Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 961: challenge

Chapter 961 Challenge


At this time, there were only 92 seats in the square. There is a lord standing on each platform. There will be no time limit for this round until no one challenges.

"Double children, do you really decide to challenge?" Le Qingqing asked.

"Well, but not in a hurry!" Qin said softly.


Someone has begun to challenge the stage. The eyes of the piano are not separated from the collapse of Lan Mingyue and others. After watching the challenges several times, he is relieved. Among these people, the lowest person also condensed eight golden dragons, one layer of Wuwang. This is very close to the repair of the fifth layer of Wuwang, and the worst of the spirits in these hands is also the peak of the land level, which will raise their power to the ninth floor of Wuwang, like Duan Hong is directly It was upgraded to the peak of the ninth layer of Wuwang.

not to mention……

Qin Lie, Duan Hong, Lan Mingyue and Zhao Zirou were still in the hands of the four-level spirits. The special Qin Lie’s robbing in the ruins of dense cracks has reached the top grade.

This is not complete, after all, among the challengers are people who hold the peak of the earth level. Their cultivation is higher than Qin Lie, so in the cultivation, Qin Lie does not predominate.

But these people are all from the big family. They can all be celestial martial arts. With this, they will push those challengers down and keep their success.

Qin double looked away from Qin Lie and she could not challenge them. First of all, I looked at Wu Jinsong, but Qin Shuang’s eyes flashed a disappointment, and no one dared to challenge Wu Jinsong. Then he looked at the core disciples of the other two Imperial Military Academy. These two men also condensed nine golden dragons, and the sixth layer of Wu Wang was repaired, namely Li Linyi and Situ Lu. However, these two people are also standing proudly on the ring, and no one is going to challenge.

Qin double's eyebrows suddenly jumped. She saw a young man, but it was one of the two young people who saw the young in the Jianyi Canyon. The eyes swept over the ring and found another young man. Now she already knows that these two people are Qin Lie’s mouthful of Nan Guoxiushan’s Fan Xiushan and the North Yuntianhe Haobo’s Tang Tianhe.

At this time someone was challenging them both, but they were defeated by the two men within ten strokes.


This is the thought that Qin double came out at this time. She suddenly screamed at the black young man who had seen the area of ​​the fifth heavy sword in the Jianyi Canyon. She swept it toward the other platforms and saw the black dress. The young man defeated his opponent fiercely and only made a double sword.

"I don't know if Fan Xiushan and Tang Tianhe have learned a few swords?"

Qin double decisively abandoned Wu Jinsong, Situ Lu and Li Linwei three core disciples, as well as Fan Xiushan, Tang Tianhe and the black youth, these people are very strong, Qin double does not want to challenge them. His eyes looked at other platforms. The gaze is a condensate, she saw that the moon is being taken care of, and at this time facing a challenged warrior, occupying an advantage.

Thinking a little, Qin did not want to challenge her. The moon has never been provocative, and I don’t want to target her, as if I am narrow-minded. I looked at other people.


She did not find Sun Jixian. It stands to reason that with Sun Jixian condensing eight Jindan, the sixth layer of Wuwang’s cultivation should definitely be among the ninety-two places. Is it one of the three core disciples like himself?


Deliberately defeat, kill yourself when you challenge yourself?

"If I don't challenge, don't know if Sun Jixian will be disappointed to go crazy? Hehe..." Qin double could not help but laugh.

"Golden Yue?"

Qin Double knows that Jin Yue was defeated by Lan Mingyue, but with the repair of Jin Yue, he was able to challenge success and enter the 92nd. However, Qin double looked around and did not see Jin Yue.

"It is estimated that, like me, I am picking up a little bit of strength."

Qin double looked at it for a long time and did not play. There are not many people who challenge. In fact, as long as you stand on the stage and look at the challenges, you will know if you have the strength to challenge. In half a day, only three people challenged success, and the remaining challengers were defeated by the defenders.

At this time, no one has challenged the ring. It’s just that the Qin double is strange. It’s the case that Sun Jixian didn’t go up to challenge, because he wants to kill himself and revenge, and he wants to wait for himself to challenge the success. Because she has seen Sun Jixian look at himself from time to time with a full of killing eyes. And there is still anxiety and worry in that gaze, that is, he is worried about the piano double challenge. Qin double can be sure, if he waits for a while, Sun Jixian will think that he is not on the challenge, maybe Sun Jixian will give up and go up to challenge. However, Qin double does not want to give him this opportunity, since he wants to kill himself, he does not need to keep him.

But she didn't want to understand a bit. Sun Jixian had to avenge her revenge. Why did Jin Yue not go up to challenge, and from time to time she looked at herself, and her eyes were killing and greedy. Not only him, he found that many people looked at him from time to time, and that eyes also had killing and greed.

Qin double frowned a little, whispered: "Clear, you tell others I will challenge today?"

“Well!” Yue Qingqing nodded. “When they came down from the ring, they asked where you went, and I told them that you went back to practice and prepare for today’s challenge.”

The piano double wrinkled his brows. So, the words of Yue Qingqing must have been heard by others and spread out. These people are waiting for themselves.

"In this case, you and I will be these heroes."


The piano double robes the sleeves, the body shape rises to the sky, the clothes are flying, and the light falls on a platform. Her opposite is a handsome man. In the ring, the piano has been observed, and the actual combat power of this person is among the lowest of the ninety-two. He is a warrior who is outside with Qin Qin. They should cultivate a golden dan, and the power that erupted is equivalent to the ninth floor of Wu Wang. It’s just that the spirit in his hand shows his desolateness, just a metaphysical instrument.

"Qin double, ten Jin Dan, the late ninth layer of Cheng Dan period." Qin double holding fists.

"Jiang Ao, a Jin Dan, Wu Wang ninth floor."

There was a bitter bitterness on the other's face. It was a helpless bitterness, a kind of bitterness that condensed a golden dragon to face ten golden dragons.




Qinshuang’s right foot is on the ring, and the platform is like the Hongzhong Dalu. The shape of the double is like a sharp arrow.

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