Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 871: Show their ability


"Good! Piano double you are very good, you are very good!" Wu Chuanlie almost bitten his teeth, and his anger continued to rise:

"Since you have these medicines, why don't you stick to them for a while? Why don't you save the Tianjiao team? You killed the Tianjiao team, I remember you, I will not let you go."

When I thought of the first battle in the Great Wilderness, I lost more than a thousand days of arrogance, which made his heart unable to control his anger again.

"Qin double! Even if you have a master of Wu Sheng, I will not let you go. Since you have a master to protect you, I can not kill you at will, then I will kill you with great meaning. At that time, even if you have Master Wu Sheng, can't save you."


Panic for half a quarter of an hour, the animal wave started again, and they rushed toward the piano pair. However, Sun Qiaomu and others once again threw out the courage, and the beasts were once again in chaos.


Four people, such as Sun Qiaomu, flew back to the side of Qin Double: "Our Dan has used up."

"I come!"

The fifth daring drew a sigh, and the figure flew toward the front, screaming that the monsters were still in chaos, and they saw the fifth timid while the beast was still in chaos. After a flag was thrown out, the fifth squad flew back and landed on the side of the piano.

"It should be able to stop the monster for a while, and the rest will look at you."

About half a quarter of an hour later, the chaos of the animal tide once again returned to order, like the tide of the sea, rolling the waves toward the doubles and so on.


They rushed into the fifth set of gallbladder formations. This is a magical array. When the monsters rushed into the formation, they immediately saw countless Terran martial artists killing them from all directions. As a result, they were also fierce and rushed to the past.

In fact, they are killing each other!

Taking advantage of this time, Qin Shuang and others followed the warlords into the gates of the Great Waste City, and they quickly retreated, and there was another open space between them and the Magic Array.

Qin Jiaoyue, Ah Ou and Xuan Ling Ling flew out under the leadership of Qin Jiaoyue, and then under the command of Qin Jiaoyue, threw a jade card out. Soon, a character array was laid, and the three people's figures fell back.

Above the city wall.

Numerous warriors staying in the Great Wilderness City watched the string month mercenary group from start to finish and fought back, then gathered the two wings, and the string month mercenary group suddenly stood at the forefront, resisting waves of beasts.

"Where is this a mercenary group that is swindling and slippery?

Where is this a courageous group that is timid and fearful?

Is this clearly an iron-blood army?

Is this clearly a heroic army? ”

When they saw the killing, they saw Sun Qiaomu, the fifth daring, Qin Jiaoyue and others came out one after another, showing their ability, blocking the beasts outside, and fighting for time to let a large number of mercenaries withdraw. In the Great Desolation City, Wu Chuanlie first thought of running back to the Great Desolation City. I remembered that Wu Chuanlie was scared from the air by the monster and was trampled by countless feet. Wu Chuanlie was saddened: I was not scared? I was A Wusheng sneaked, okay?), then I thought of Wu Chuanlie’s words on the central square, and then looked at Wu Chuanlie, who stood on the top of the city, in a pair of eyes. Full of sarcasm.

The perception of a peak of Valkyrie is very keen. Even if a person looks at him, he will have some perception, let alone tens of thousands of eyes?

Wu Chuanlie frowned slightly, his eyes swept away, and his face became red. How can he not understand the meaning of those people's eyes with his experience?

Wu Chuanlie An Nai lived in the heart of the killing, looking at a pair of cold eyes to the piano double outside the city.

At this time, the beasts in the fifth fascination, the forces that broke out from each other, finally smashed the illusion, and then rushed toward Qinshuang and others.


Then it rushed into the array of Qin Jiaoyue and others.

"I come!"

Gu Qian’s figure flew out, and a painting appeared in his hand, injecting the power of the soul into the spiritual painting, and his eyes looked sharply at the opposite tide of the beast.

Above the city wall.

The voice and the sea stand side by side, looking at the piano and others below. There is an admiration on the face of the voice:

"Sure enough, it is the elite of the Daqin Empire. Only a dozen people in the district can block the tide of animals."

"Father, do we want to help them?

"Look again, this is their fame battle, and it is their glory! If you can, we can watch."


The symbolic arrays set by Qin Jiaoyue and others were once again collapsed by the constant stream of animal beasts. The overwhelming beasts of the beasts rushed toward the piano and others, standing in front of the ancient thousand, clothes and hair were blown backwards. Flying, hunting and screaming.

Gu Qian suddenly slammed the scrolls in his hand, and the scrolls were thrown into the air, slowly unfolding, and the monsters once again fell into the painting.

Guqin’s figure flew back, and there was some frustration in his look: “I can’t support this painting for a long time, look at yours.”

Godsend, Lan Mingyue, Zhao Zirou, Duan Hong, Huo Zhonglian, Huozhong Yu, Qin Xian, Zheng Tong and Qin Lie face each other. In addition to the martial arts, these people really have no other areas of ability. Although the realm of godsend alchemy is high, but he is alone, there is no such thing as the grandchildren of Sun Qiaomu, so no one has told him to deal with the monsters, and the gallbladder has a miraculous effect.

The eyes of these people have become fierce, and they have shaken the spirits in their hands and are ready to play with the monsters. At this time, Yue Qing’s mind was moved and a Guqin Road was taken out:

"I'll try."

Everyone’s eyes are bright. Everyone knows that Yue Qingqing is under the guidance of Qin Double. Now he is already a shadow master. That's it, there is a piano double among them! She is a seven-seven master.

If you let them know that Qin Double is now an eight-story master, their hearts will be more exciting.

Just a quarter of a quarter of an hour, Gu Qian’s psychic paintings became fragments, and the beasts rushed like a dragon to the Qin and so on.

Yue Qingqing's figure floated up, and his knees floated in the air. A guqin was placed on his knees, his hands were on the strings, and the piano sounded toward the monsters.

The steps of the monsters ran slowly, then they stopped and squatted on the ground...

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