Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 980: Yan Xinghai



Qin double regained the power of knowing the sea, and the arrow fell in the hands of Qin double. The piano double frowned and thought, the distance of fifty meters is still too short. The bow and arrow was originally a long-range attacking instrument. With the repair of the piano pair, the arrow can shoot five hundred meters. As her cultivation improves, the arrow will shoot farther. At a distance of 50 meters, you can't use a bow or arrow at all, just by using a sword.

If you use the power of the soul to imprint it?

In the heart of the piano, the force of the soul is revealed, and the arrow is branded.

Subsequently, the piano doubled its brows. Although it was branded with the power of the soul, it did not have the effect of the force of the sea. The double bow and the arrow took the arrow and shot the arrow. It was impossible to control the arrow. Ya.

"Spiritual silk!"

Qin Shuang’s heart suddenly moved, remembering that when he was on the Dengling Terrace, cultivation became a spiritual power. If you can also force the power of the soul, can you control the arrow?


Qin double has been busy until the moon rises to heaven, and has not realized the soul of silk. Then he shook his head and gave up temporarily, but still sighed at the depths of his soul:

"I know that I eat all day, you eat, and you can't even have a soul."

Deep in the soul, the Yin God does not move.

Qin double sighed, but helplessly read the last layer of the skill of God bow: "God hurts."

This kind of healing skill also needs to use the power of knowing the sea, but it is different from the tracking. The power of knowing the sea used in tracking is only to play a role of tracking. However, in the skills of God's injury, the power of knowing the sea is not only the role of tracking, but also the effect of hurting the other gods.

"This is a bit like the sound! But it is different. The sound is divided into two levels. The first level is to attack the enemy through the sound power. The second level is to use the power of the soul to attack the enemy. It does not combine the power of the soul with the spiritual power. However, this **** injury is different. It is the integration of the power of the sea and the spiritual power. Even if the enemy uses the weapon to block the arrow, the spiritual power will not hurt the enemy. However, the power of knowing the sea can directly damage the other god’s **** through the other’s weapons.


What is Yuanshen? ”

"Predecessors, what is the **** of the gods?" Qin double asked in the heart to the bloodqin.

"When the Fa Dori practiced to the sacred period, the power of knowing the sea became the power of the gods." The **** piano returned lightly.

"Oh, the power of knowing the sea has raised the realm!"

Qinqin understood, but then frowned. The third layer of this **** bow is only to propose the power and spiritual integration of the gods, but did not elaborate on how to integrate, which makes the piano double how to do it?

However, the piano is not discouraged, calm down and try to merge. Until the rising sun, Qin double did not find the slightest trick. Then he said to the bloodqin:

"Predecessors, can you have a way to integrate the gods and the spirits?"

The blood piano was silent for a moment: "Yes, but it requires a high degree of cultivation, and then communicates with the bridge of heaven and earth to be able to integrate the power of the gods with the spiritual power."

“How much repair is needed?”


“How high is it?”

"A hundred thousand miles away from you!"

"Oh!" Qin double was stunned, and then muttered: "No, look at this practice should not need such a high repair. If you really want to achieve the repair you said, also use this **** What is the bow?"

"Hey..." The bloodqin smiled and said: "What do you know? This **** bow is not simple. It may be the practice that has been handed down from the fairy world. You think that the bow of the gods is useless at that level because it is because of this. Bows and arrows are only the peak of the earth level, if this bow is a fairy?"

"You mean..." Qin doubled his eyes in surprise: "As long as the bowstring reaches a certain level, it is also a threat to the immortals?"


The piano looked at the bow of the **** in his hand, and his eyes were full of regrets.

"I thought it was a heavenly practice!"

"That's your eye is low!" Bloody said disdainfully.

"Oh!" The piano doubled "Oh" and then regretted: "The repair is not enough, you can't cultivate!"

Sighing, I took the bow of the **** into the storage ring, took out a stick of corn and began to smash it up. Now the piano is getting faster and faster, and soon I smashed 50 sticks of corn. With the help of "Fire and Phoenix Collection", her Golden Dan has a trace of purification.

"It seems that this "Fire and Phoenix Collection" is really a more orthodox practice!"

Qin Double Happiness did not stand up from the resort, the tip of the toe lightly branches, the body shape flew up, stepping on the clouds, and flew away toward the front.


After flying a hundred miles, Qin double suddenly paused in the clouds. She heard a fighting buzzing sound from the bottom left side, gently waving her sleeves, breaking the clouds under her feet, staring at it, seeing first. It is a sword cloud.

Not bad!

Sword is like a cloud!

The sword that has been condensed by the spiritual power has been intertwined in the air, and in the middle of the chaotic circle of Jianyun is a phoenix, swaying with raging fire, fighting over thousands of sword clouds. Then I saw that the fire phoenix was opposite to the one below the cloud sword.

A black boy, the sword and eyebrows, squatting in the sword, holding a long sword in his hand, every dance, led the sky like a thousand swords to the opposite girl to pour away.

Opposite is a flaming girl. At this time, she is swaying her finger. Every time she slams her finger, the fire and phoenix in the air will scream, as if dragging a sea of ​​fire, attacking like a cloud.

"She is a law repair!" Qin double's eyes fell on the flaming girl, and then looked at the black boy.

"His way of playing swords is different from that of the Warrior. Is it also a law repair?"


The two sides collided again and thundered. The fiery woman lightly opened her lips, and the sound of the voice sounded:

"Yan brother, there are four Zhuguo, there are two equal divisions, why do you have to kill and die?"

The black robe teenager said coldly: "It’s all mine, leave now, or die!"

The flaming girl's face suddenly feels like frost: "Yan Xinghai, you are likened to the predecessors, known as the hill soul, how can you be so overbearing?"

"You are wrong!" Yan Xinghai's face showed a trace of coldness: "The overbearing is just the appearance of the brother, the inner heart of the brother is cruel. Dead!"

Yan Xinghai has a sword in his hand, such as Yun Qianjian, and the flaming girl is eager to say:

"I am afraid that you will not be able to!"


The two men are fighting together again.

"The two people know each other, it seems to be from the same big 6, I don't know if it is a big antler, 6 or a big 6... Zhu Guo..."

The eyes of the piano are bright, and the eyes are looking around. They see a cliff not far from Yan Xinghai and Huoyunfeng. There is a plant growing on it. There are four red fruits on the plant.

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