Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 977: Yellow tit


"Do you want to go back? I am going back, or are you going back?"

Just hesitated for less than five breaths, the piano decided to go back. This is a chance for her. It is too difficult for her to cultivate, and the corn is too important for her. The 868 masters were taken out of the bloodqin space and placed in the storage ring.

"I don't know what the giant bear is. Can these symbols be self-protected?"


Qin double is carefully selected in the 868 masters, and the dawn is a joy. Picking out a symbol from inside, it is a master-level hidden character, using the power of the sea to activate the hidden character. After taking a shot on one's own body, the breath of the piano pair was completely converged, and then the body shape swept away against the cornfield.

For a moment, there was a cornfield in the field of Qinshuang. The cornfield was not big, only about ten acres of land, just...

The piano double opened his mouth in surprise. Before she was directly transferred to the giant bear in the cornfield, and then she fled without a command, she did not pay attention to the cornfield. At this time, I saw the cornfield. There is only a shock in my heart.

That corn... is too big!

This is where the corn is. No corn is like a big tree. It is matured with more than one meter of corn. This is too subversive of the double pair. Don’t say that you have never seen it, you have no dreams. I have dreamt of such a big corn.

"No wonder there is such a strong aura."

Taking a deep breath, this time Qin Qin discovered that the concentration of aura in the Taikoo space is at least ten times that of the mainland.

"If you can always practice here, you can definitely solidify the foundation."

Qin double sighed and sighed. She knew that this was her dreaming. After one year, she would be directly sent out by this space. Don't think about staying here for more time.


Qinqin heard the sound of the giant bear licking the corn, carefully approaching the cornfield, entering the cornfield, and gradually approaching the giant bear.

The giant bear is also very tall, more than eight meters. In the place about three hundred meters away from the giant bear, the piano double stopped and did not dare to approach. Slightly frowning, suddenly lit up, the piano sits on the knees, took the Tsui liuqin from the storage ring, placed it on the knees, took out a few bottles of Wenwang Dan, opened the bottle cap, and discharged In front of oneself, then inject the power of the soul of the fifth layer of Wusheng into the sound, and both hands are on the strings.

Destroy the soul: the soul sleeps.

The giant bear was holding a big corn in his hands, and suddenly his eyes became a sigh, shaking his head and continuing to eat. After eating a bite of corn, he reached for a corn and continued to eat.

Suddenly, it stopped and opened its eyes and looked around. The piano double hid behind a corn and concealed all the breath. The giant bear glanced around in a circle, and there was a trace of confusion in the eyes, then bowed. I started eating.

The double opening of the piano was sucked and placed in the jade bottle in front of him. Then there was a Wen Wang Dan flying out, entering the mouth of the piano double, swallowed by the piano double, and the hands continued to play the strings.

After three quarters of an hour, the face of Qin double has begun to become pale, the giant bear has become blurred and the eyes are getting heavier and heavier, and the speed of eating corn has slowed down.


Outside the cornfield, a figure fell and looked at the cornfield, and the color of surprise appeared in the eyes. Then his face changed, he saw the giant bear, it is really that giant bear is too big, higher than the corn forest. Such a fierce beast was there, making the face of the warrior nervous.

"A strong and powerful atmosphere!" The warrior's face turned pale: "This... I am afraid it is the monster of the eighth-order peak of the late stage? But... how does he give me a sense of drowsiness?"

The warrior frowned slightly. As long as he saw the situation of the giant bear licking the corn, he liked the corn very much. He didn't believe that such a monster would fall asleep while squatting.

"There must be something weird happening."

The warrior tried to converge on his own breath, began to sneak around the cornfield, and explored the cornfield in various angles. He did not dare to release the power of the soul to explore, fearing to alarm the giant bear, or something powerful. .

Suddenly, his body was stiff and his face was extremely shocked. He saw a corner from the back of a corn.

"Someone! Who is it that can fight an eighth-order monster? This is not only Wu Wang can come in, Wu Shen can not come in?"

Taking a deep breath, carefully moving the body, changing the angle, he finally saw the person. It was a young woman who looked less than twenty years old and sat there with her knees. There was a guqin on her knees, her hands on the strings, and then the woman’s face had become extremely Pale, the nose and mouth have been continually flowing out of blood, but there is no time to wipe it.


Then I saw the woman opened the cherry mouth and sucked it. From the jade bottle in front of her, she flew out a medicinal herb and was sucked into the mouth by the woman.


The warrior suddenly hit a cold war because he found that he did not hear the piano. It stands to reason that the woman is playing the piano, he should hear the piano, but in fact it is not heard.

"This is the sound..." He suddenly widened his eyes. At this time, he saw eight virtual figures sitting in the other eight corns. He sat on the same knee, with a piano on his knees and his hands.

"Eight Shadow Master!"

The warrior turned his head and looked at the giant bear, and saw that the giant bear had begun to wobble, his eyes had become a seam, holding corn in his hands, a huge mouth drooling, watching I have to fall asleep.

"Good sound!"

The warrior slightly narrowed his eyes and speculated. Without any surprise, the giant bear would soon fall into deep sleep. And the woman's soul will suffer severely, as long as the giant bear falls asleep and kills the woman, this piece of corn is his.

There was greed and sorrow in his eyes, and his figure retired quietly. And all this, Qin double and the giant bear did not notice. The giant bear was caught in the hustle and bustle, and it was impossible to detect everything outside. Qinqin has put all his energy into the sound work at this time, bringing all the sounds into a line and invading the soul of the giant bear. I don't know if someone is around her.

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