Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 960: Binding


"No!" Qinglao shook his head and said: "But it is not a pure martial arts practice on our side. You know, we only repair Dantian here, we don't know the sea. The other side of the sea is opposite to them. They only know the sea, not the Dantian. However, on the other side of the mainland, they both repaired Dan Tian and cultivated the sea.

Later, I gave up the practice here and turned to practice the practice that Qing Shu gave me, but found that the speed of promotion was extremely slow, but the combat power was super strong. ”

"You are old and young... What is the practice of the mainland?" Qin Zheng asked in surprise.

"Not bad!" Qingla nodded: "Now I have already thoroughly understood the method, and there is nothing to hide. After my repeated speculation, I think that the cultivation environment on our continent is too bad to support cultivation. The practice of my life. The cultivation of my life is the beginning of the present Wushen. It will be very difficult to upgrade in the future. In the past few years, I have consulted a large amount of information. From the data, I showed that people on the mainland of our military. It is not the cultivation practice of today, there are no such three golden dragons, six golden dragons and so on, but gradually evolved.

Presumably, our ancestors also knew that our mainland's cultivation environment was poor, and we had to re-create new cultivation practices that adapt to the environment. In this way, although our cultivation is able to ascend, and there are people who are broken, but the strength is much worse. ”

Qin Zheng and others were silent, half-sounding, and Qin Zheng suddenly raised his eyebrows: "That... isn't it even if we got the "Xuanwu Collection", we can't cultivate?"

"Not!" Qinglao shook his head and said: "For example, if I can practice without the reliance of the military and the spiritual environment, I should be able to cultivate to the realm of broken voids. We have got the complete "Xuanwu Collection", and we have to use the resources of a country to cultivate, and we may not be able to cultivate to the extreme."

Qin Zheng’s eyes brightened, and then he went down and said: “Don’t talk about these. Until now, the “Xuanwu Collection” simply did not have anyone to comprehend. The most comprehensible people are only comprehending the fourth layer. I don't know how many layers there are."

For a time, four people were silent.

As soon as the sun shone through the window, the piano opened its eyes and closed the Lingshi on the ground. She sighed softly, and she still did not break through to the peak of the ninth layer of the Chengdan period.

"I don't know when I can break through to the realm of Wuwang."

Suddenly she remembered the jade in the fire, and then thought that the jade in the fire only condensed nine golden dragons, and sighed again, whispering:

"Maybe it is because he has not cultivated ten golden dragons that he will let him break through to the realm of Wu Wang."

After washing a lot, the group got a Wen Wang Dan, and then pushed the door out. Then I saw Sha Guangde standing outside, seeing the doubles, and paying respectfully and courteously:

"Teacher is early!"


The piano doubled out and walked out. Sha Guangde followed the few times and stopped talking. Finally, he did not hold back:

"Teacher, what was the reason for the breakthrough you said yesterday?"

"How? Haven't thought about it yet?"

"Yeah!" Sha Guangde nodded, his face showing shyness.

"Think about it again!" Qin said faintly.

At this time, in the square, Tianci and Qin Lie and others gathered together, and Yue Qingqing asked Tianci:

"Pang Shixiong, here you are the highest, can you think of the problems raised by the two children yesterday?"

Godsend shook his head and said: "I don't understand."

The people looked at Duan Hong again, and Duan Hong shook his head in frustration. Then Qin Lie and Lan Mingyue and others shook their heads. Lan Mingyue caught the head of the road:

"Isn't it a fun kid to play with?"

Everyone looked at him with contempt, and Blue Moon was embarrassed to grab his head again.

Above the high platform.

Qin Zheng whispered: "The old man, yesterday, the singer ran to the squatting, saying that Qin double raised a problem, he did not understand, and then told the problem, but thought about it for one night, did not think understand."

"What problem?" The old man's face showed a color of interest.

“Why can people break through?”

Qingla frowned and said: "Because of cultivation!"

“Why can cultivation break through?” Qin Zheng asked again.

"Why..." Qingla and Ouyang Jihai's couple couldn't help but look at each other and then fell into meditation.

"The piano is coming!"

Qin Zheng suddenly whispered, and then spread the power of the soul, the young and the Ouyang Jihai couple also spread the power of the soul, they would like to know the answer to the question of Qin double.

"Double children!" Seeing the piano double, Tianci and others greeted each other, and then Lan Mingyue took the lead to ask:

"Double children, what is the answer to your question yesterday?"

"What is your answer?" Qin asked with a smile.

"I didn't think of it!" Lan Mingyue shook his head.

Qin double looked at others and saw other people shook their heads. After thinking a little, I realized that this is not a problem of understanding, but a problem of experience. Only the two worlds are human beings, and the past life has reached the peak of the late Wushen, and traveled the world, only to see through this heaven. I am afraid that even Qin Zheng, who is now the peak of the late Emperor Wu, may not be able to see through this heaven.

Seeing the look that everyone longs for, and she also feels that the power of four souls is covering her. Sha Guangde can ignore her, but Tianci, Qin Lie and Lan Mingyue are all people who have fought side by side. Qin double can't be like Sha Guangde, so she whispers:

"Bound! There is no **** everywhere in the heavens and the earth. For example, we can't go back to the past, we can't go to the future. This is the **** of time. We can only live under this world, unless we break the void, this is space. In fact, for us, language is the biggest constraint. Because once you say it, you can’t get it back, so I said yesterday that the road is inexplicable. Because every word you say comes with With the bondage, I have lost the rhythm of the avenue, and I want to understand the true meaning of the avenue. Only I can understand it."


A bell roused everyone and the challenge began. Qin Lie said in a hurry:

"Dual children, you haven't said anything about the breakthrough. After the challenge, don't forget to tell us."

When the words fall, they flew up and fell to the top of the ring. Others have also risen up, and there are only Le Qingqing, Xuanyuan Ling, Ou and Guqian around the Qinshuang. Of course, Sha Guangde is standing behind the Qinshuang like a follower.

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