Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 979: God bow


"It seems that I don't want to break through to the realm of Wu Wang! I don't break through Wu Wang. I am waiting for two people who are both 6 and 2, and they are weak chickens!"

I remembered the bow nine that I had encountered before. If it wasn’t for the bow nine and I didn’t understand my flying phoenix dance and fast sword, I couldn’t easily kill the other side.

"Oh, the people who are the stars of the big 6 are not weak!"

"Puff puff……"

Qin's buttocks continued to fart underneath, but the fart that was released was full of fragrance, and the face of the piano appeared.

"It's a pity that these auras!"

About half an hour's clock, the body of the piano double no longer infiltrated the aura, the piano double stood up, came to the entrance of the cave, extended the palm of the hand, pushed outwards, "bang, the boulder will be doubled by the piano Pushed it out and walked out.

"I don't know how much corn I need to eat to break through!"

The piano double shook his head, and when the sky was empty, the figure flew up into the air, while recalling the map of the Xuanwu Temple in his heart, while looking around and discerning the direction. However, after about a quarter of an hour, Qin’s face was pulled down, and she couldn’t tell the direction. I don’t know which direction Xuanwu Temple should go.

"It seems that I was sent to an area that has not been opened. Just look for one direction!"

Qin double looked for a direction to fly away, and after a lapse of twenty days, Qin double had no direction at all, just locked in one direction, and every time she went two times, she took fifty rods of corn. On the ninth day, I was able to break through to the realm of Wu Wang. However, it was stopped by the blood piano. According to the blood piano, it is said that with these stalks of corn, Qinshuang can completely suppress the breakthrough, polish the sturdy Jindan, and enhance the layering of Jindan. If Jindan can be promoted to a perfect state, That Qin double is up.

Qinshuang heard and was also very happy. While holding the corn, while running the "Fire and Phoenix Collection" on the way to polish Jindan, now enters the time of the Taikoo space for 20 days, with the help of the sap of corn, each of the piano pairs Jin Dan was originally only five points pure, nine points and five virtual, and now has become a seven-point pure, ninety-three. Ten Jindan combined into one place, which is equivalent to 70% of the strength of traditional exercises.

On the way, she also picked a lot of herbs, killed a lot of monsters, but did not meet a person. At this time, it was the interval between her taking corn, while flying and sweeping around, but there was no place worth paying attention to. Suddenly remembered the bow nine, the mind took a move, then took the bow out, carefully looked, his face is a hi, this bow turned out to be a prefecture-level peak.

"It seems that the background of the bow nine is not simple in the background of the Wanxing Big 6!"

The bow was taken up, and the storage ring of the bow nine was taken out. The power of the soul was explored, and the eyes were bright. There were actually five thousand pieces of the lower stone.

"There is a spiritual stone, and the background is not simple."

Qin double continues to look at it, there are ten bottles of Wen Wang Dan, ten bottles of detoxification, ten bottles of returning to Ling Dan and ten bottles of healing Dan. And the grade is not low. There are nearly a thousand huge long arrows, and finally a book made of a demon skin. The piano double took out the book and saw three big characters on the cover:

God bowed.

When the piano eyebrows rose, it fell on a big tree, sitting on a thick branch and looking up.

A round of red days gradually fell behind the piano pair, and the body of the piano pair was covered with a layer of color.


The piano double suddenly raised his right hand, and the spiritual power in the body flowed along the right arm, creating a spiral of power, and the air around the right arm became distorted.

"This is the bow of the gods! It's so strong, it turns out to be the best practice on the heavenly level!"

The piano doubled his heart and moved, the left hand took the bow, and then took out a long arrow, bent the bow and took the arrow, pulling the bow string completely, and the fingers relaxed.


This arrow is like a long rainbow, piercing the space, forming a black hole, which is the power of the arrow that was shot before the bow.

"Cross-day!" Qin's eyebrows danced with joy.

This is the first skill of God's bow: the day.

The piano doubled up the longbow and began to look through the bow of the gods again. At this time, the sun had already set, and the earth was shrouded in the darkness, but it did not hinder the piano from seeing the bow of the gods clearly. When she got this training, she has reached the night vision ability.

The second layer of the **** bow: tracking!

Qin Shuang's gaze is a bright light, and the first layer of skills of the gods bows the day, emphasizing the power and the trend of the day. How strong is the spiritual power of the warrior, and how strong the power of the day is. However, the second layer of skills of the gods is traced, and not only is the spiritual power used, but also the power of knowing the sea. However, the power of knowing the sea does not increase the power. It just adds a tracking skill, which is to imprint the power of the sea on the arrow, and then control the arrow to change direction and track by the force of the sea. aims.

"The power of knowing the sea!"

In the double heart of the piano, he immediately concluded that this **** bow is definitely not the practice of Wanxingda 6 and should belong to the practice of Wanxingda 6 in the ancient times, even not belonging to the practice of Wanxingda 6, because Wan Xingda 6 is also the same as the Warrior 6 of the Warrior.

"No wonder that the bow nine did not make this skill, it should be no cultivation of the power of knowing the sea, otherwise it has this skill, maybe I have died under his arrow."

The piano double continued to look down, and then the face appeared bitter. For those who cultivate the power of knowing the sea, this second layer is not difficult. Qin double can easily brand the power of the sea on the arrow, but the distance she controls the arrow is very short. Today she is a six-level Taoist, knowing that the fog in the sea is one foot long. However, the length of the two-length fog is thicker, and even if it is thinned, it can't be shot too far.

Qinqin exhaled a breath, took out the bow and arrow again, and the power of the sea was transmitted from the eyebrows, branded on an arrow, and then bent and arched, the spiritual power in the body spiraled through the meridians, through her The right arm rushed into the arrow.


The piano has easy fingers, the strings are trembled, and the arrows are lasing like a meteor. The mist inside the sea became invisible and colorless, and it was pulled very thin...


Qin double is a pain in the sea. When the arrow shoots out nearly 50 meters, it has reached the limit of the strength of the piano. If the arrow continues to move forward, her knowledge of the sea will be Break, know the sea and suffer.

When the mind is moving, the arrow is turned around the body of the piano under the control of the force of the sea. The space moment is all the afterimage of the arrow.

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