Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 896: Regain water


Tian Feng smiled and said: "Zhen Zongshi, we can also fight side by side, don't give birth, and can see the old sister, just call Tianjie."

On the side of Shen Shiyi also laughed: "Yes, Qin Master, can see Shen, just call me my brother."

"Then you can't call me a piano master!" Qin double smiled.

"Ha ha ha..." The three people all laughed aloud, and when the laughter was finished, the piano doubled his hand and said: "Little sister has seen Tianjie, Shen brother."

"Two children!"

"Ha ha ha..." There was a big laugh outside the door. The eight-year-old went out from the gate and went hand in hand. "The common things are entangled, come late, and the three are forgiven."

The three men hurriedly said: "The Great Wilderness City has just experienced the animal tide, but it is difficult for the city owner."


It’s also a sigh, and this beast has not only made the strength of the Great Desolation City go to 60%, but also destroyed many buildings. These days have made him busy. Waved out dozens of books from the storage ring and pushed them on the table:

"These are the catalogues of various resources that the city government is open to you. You can look at it and write it to me. I will send it to you."

The three men nodded, each picked up a book and began to look at it. The three people all looked at it with the power of the soul. They watched it very quickly. While watching, they wrote the things and the quantity they needed on the pen. Calculate your own points. There is a quantity of points that need to be scored after each resource.

Qin double selected a thousand Wendi Dan, 100,000 Wen Wang Dan, 500,000 Wen Ling Dan. Wendy Dan and Wen Wangdan are all kept for themselves. As for the 500,000 Wenling Dan, it is not for the string month mercenary group. The string month mercenary group already has a lot of Wen Lingdan, and they also Each has its own points, you can go to the main hall of the city to redeem yourself. The 500,000 Wen Lingdan is the piano she is going to give to her brother. Let the piano shake the clouds to cultivate your own hands.

Then Qinqin picked up some hard-to-buy materials about the spirit, the array, the refiner and the alchemy. In particular, I exchanged some materials for refining Sanxing Qinglongdan. In the end, she exchanged all the remaining points for the 5th to 6th-order monsters. She did not exchange for a certain part of the monster, but the entire whole monster, and then they all received the storage ring. in.

In fact, she did not change much. In fact, the price of the monster was too high. Seeing that the piano is both painful.

After busy, I took three people to the Treasure House in the city's main government. Openly on the catalogue, things that can be exchanged for points do not include the contents of the Treasure Pavilion, which is very precious.

It is said that it is a treasure chest. When the three people of Qinqin follow the cover of the eight wilderness and enter the treasure chest, they know that the treasure chest is underground. After a layer of guards, Gai Bai and three people entered the Treasure Pavilion.

This treasure chest is not big, it is more than five hundred squares, with rows of shelves. Covered with eight ridiculous smiles:

"You look around!"

The faces of the three people all showed joy, separated, and walked toward the rows of shelves. The strings are arranged in rows and rows. Some things are placed directly on the shelf, while others are placed in a box or a box. Qinqin actually saw a lower-grade spirit on a shelf. You know that no one can make a heavenly spirit on the mainland of today's warriors. However, Qin double did not choose this heavenly spirit. After all, she has a dragon sword, and there is no need to take a heavenly spirit.

Looking at the past in a row, Qin double really has a few heartbeats, but she did not immediately decide that she would read all the treasures before making a decision. Tian Feng and Shen Shiyi also have the same mind. Anyway, this treasure chest is not big, and it takes little time.


After a half hour, Qin's eyes suddenly fell on the three gray balls, only the size of the fist, and discharged on the shelf.

Qin double minded a move, the consciousness into the sea of ​​knowledge, looking at the water mine bead floating next to the merits, it is exactly the same, gray.

The heart of the piano double jumped up, and the three water mines were placed on the shelf, looking like three very ordinary stones. Qin double calmed his mood, then turned to the cover of the eight roads:

"City Lord!"


Gai eight was standing up and came to the side of Qin Shuang, Tian Feng and Shen Shiyi also curiously came over, covering the eight wild and smiling:

"What did the piano master look at?"

Qin double pointed at the three water mines: "The city owner, what are these three?"

Gai Ba Rui frowned and thought for a while: "I remembered, this was when I explored a monument a hundred years ago. I don't know what it is. I have experimented many times and I have not seen it. Valuable where, but there is a place that is different, it is very heavy. So I think it must be a treasure, but I did not understand where it is precious, so I received it here, then I forgot ,Ha ha……"

Qin double pretending not to understand the water thunder, the face was amazed, and then reached out and grabbed a water mine, while Tian Feng and Shen Shiyi also curiously grabbed a water mine.

Tian Feng and Shen Shiyi’s face immediately showed a shocking color.

Too heavy...

Qin double could not help but smile: "Even if it has no other effect, just holding it to the monk, it will also kill people. The city owner, I am very interested in this, I don't know that these three stone **** are a treasure. Still count as three treasures?"

"This..." The face of the eight-waste face is stunned: "Count three!"

"The city owner is enough to slam the door." Qin doubled a white eye.

"Ha ha……"

He did not know that the three gray **** were water thunder beads, and he could not see why the piano doubles chose these three things that he even saw. I don't believe that Qin's eyes can surpass him, and I can see the strangeness of these three things, but there is an inexplicable feeling in my heart. Qin double does not seem to be like her mouth, just curious, want to take Go back to the monks.

"Piano Master, you can also choose it, pick something else!"

Qin double shook his head and said: "The other things don't look good. This thing makes me very curious. I chose these three balls."

When the words fell, the water bead in the hand was taken into the storage ring, and then the eyes were looked at Tian Feng and Shen Shiyi. Tian Feng and Shen Shiyi handed the water-red beads in their hands to the Qinshuang, and the Qinshuang took the two water-red beads.

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