Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 893: Beast chaos



The sound waves swayed, and there were eight virtual images behind her. They all sat on the ground and had a piano on their knees.


The monster that was striking a long snake lock on the ground suddenly screamed, and then saw the monsters in the front row suddenly turned their directions, and the monsters behind them attacked the past. Moreover, this battle is getting bigger and bigger. With the spread of the double piano sounds, more and more monsters are controlled by the Gorefiend to control the soul, and they are thrown toward other monsters.

On the ground, Qin Lie and other warriors stared blankly at the monsters, and then slowly, stiffly, turned their heads like a sly, looking at the piano pair playing the piano.

Qin double raised his head and looked at the high-level monsters in the air. Her eyes gradually became bloody, and her body was violent and bloody.


At first, the monsters screamed and flew toward the air, flew toward the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf and those eighth-order monsters, and launched a fierce attack on them.


Xiaoyue Silver Wolf was angry, and opened his mouth and snarled. As it roared, it spurted a moonlight from its mouth and slammed toward the piano on the ground.

This brilliance, whether it is speed, momentum, or the dangerous atmosphere emitted, exceeds the breath of the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf any time.

Guanghua passed through the layered monsters that were attacking it. The monsters were instantly smashed into powder, and they rushed toward the piano.


A sword, the Wu Sheng, a sword in his hand, squatting before Guanghua.


The figure of Wu Sheng in the air was bombarded and retreated, and the Guanghua continued to spur the piano.


Two and a half holy swords again, intercepted before the Guanghua. The moon, which had already consumed most of the power of the martial arts, was finally blocked by two and a half.


At this time, Qin Double has determined that the Gorefiend Soul can control the soul, and spread the power of the soul of the fourth layer of Wu Sheng. With the power of her present soul, it is impossible to cover the entire mainland of the warrior, but there is no problem in trying to cover the entire deserted city. The power of the soul is injected into the Gorefiend to control the soul, and the sound of the piano is swaying in the whole deserted city.


At this time, there are beasts and monsters of all levels in the Great Wasteland. In the old wilderness city, there is order in chaos, that is, it is divided into two camps, one is a monster, the other is a human race, and the two sides are in a tragic tear. With.


Just after the **** demon soul of the piano pair spread, the whole deserted city was really chaotic...

Fang Qiang was only a fourth-level warrior in the Dandan period. At this time, he was besieged by five third-order monsters. He was slammed into the paws of a beast and spurted out a blood. He fell to the ground, let him lose the ability to fight, looked up and looked at his five beasts, his eyes filled with despair.


A monster that was suddenly running was biting on the neck of a beast running beside it. At the same time, the remaining monsters also bite each other! Fang Qiang looked at everything in front of him, and his eyes were unbelievable.

This situation is happening everywhere in the Great Wilderness City. All the monsters are attacking each other, and the Terran Warriors are turned into stagnation bystanders.


The dense and dark clouds of the demon birds covered the wolf and the eight-order monsters in the air, but they instantly drowned them. At the same time, there are also many monsters vacated, and they are attacking the screaming silver wolf and those eighth-order monsters.

Xiaoyue silver wolf is roaring, but its roar is mixed with fear. It really does not understand, how can these beasts obeying it become like this?

How can you dare to attack it?

At this time, the piano double heart is a sigh.

The realm of her soul power is enough, but her voice is only an eight-story master. The realm of sound power is not enough. Therefore, her Gorefiend-controlled soul song can't control the eighth-order monsters, let alone the screaming silver wolf of the 9th-order monster. Therefore, she can only control the seventh-order monsters to attack the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf and those eighth-order monsters.


Covering the sound of the entire desert city, the consumption is too big. The roots of the soul in her arms are constantly turning into powder.

At this time, the Wushen and all the warriors in the Great Wild City gathered together in twos and threes, and then looked at everything that happened in front of them. The warrior stood by the side of the piano at this time. His eyes were collected from the air and landed on the body of the piano. There was a trace of fear in his eyes.

"If this is in the territory of the monster, I am afraid that no one is the opponent of the double. If the piano controls the monster to attack him, he feels that even if he is a martial arts, unless he can kill it, he will only flee. It is."

Wu Chuanli looked at Qin double, and the fear in his eyes was even worse.

"This kind of sound should be taught to her by Liu Meiruo. It is really amazing! What kind of adventure did Liu Meiruo get? Not only can he break through Wusheng, but also get such a sound?"

His eyes were sharp, and his heart said: "Be sure to grab the piano and get the secrets she knows."

The voice, Bohai and Le Qingqing looked at the eight ghosts behind the piano, and they were shaking all the time.

"eight... eight shadow masters..."

Gradually, almost all the warriors looked at the piano and their eyes contained gratitude and awe.

They know that the reason why they are still alive is not because of Wu Chuanlie of Wu Zongdian, nor because of Wu Zun of Wu Zongdian, but because of the Qinshuang who was sitting under the gold medal of the Central Square at that time. Qin double, her invincible piano sound saved them.


The Xiaoyue Silver Wolf roared angrily. With its roaring, Wan Dao Yuehua was transmitted through the layers of the demon birds and monsters covering it. The debris in the sky was broken and fell to the ground, revealing The raging wolf month silver wolf. The anger looked at the piano pair.


Just barely revealing a figure, it is covered by more demon birds and monsters...


Xiaoyue Silver Wolf made a resentful roar, and the monsters and demon birds that surrounded it were smashed out. The shape of the Silver Moon Wolf was like lightning, and it was rushing toward the Great Wilderness. It was accompanied along the way. That unwilling roar.


The monsters and demon birds in the Great Wasteland are chasing the whistling silver wolf. The hands of the piano are still moving over the strings. She is controlling the monsters to chase after the wolf.

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