Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 978: Eat up


Three hundred meters away from the piano, the warrior stopped his body and turned to look at the giant bear. Now the giant bear’s eyes are completely closed, and the body is shaking more, but there is still no Really go to sleep. The mind was moving, he had a giant bow in his hand, and a large long arrow in his right hand. He placed the arrow on the bowstring, and his arms were stronger. The giant bow was pulled by him like a full moon. The arrow tip locks the piano pair that is playing the piano...

The giant bear, Qinshuang and the warrior are now in a triangle.

The surroundings are very quiet, only the sound of rustling of the wind blowing corn leaves, but it seems even more quiet here.

In the cornfield.

The giant bear was closed with his eyes closed, and the huge body was swaying. On the other corner, the piano doubled his hands and stroked the strings. The silent rhythm sneaked into the soul of the giant bear. The face of the piano doubled more and more pale, nose and mouth. The blood is constantly flowing out. In the last corner of the triangle, the warrior pulls the bow like a full moon, locking the heart of the piano, as if it were a stationary rock, resting there.

Wind movement...

Bear shake...

String vibrating...

The bow is still...


The giant bear of more than eight meters fell to the ground and fell into deep sleep.


The double nose and mouth of the piano sprayed blood and sprinkled on the strings.


A bowstring sounded, and a huge arrow broke through the air. The air was shot out of a rotating hole. In the twinkling of an eye, it was already in front of the piano pair.

The piano is suddenly stunned...


The sharp arrow shot through the heart of the piano, and the body was shot out. The corn behind the piano was shot and smashed through a passage. The soldier’s face showed a smug smile.


Then his face was a stiff, he saw the body of the piano double illusory, turned into a flame, and then the flame gathered again in the middle, the shape of the piano double appeared again in his eyes, a pair of Fengmu Looking at him coldly.

At this time, the piano double, the heart is awkward, and the heart is still beating the horror that survived the edge of death. If she did not start the fire phoenix body in time, she would have a flame, and she was already dead at this time. Only her face was paler at this time. The body was flamed and hit hard again, which made her consume a lot.

The opposite warrior, his eyes became dignified, and he quickly bowed his bow again and locked the piano pair.

"Millions of stars 6, bow nine. You just leave this cornfield, I will let you live a path."

"Millions of big 6!"

Qin double sneaked a sigh of relief, she knows that the warrior of the Wanxing Big 6 is only a little stronger than the warrior of the Big Six, I am afraid that the practice of cultivation is not so good, so that he and the other party have a battle.

"Warrior is big 6, Qin double. You shoot me an arrow, is that all right?"


The body of the bow nine dissipated sharp arrows, and the air around the body was split by him, condensing:

"So, you will die!"


In the field of Qin double, I saw the right arm of Gong Jiu pull out the blurred afterimage in the air, constantly bending the arrow and taking an arrow, followed by an arrow, lasing her.


The front of the piano double illuminates a ray of light, and the long arrow that the other party lasing is called and flies, but the arm is slightly numb.


The piano eyes are condensed, and the other's repairs may have reached the ninth floor of Wuwang, and it is not a king of Jindan.

Taking a deep breath, Qin double knows that she must fight, otherwise there will be more and more troubles once more fighters arrive.


The body of the piano pair was suddenly penetrated by an arrow, but the bow nine did not have the color of joy. Instead, the body shape quickly retreated, and the force of the soul spread to the outside, looking for the shape of the piano pair.

The power of his soul had just spread out, and he saw the shape of the piano pair traversing a mysterious trajectory in the air, and the rhythm of the seven phoenixes swaying behind him, had already come to him.


A radiant radiance, a good head left the neck of the bow nine, a blood spewed out. The headless body of Gongjiu fell to the ground.


The shape of the piano pair fell on the ground, and the figure was stunned, but the eyes were happy.

Opened the fire phoenix body, and surely the level of flying phoenix dance and fast sword has doubled!


Qinqin did not sit down and adjust the interest rate, but like a strong wind, it was scraped up in ten acres of cornfields. The long sword in his hand continually waved out, and the piece of corn fell down and was taken into the bloodqin space by the piano. It was only less than a quarter of an hour, the piano double harvested all the corn, how to return to the body of the bow nine, quickly searched on his body, found a storage bag, together with the ground Zhang Gong also took his storage ring and looked back at the sleepy giant bear and shook his head:

"If you grab your corn, you don't want your life."


The figure of Qin double disappeared from the ruins of a cornfield. About a quarter of an hour later, a figure appeared above the cornfield. It was a young woman wearing a robes, looking down, her eyes were a condensation.

"The sap of corn, even was robbed first!"

When the words fall, the figure in the air has disappeared.


Qin double lifted a huge stone to block the hole, and this sat down on the ground, a long sigh of relief.


A blood spurted out of the mouth and his face was pale as paper. However, her face is full of joy, without half-anxiety. Although her body was not hurt, but with those corn, she believed that she would recover soon and be refined.

"Just break through Wuwang here!"

Qin double took out a stick of corn and hugged it in his arms. He began to squat up. One stick and one stick, the spirit of richness and no impurity was filled in her body, divided into four parts, respectively, by Yinshen, Dantian, and the sea. Absorbed with the heart of Haoran, her body is recovering quickly, but less than an hour, her body has fully recovered. On both sides of the piano, "Fire and Phoenix Collection" is running on the side of the piano.

A stick, two sticks, ten sticks, twenty sticks, fifty sticks...


Her seven scorpions suddenly spurted out the pure spiritual power, and the buttocks continued to fart, and the ones that were released were all pure spiritual power.

The piano doubleed down and looked around in a guilty conscience before reacting. There is only oneself here, no one will hear his fart.

But at this time, she already understood that with her realm, she could only eat 50 sticks of corn in a row, and then she needed to stop at least two hours before she could continue, otherwise she could not absorb so much spiritual power. .

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