace of blood, and the soul came. Intense pain.

Just as he fell from the air, Qin double also saw that Wu Chuanlie was attacking her. At the same time, she was shocked at the same time.

Undoubtedly, through her soul attack, Wu Chuan-li clearly knows that the power of her soul has reached the realm of Wu Sheng. Once exposed, this will definitely be a big problem.

Give it a try.

The entire warrior continent, where there will be a warrior in the Chengdan period, but with the soul of Wu Sheng repaired?

When Wu Dongying was able to take the gods to study, wouldn’t she take her piano to study?

With Qin Shu’s current cultivation, there is no resilience at all.

Between the heart and the electric power, it is a flash of light, Qin double immediately changed the soul fluctuations, and then passed to Wu Chuanlie.


Wu Chuanlie fell from the air to the ground. Before he got up from the ground, there were countless pedals on him. The warriors were rushing toward the gate at the fastest speed. This time they saw their feet. There were two people who couldn’t stop at all, so the martial arts master of the Wu Zong Dian and the teenager of the Tianjiao team were trampled by countless feet. Even at this moment, there were still a few foot scorpions stepping on their heads, letting them both lick a mud.


The momentum of Wu Chuanlie suddenly broke out, pulling the boy to stand up from the ground and blasting out the warriors who were retreating around him. His face was full of fear and embarrassment.

Just now he was attacking the piano pair with the power of the soul. After the attack, he never looked at the piano double. In his opinion, the piano double was dead. However, then he was attacked by the soul, and at this time his mind emerged a very ridiculous thought:

“Don't the power of Qin’s soul reach Wu Sheng?”

Huoran turned his head and looked at the piano.


Before he even turned his head, a woman’s voice was heard in the ear:

"Wu Chuanlie, you dare to hurt me, this time to give you a lesson, and then next time, must be jealous of you."


The people who retreat behind him continually slammed on Wu Chuanlie's body, and Wu Chuanlie was at the moment, but the voice of Qinshuang was secreted and some were lost. The voice of Qinshuang was mixed with the soul to sleep, so Wu Chuanlie could not find the biography. The sound is in the direction of the secret, and even the soul is a little drowsy.

However, at the moment when the double-talking of the piano was cut off, Wu Chuan-lie was awake, and after waking up, it was a cold sweat. I didn't dare to stop now, not to mention the people behind me slammed into him, and the teenager who took the Tianjiao team retreated into the city gate. As soon as he entered the city gate, he let go of the boy, and when he was in shape, he flew over the wall.


There was a wolverine from afar, and then I heard the sound of rumble and thunder, and the earth shook violently. It turned out that Xiaoyue Silver Wolf saw Wu Chuanlie escaped, and the front of the animal tide had already reached the Great Desolation City, and he issued an order to attack the Great Wild City.


The Great Desolation City's moat was opened, leaving only one city gate, so that the mercenary group led by Qin Lian continued to flood into the Great Desolation City.

However, the pressure on the front of the string month mercenary group is getting bigger and bigger, the fifth-order monsters are more and more, and in the field of the piano double, the sixth-order monsters have been seen far away. At this time, where is there a warrior in their eyes?

The remnants of the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army, have been drowned by the monsters at this time, the body can not find a complete.


Qinqin suddenly looked up, and the color of surprise appeared in her eyes. In her eyes, I saw the sky above the head of the mercenary group. Countless suffocation began to condense, and gradually appeared a shadow of the little finger, and the little finger The illusion is gradually solidifying.

"The hand of killing... no... it should be called the finger of killing..."

Qin double did not think that the string month mercenary group was able to cultivate a heart and soul for such a short period of time, even able to condense a finger of the killing hand!

At this point, the fingers condensed in the sky are getting more and more solid, the whole body is red, and there is a strong killing scent. For a time, let the violent monsters run wildly, and they are in the eye. A frightening color.

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