Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 976: Big corn



Wu Chuanlie screamed, and the four hundred Wu Zongdian martial artists stood up neatly and came to the feet of the illusory Longwu Mountain. They walked to Wu Chuanlie and a group of elders of Wu Zongdian, and put their storage rings or storage bags. Open, let Wu Chuanlie and those elders check. Wu Chuanlie and the elders took notes of each of the military's storage rings or storage bags belonging to each of the warriors. When they come out of the space of Taikoo, except for the things that belong to them, everything that comes out of the space of Taikoo must be handed over to Wu Zongdian.

After the people who waited for Wu Zongdian entered, the people of Wu Zongdian evacuated and let the mountain pass out. Qin Zheng took a group of officials from the empire and stood on the left side of the mountain pass. The cold group took a group of people to stand on the right side, and then the warriors of the Daqin Empire passed by the left side, opening their storage bags or storage rings, let Qin Zhenghe The group of officials checked. The warrior of the Frost Empire walked from the right side, letting the cold and the officials of the Frost Empire check the records. If someone does not have a storage ring or a storage bag, the Daqin Empire and the Frost Empire will distribute one on the spot.

At the time of the Qin double, there are only Lingshi and two bottles of Wen Wang Dan in the storage ring, and the rest of the things are put into the blood piano space by her. The power of Qin Zheng’s soul swept over the storage ring of Qin’s double, and slightly frowned. He found that there were no hundred thousand stones in the double storage ring of the piano, and even if the days before Qin double were practiced with Lingshi every day, It won't consume so much, maybe it's the trustee who sent it back to the Crescent Moon Empire.

Record the contents of the double storage ring, then nod to the piano, and the piano will walk toward Longwu Mountain. It seems to have passed through a water curtain, and then I feel a blur in front of my eyes...


Qin double a **** fell to the ground, feeling that he almost got a little **** and almost went back. In front of a gold star, she saw herself sitting in a forest.

And then……

She saw a huge black bear sitting across from her, the black bear holding a giant corn in her hands, her mouth wide open, her corn kernels in her mouth, and a pair of frightened looks at the piano.

"Oh... that's it... you keep eating, I just pass by..."


The giant bear snorted and the spurt from his mouth was sprayed on the body of the piano.


The piano squirted a blood, and the body was like a meteor. The giant bear squirted out. She felt intense pain in her body, and the five internal organs seemed to be somewhat displaced. Seeing the huge body of the giant bear drastically smaller in his own eyes.


A series of sounds of the air being blown out, the piano double felt a golden light spot zoomed in her eyes and spurred toward her, the speed and power, the piano did not doubt, the giant bear If you throw something out of your body, your body will be blown up.

Her figure was pulled out of the air and it was a flying phoenix.


The huge shuttle-shaped thing hurried through her side, turning her body in the air, slamming and falling to the ground.


The piano and the palm of the hand patted the ground, launched the flying phoenix dance, swiftly swept away in the distance, did not dare to make the slightest pause, the body came with intense pain, and the nose and mouth kept ejecting blood.

But she didn't dare to stop. The giant bear just snorted at her and sprayed her seriously. If the giant bear catches up, she has only one dead end.

"It was a bad luck, how was it sent to a giant bear!"

The piano doubled out and took out a Vientiane fruit swallowing. It was necessary to close the teeth and open the fire phoenix body. The flying phoenix dance was played to the extreme, flying toward the front, releasing the power of the soul, spreading backwards and exploring the movement of the giant bear. .


Qin double spit out a breath, the giant bear did not catch up, thinking that it is not rare to take the piano double such an ant, wasting time it to eat corn.

The piano slowed down and felt that the injury in his body was healed quickly under the effect of the Vientiane. He raised his hand and touched the blood between the nose and mouth.

"It's too dangerous here, no wonder there are so few people going back every time..."


There was a loud noise in front, and the piano doubled in the air, and then swooped down quickly, squatting in the bushes below, erecting ears and listening, even the power of the soul did not dare Spreading out, a heart beats violently.

"Is there any more beasts in front of me? I won't fall into the beasts?"

There was no more noise in the surrounding area, only the wind rustled through the leaves. However, the piano pair still squatted there, and after half an hour passed, the body's injury was completely healed, and Qinqin was bold enough to spread the power of the soul.


She saw half of the corn inserted in the ground, and this reaction came. Just the giant bear hit her with the corn in her hand, and finally fell to the ground and made the sound.

"Scared me!"

Qin double raised his hand and patted his chest, and his face was full of lingering fear. Climb up from the ground and walk towards the corn five hundred meters away.

"Great corn!"

Qin double looked at the corn part that was exposed outside the ground. I don't know how long it is, but there is an adult thigh that is as thick as the adult's thumb.

The piano squatted down and hugged the corn with both hands, pulling it up hard and pulling the corn out.

"Big, really big!"

This bar of corn is more than one meter long, and the corn has been smashed in half, leaving nothing. The piano double looked up and down the huge corn.

"This should be corn, just too big!"

Out of the hand, a corn granule was placed in the mouth and chewed up, and the rich spiritual power filled her body.

"This... is even stronger than the lower stone... and absorbed so fast!"

There was a surprise color on the face of Qin double. She kept licking a grain of corn and put it in her mouth to chew. After less than a quarter of an hour, she ate all the corn kernels. At this point she already has a rough calculation. Five grains of corn are equivalent to the effect of a lower-grade Lingshi, and they are absorbed ten times faster than Lingshi. The most important thing is that there is no impurity, even if it is the next product. This half of the corn is equivalent to the effect of dozens of lower-quality stones, and she absorbed all of them in less than a clock.

"Just... I fell into a cornfield?"

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