Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 895: reward


"I am not sure yet, I will go and see for myself."

When the words fell, the shape of Si Xing skyrocketed and disappeared without a trace. Qin double knows that he left the great wilderness and went to track the animal tide. Then he flew toward the central square.

Just falling from the sky, I saw Yuan Fei, Yuan Ye, Tianci, Duan Hong and so on, like a madman, flocked to her, then lifted her up and threw it out into the air. Qinqin hurriedly stood up in the air, standing in the air, facing the road:

"What are you doing?"

"Double children, look!" Lan Mingyue put up a pose of Sao Bao, pointing to two huge stone tablets.

The eyes of Qin double could not help but look to the gold list, and the eyes were a joy. The first place in the gold list, it is the string month mercenary group.

Qin double was followed by a glimpse, because she saw the points behind, it is too horrible, and it has exceeded 500 million. Turning to the personal list, the first place turned out to be her Qin double, and the points are close to 500 million.

Qin double just thought about it for a moment, it should be that the integral bracelet will count the monsters she killed with the sound power, even if the monsters controlled by the sound power kill each other, they also count the points. .

Get rich!

Qinqin did not jump out of the air by excitement, pulling blue moon and other people laughing.

At this time, the warriors who followed the string month mercenary group were also excited and laughing, which is definitely a huge wealth for them, so that they do not have to worry about cultivation resources for several years or even ten years. .

Qin’s eyes swept over and found that except for the gods, only five large mercenary regiments gathered around them, the remaining four large mercenary regiments, and small and medium-sized mercenary groups. The head of the team is not there.

The smile on the face of the piano gradually disappeared, and the laughter around him gradually quieted down. Qin binoculars fell on the heads of the six mercenary regiments, condensing:

"Everyone, trouble you to count the list of casualties, and find the bracelet for everyone..."

"No need!" A figure fell from the sky, but it was the ruin of the Great Desolation City. His eyes swept over the bodies of the land. His face showed a faint color, and then he sang:

"Each integral bracelet has a spiritual imprint on it, and the city government will collect it back and forth. And the score bracelet also has information about each warrior. I will inform the families of the death warriors to receive those points. I promise, The city government will not sneak a score. If it is a warrior who has no family members, those points will eventually be assigned to his mercenary group. You look at the points."

The piano nodded in a double nod, and briefly talked with Gai Baran, telling him that Si Xing had already gone to explore the animal tide, and he and everyone returned to the Jubilee Mercenary Regiment.

After seven days.

Si Xing still didn't come back, but he could never see a monster outside the Great Wilderness. Moreover, the bodies of the monsters inside and outside the Great Wild City were also cleaned up, the ground was cleaned, and the collapsed houses were being rebuilt. However, the smell of blood is still floating in the air.

The whole deserted city is a singularity, and there are crying voices everywhere.

The people who died in the Great Wilderness... too much!

The reward for the string month mercenary group was sent, and the statistical report was sent.

The first place in the gold list will receive 100,000 top grade Wen Ling Dan, 10,000 pieces of Wen Wen Dan, one thousand pieces of Qing Dan and ten pieces of Wendi Dan. Ten thousand pieces of the top grade spirit and ten pieces of the top grade spirit.

Qin double thought a little, and took 20% of these prizes and gave them to the remaining six large mercenary groups.

This beast wave, four of the top ten mercenary groups under the Qin doubles are almost completely destroyed, and those small and medium-sized mercenary groups are even more casual. When I returned to the Great Wilderness City, there were more than one million warriors. After the monsters entered the Great Wilderness City, there were less than 400,000 warriors concentrated around the Qinshuang. The small and medium-sized mercenary regiments were all killed, that is, the large mercenary regiments were killed in four, showing the extent of the tragic, which is why Qinqin took out 20% to the remaining six large mercenary groups.

There are still more than 80,000 mercenary groups under the leadership of the Qin doubles who have not had time to gather around the Qin double, but the casualties are extremely heavy, leaving only 300,000 people.

However, Qin double did not reward them again, and they are prepared to compensate them with points.

Qin double left the remaining 80,000 top grade Wen Lingdan, and a thousand of the lower grade Qingdan were left to the Jiyue Mercenary Corps, and ten of the top grade spirits and three thousand pieces of the top grade spirits were also left. The string month mercenary group, the remaining 5,000 pieces of mysterious spirits, she is ready to give the piano to the cloud. The remaining eight thousand Zhong Wen, Wang Dan, was divided equally among the blue moon, Duan Hong and so on. As for the moment, Wendi Dan, she left it unceremoniously.

As the number one in the personal list, she also received a reward for Wen Wang Dan and a Hua Qing Dan, but this is completely unattractive for Qin Double. What is attractive is that she can choose three treasures from the Treasure House in the city.

There are a total of 576,916,460,650 points.

These points are the total points that all the points earned by the total, and the points earned by the still-lived warriors naturally belong to themselves. These points occupy 182,646,278,218 points. Among the total points, there are 224,816,216 points for one person who belongs to Qinshuang. The remaining points are the points earned by the dead warriors, and these points are Among the eighty-seven hundred and six hundred and six hundred and sixty-seven hundred and eighty-two points were obtained by the families of those who died. The remaining points are earned by those who have no family members. These points are now distributed by the piano.

Qin double took out 20% of these points and distributed it to six large mercenary groups. The remaining eight components were given to the small and medium-sized mercenary groups that were still alive.

the next day.

Qin double came to the city's main government, and in the hall of the city's main government, he met Tian Feng, head of the Tianfeng Mercenary Corps, and Shen Shiyi, head of the Siege Mercenary. It turned out that Tian Feng won the second place in the personal list, and Shen Shiyi won the third place in the personal list. Today, the two of them also came to the city's main house, Treasure House to take their own rewards.

At this time, all three people have also recovered from fatigue, everyone is refreshed, and the temperament is also concise. After experiencing this fierce beast, not only is the foundation of Qinshuang more profound, but Tian Feng and Shen Shiyi also condensed a lot.

When I saw the piano in white, I walked in gracefully. Tian Feng and Shen Shiyi stood up and prayed to Qinqin:

"Piano Master!"

"Head leader, Shen head!"

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!

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