Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 892: Gorefiend Soul


At this time, in the central square, 300,000 warriors have gathered to listen to the command of the Qin Qiang, and the piano double is tightly protected in the middle, strangling the monsters that rushed up, the countless demon birds in the sky. Also swooping down.


A blood-colored finger appeared in the air. It was the finger of the killing that swayed the sky and twisted a piece of the demon bird into a broken limb.


The **** killing finger is rapidly dimming, and the warrior is continually dying, and the monster is gradually approaching. The martial arts in the sky, the Emperor Wu and the Wu Wang are being forced to fall by the dozens of eight-order monsters, and even the King of Wu has fallen.

"You can't do this!" The voice of the **** piano was heard in the sea. It just released the blow and repelled the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, consuming most of its power, as if to fall asleep at any time.

"What should I do?" Qin Qinji said: "You can't sleep!"

"Destroy the soul is not suitable for this occasion, I pass you a **** demon control soul, you can control the monster to attack other monsters."

The piano doubles brightly: "Catch it to me."

"it is good!"

The bloodqin should be heard, and then a message was passed to the consciousness of the piano pair. Qin double immediately voiced, Bohai and Yueqing Qingdao:

"You are at the top for a while!"

Then she fell into the comprehension. In her knowledge of the sea, the blood piano personally demonstrated to teach her the Gorefiend to control the soul, a **** guqin string fluctuation, and the fog inside the sea quickly constructed a guqin. With the **** piano moving.

The voices, Bohai and Le Qingqing immediately plucked the strings, they will not destroy the soul, but they will all be a piece of music.

Cang Longxiao!

Under the guidance of the voices of the Bohai and Le Qingqing, Cang Long whistling around the space, like a strip of dragons in the long screams, so that those who fluttered to the piano double body shape can not help but a look of fear.

This Cang Longxiao is to imitate the roar of the dragon, and with a trace of dragon.


It is the aristocrat at the top of the monster, which makes the instinct of the monster instinct a sense of fear and stops.


The whistling silver wolf in the air shouted again, and the monsters hesitated to approach the piano again.


The Xiaoyue Silver Wolf once again made an angry and murderous roar.


Those monsters no longer care about the threat of Cang Longxiao, and they rushed to the piano and collided with hundreds of thousands of warriors.

At this time, the entire Great Waste City has been like a piece of hell, and there are bursts of smashing everywhere. One warrior fell, and one monster was killed by angry warriors.

City House.

The eyes of Bicha are all in the space. She sees a cloud-like demon bird pouring from the sky. Then her figure was covered by endless fascinating birds.


The demon bird flew its wings and flew toward the other people in the city's main house. There was only one scorpion on the ground.

Xu Nianxian looked at the demon bird that was getting closer and closer, with a smile on his face, faintly said:

"Let's go!"

"it is good!"

Zheng Dieer gave a cry, took the hand out of the palace and sacrificed it to the air. The door of the palace opened and a light shone, and Xu Nianxian and Zheng Dieer were shrouded. Then the body shape of Zheng Dieer and Xu Nianxian was instantly reduced, and the palace was taken in. After that, the palace turned into a streamer. The spurt went away and disappeared without a trace.

It is a mountain peak hundreds of miles away from the Great Wilderness City.

Weber stood on the top of the mountain and looked in the direction of the Great Wilderness. His face appeared:

"Gai Ba Nan, Bi Chao, you are going to die. Sister, I have these Lingshi, I will be Guangzong Yaozu, I will be your pride."

Suddenly squatting on the sleeves of his robes, his body volleyed and spurred away.

central square.

Qin double, voice, Erhai and Le Qingqing sit in the middle.

Qin Lie, Duan Hong, Tianci, Lan Mingyue, Zhao Zirou, Huozhong Yu and others stood around them.

Then there is the string month mercenary group surrounded them in the middle. Outside the Jubilee Mercenary Corps are the top ten mercenary groups, guarded one by one, and then the Qinglong Army, Xuanwu Army and the Great Wild Army. The outermost is a medium-sized mercenary group and a small mercenary group.

At this time, those small mercenary groups have already died, and the army of the beast has already rushed to the medium-sized mercenary group.

The time passed quickly, and one of the medium-sized mercenary groups fell down tragically, and the beast was approaching the Great Wild Army.

The entire Great Wasteland is like a huge meat grinder at this time. Countless warriors and monsters keep falling, the earth becomes a blood river, and the ground is not seen.

Throughout the time, all the warriors had already learned through the initial panic that they could not escape, and they lost the protection of the big guards. They could not run the monsters. In this way, it also aroused the fierceness of the warriors. Especially the warriors of the great wilderness, these people are stunned. When they realize that they are hopeless for survival, they are even more violent in their hearts, and they are madly attacking the monsters.

central square.

Qinqin opened his eyes and his eyes swept around. There was sadness in her eyes. She saw that a warrior was falling down. In her field of vision, she could not see the small mercenaries who had been guarding her. Mission, can not see the medium-sized mercenary group, can not see the big army, can not see the Xuanwu army, can not see the Qinglong army, that is the top ten mercenary group, at this time there are only three left, is fighting blood, Even if they fall down one by one, they will not take a step back and firmly guard her Qin double.

Her eyes are wet.

"This is the guardian, they are guarding me, guarding a hope, then... what am I guarding..."

She looked up and looked into the air.


A Wuwang was smashed by a monster and his body fell to the ground.

The tears of Qin double flowed down, and a voice was heard in my heart.

"So... alive, let me guard it!"


Teardrops drip over the strings above the knees, giving a crisp sound. Her gaze looked into the air and a Wu Sheng, two and a half sacred screaming silver wolf.


The figure of Wu Sheng can retreat in the air, with a claw mark on the front chest and deep visible bone.


The shape of the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf flickered in the air, and a claw flew out a half-sacred fan.


The Xiaoyue Silver Wolf made a roar.


The high-ranking monsters in the air roared in unison and swooped down to the bottom.

The Wu Sheng bite his teeth and once again greeted the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, and Wu Chuanlie’s martial arts, the warriors of Wudi and Wu Wang were already in jeopardy...

The piano doubled his mind and took out a soul-raising wood across his abdomen. Then his hands fell lightly toward the strings. The soul of the fourth layer of Wusheng was madly transmitted and integrated into the blood-soul control soul. In the song.

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