Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 870: Dan Shi Xian Shenwei


"A strong killing temper!" Wu Chuanlie, who just climbed the wall, looked at the huge finger in the air, and his look was not wrong.

The finger in the sky tilted down to the bottom, and then slammed into the earth like a stalwart.


A deafening loud noise, fluttering in the radius of a few squares, can not find a complete body of the demon beast, the flesh and blood of the sky fluttering, like a flying mountain peak in a blood lake, It’s raining.


Wu Chuanlie and others on the wall of the city looked stunned. This power is no longer in Wudi. The most powerful of the string month mercenary group is just Yuan Fei who just broke through to the late Wu Wang...

At this time, within a few miles before the Jubilee Mercenary, there was an empty space, and no monster was seen. The ground was full of broken meat.

"Oh..." The rear of the beast wave came the roar of the wolf moon wolf.

"Oh..." The beasts are all together.


The beasts are moving, and the boundless beasts are rushing over the sea and they are rushing toward the piano pair. The piano pair has even seen the figure of the sixth-order monster, and even heard the snoring of the seventh-order monster.

Looking back at the team that is still pouring into the gate, the heart of the piano has become heavy. If you want to retreat into the Great Waste City, you will need at least one hour.

Can't stand it!

Pointing at the string month mercenary group, it is completely unable to withstand such a beast.

Of course, at this time, not only the string month mercenary group is resisting the animal tide. Although the two sides of the mercenary led by the piano double contracted, the cross team became a column, but the two wings were also attacked by the monster.

That is to say, at this time, in addition to the rear is the gate of the Great Wild City, without attack, the front and the two wings are being attacked by the monsters. Just as an arrow, the top of the string month mercenary group is under the most pressure. If the Chronicle Mercenary Corps collapses, I am afraid that the entire mercenary team will collapse in an instant.

However, this situation now has a benefit to Qinshuang. That is because the team’s contraction and the constant influx into the Great Wilderness City are no longer as large as the front row, which in turn caused The demon's congestion, although the beast tide is endless, but the place that can directly attack the mercenary team is not big, and this face is still rapidly increasing with the mercenary rushing into the Great Desolation City.

However, the reduction of this face is reflected in the two wings, and the string month mercenary group as the top part of the sharp knife needs to be always with the monster, the pressure will not be reduced a little, and only with the monster As the level increases, the pressure becomes bigger and bigger.

Before, the string month mercenary group as part of the big battle, with the help of the big array of power, and the strength is also a medium-sized mercenary group, once the heart is running, the strength will double, this has caused the string so far There was no casualty in the monthly mercenary group.


Now the string month mercenary group has not borrowed the power of the big array, but it has almost replaced the big ones with all the pressure. Just after the killing of a finger, the moment the monster attacked again, there were more than a dozen cyclone warriors killed.

"It's us!" Qin did not hesitate to drink.

"Let's come first!"

The voice of Qin double has just fallen, and the four alchemists such as Sun Qiaomu and Hua Jinxiu came out, and the figure flew toward the forefront, accompanied by their flying, and their four hands continued to the demon. The beast was raised, and a medicinal medicinal spurt out of the demon group. After the medicinal herbs fell into the beast, they immediately burst into powder and spread into the beast. Then I saw a monster that wobbled like a drunk.

This is the fact that Sun Qiaomu, who was retired before leaving the family and going to the Great Wilderness City, did not make the monsters die, but it can make the monsters stun for a short time.


The beast that breathed the gallbladder powder in the front slowed down the speed and wobbled there, but the monsters in the back did not have the slightest reduction in speed, so their bodies fiercely hit the front of the monster body.


In front of Sun Qiaomu, their monsters are too much, blocking the space that the back of the monsters rushed up. However, this only slowed down the speed of the animal tide. The monsters in the back did not stop at all. They still fiercely flicked the monsters still shaking in front, and they swooped toward the piano pair.

In fact, these monsters can't stop and they can't stop. Even if they stop, the monsters behind them will rush into it.

Just in an instant, in front of the eyes of Qin and so on, it became a mess. Countless monsters were hit by the monsters behind them, but the monsters that swayed and swayed the monsters were also forced to slow down the speed of running. The monsters behind them hit them again, and they continued on a wave of waves. The back of the front hit the front, and then the back of the back...

The beast tide suddenly became chaotic, and the speed of their beasts dropped down to the piano. For a moment, in front of the piano pair, there was no monster.

Above the city wall.

Wu Chuanlie flew over the city wall, covering the eight wasteland, Han Liuyun and others immediately handed over to the ceremony:

"Wu Tangzhu!"

Wu Chuanli waved his hand and glanced at the lively and plucked piano pair. He quickly swept his eyes. He wanted to find the person who had just voiced him into the secret, that is, the master of Qinshuang. He didn't dare to search with the power of the soul. Once he caused the anger of the master of the piano, and gave him another one, wasn't it uncomfortable?

At this point, there is already an inference in his mind that his soul attack on Qin double must have been intercepted by her master, and he countered himself by the way.


Who is the Master of Qin Double?

When did she have a Master Wu Sheng?

His gaze fell on the piano double again. He could not find the master of Qin double, and he believed that a Wu Sheng really wanted to hide from him, and he could not find it.

At this time, it was the moment when the animal tide rushed to the string month mercenary group and the dozen mercenaries died instantly. Wu Chuanlie’s mouth sneered out.

"Oh, even if I don't kill the piano, under such a beast, the piano will die. Unless...the master appeared, it just happens to let me see who it is. In this world, there is no me." Knowing Wu Sheng."


Then he saw that four people, including Sun Qiaomu, rushed out, and a piece of medicinal medicine was thrown out, which caused the chaos of the beasts that attacked them, and suddenly reduced the pressure on them.

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