Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 962: I want to kill the piano double

The ninth and sixty-two chapters all want to kill the piano


Although Jiang Ao knows that the Qin double is only the late ninth stage of the Cheng Dan period, but he does not dare to despise the double and half of the piano, and the ten golden dragons put pressure on him. Therefore, he did not have the intention to fight with Qin’s bare hands. When he slammed, he pulled out the sword and pricked it toward the sword of the double slanting slanting sword. Front chest.


As if a sound of thunder and lightning sounded, the piano stepped on the thunderous step under the feet, and quickly and quickly opened a sword of Jiang Ao, the figure had already bullied the other side, and a fist hit the other side.

Jiang Ao also has an arrogant spirit. When he sees that the piano is still unwilling to pull the sword, he will make a fist to the piano with his left hand and attack the past. At the same time, the right hand will lead the sword and will fight back.


Two people fisted into one place, bursting out a circle of visible fluctuations in the middle, spreading rapidly around the circumference. The figure of the two people has not moved yet, but the clothes and hairs of the body are flying toward their respective bodies, hunting and screaming. Jiang Ao relies on the ninth layer of Wu Wang’s cultivation, and the Qin double is based on Wu Wangdi. The nine-layer body power.

This is evenly matched.

"So strong!"

Jiang Ao’s heart is a glimpse. He thinks that the piano pair that condenses ten golden dans will be strong, but he did not expect that the piano will be so strong.


Jiang Ao gave a sigh of relief, and the right-handed sword thought about showing a static wave without waves, and slamming his waist toward the piano.


In his eyes, the figure of the double piano is like a fireworks, which is divided into nine figures, and it is like a sword. The nine swords are spurred from nine different directions.

In a hurry, Jiang Ao simply couldn’t resist the swords from nine directions.


In the end, there were four swordsmen who hit Jiang Ao's body, but Qin Double did not have a sword in his hand at this time, so there was no increase. The power of the sword was only repaired by Wu Wang, and it was not harmful to Jiang Ao. It just took Jiang’s body back a step.

However, this is enough.

The master has a trick, but a flaw is enough to defeat. Jiang proudly watched a slightly black fist in his eyes and quickly zoomed in, then bombarded him on his chest. Then his figure couldn’t help but retreat. Finally, a fist in the air pulled out a blurry afterimage, quickly and continuously bombarded him in the front chest, so that he could not help but retreat, there was no counterattack. chance.


When Jiang Ao felt that his feet were empty, he knew that he had fallen into the ring, and there was a trace of sorrow in his eyes. He fell on the ground and took a few steps to stabilize his figure and glance at it. The doubles on the top of the ring suddenly left.


Jiang Ao just fell into the ring, and he flew a figure from the crowd and landed on the ring. Qinqin raised his hand first to take a warm Wang Dan, feeling the recovery of spiritual power, and the tranquility of the Yin God in the soul, which looked up to the opposite side. It was a man with a small body and a somewhat obscure appearance. At that time, the man’s gaze looking at Qin’s eyes was full of killing and greed, and he passed into the secret channel to the piano:

"Piano double, give me your storage ring, I will not let you die."

Qin’s eyes are a glimpse. She understands why there are so many people under the ring who look at themselves with greed and killing eyes. She has forgotten the 100,000 Lingshi things. These people should all be Running over the 100,000 Lingshi. Even the students of the Imperial Military Academy who did not know the matter should know this at this time. No wonder Jin Yue did not challenge before. It was all staring at her Qin double and watching the 100,000 Lingshi.

As long as you kill the piano double, not only won a quota, but also get 100,000 Lingshi!

"Since I want to die! Then, you will die first."

Qin Double is very clear in his heart. Today, he is a piece of fat. Everyone wants to take a bite. If she just beats the other person, it will make more people want to bite her. She can only kill, clean and clean, kill those people fear, let them know, as long as they dare to go to this downfall, waiting for them is not a hundred thousand Lingshi, but death. It will stop those people from acting crazy. Otherwise, it will be continuously challenged, even if the piano is iron, it will be exhausted.

"Piano double, don't give up your life. Otherwise your people will die, and Lingshi can't keep it." The thin and wretched person passed into the secret passage.

The piano is still not spoken, but the slightest killing in the eyes of the tiny eyes. Seeing the killing of the piano double, the thin and wretched man knows that Qin double has also given birth to him.


The skinny body is quite a bit, and the boundless murderousness is radiated from his body, and it is cold to the piano:

"King Kong, a golden dan, the ninth layer of Wu Wang."

Qin double did not introduce herself, it is no longer necessary, she has introduced it once, everyone knows that she is ten Jin Dan, the late ninth layer of Cheng Dan. Therefore, she is just a fist:



At this time, almost everyone under the ring was looking at the Qin double, and there were no more challenging people under the other ninety-one downfalls. The people who wanted to challenge were gathered under the bridge. The eyes are looking at King Kong, and the eyes are full of naked jealousy and resentment. They hated that they were slower. They didn't rush to fly to the ring before King Kong, and they were cheaper.

However, their gaze instantly turned into a boundless killing...

After a while, King Kong killed the piano pair, and then jumped up and killed King Kong. The quota and Lingshi are still their own.


King Kong came to kill the piano, it was to grab the Lingshi, so he did not have the slightest politeness. In the first time, he pulled out the long sword, and his feet slammed on the ring, and a bang of the big bell was heard. The figure is like a sharp arrow and shoots at the double.

In the air, the right arm of the sword is pulled toward the back, and then suddenly spurs forward.


The sword trembled, and a hundred swords came out, and the air rubbed sharply, pulling out a white line, like a hundred meteors falling toward the piano.


The power of the soul of the piano double spreads out, and the flaws of the hundred swords are clearly displayed in the world covered by the power of her soul. The opposite Kong Kong’s gaze was a bit strange. He didn’t understand why the piano double was still unarmed and did not pull out the spirit.

"How does she not move?" People in the downfall talked about it.

"Is it scary?"


It was at this time that the piano was moving. She saw her fists swiftly swung up, pulling out the blurry and dense afterimages in the air, and there were no fists on the fists, which was completely the power of the body. The hundred swords were half a meter away from the body of the piano, and they were knocked on the weak spot by the fists of the piano pair. The pieces of the sword smashed toward the surroundings, sending out a burst of soothing noise.

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