Supreme Stock God

Chapter 1371: complex

Although everything had been expected, and it was really confirmed from Mr. Hua, Zhou Hao couldn't help his heart beat, not afraid of others making his own ideas, but a little difficult to accept his good luck, but since the other party has already admitted Now, it must be the idea of ​​another wave of people making their own prescriptions.

"Mr. Hua, although we are not studying medicine, there are so many drugs in the society, and none of them can really cure cancer. We have never heard of the kind of drug you mentioned. If there is such a drug, , Then no one in the world will die of cancer." James is obviously very intelligent, and Mr. Hua is already questioning when he has finished speaking.

Mr. Hua didn’t feel unhappy about his questioning. Instead, he laughed and said, “It’s okay if you think so. After all, this kind of death-killing thing is really a bit weird, but the fact is that this drug is not only already The verification was successful, and the test samples all have a great background."

When Zhou Hao heard this, his brows wrinkled again. Many people know that he has successfully developed cancer drugs, but not many people know who he has treated. Now even if Mr. Hua didn’t say who it was, he obviously did. Zhou Hao felt a headache if he knew the inside story.

The one who can help the Indians get the bazooka is obviously someone with a military background, and so many foreigners can enter the country, it should be helped by insiders. Now things have become complicated. I originally thought that the Dong family would be involved in it. , I didn’t expect it was not just his family.

Benefits have always been the source of disputes. The value of this cancer treatment drug can make anyone's heart touch. Probably, there is no hands-on in this kind of thing, except for the Zhao family and the chiefs, everyone else may participate. Even if it is the head of the department, Zhou Hao is not at ease.

This is not because he is over-hearted. It is really in the field of interest. It is really impossible to determine who wants to stab you. To a certain extent, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, but even if the struggle is in a fierce shopping mall, it is not as good as officialdom, Zhou Hao I haven't been involved in officialdom, just don't want to participate in it.

Now that cancer drugs appear, all forces are coveted. Whether at home or abroad, everyone’s heart is moved. Zhou Hao is definitely on the cusp of the storm now, and the key is that he can’t be sure who the forces are doing this time. , I have already been attacked by Indians pretending to be terrorists, and now there are mercenaries. This time, both sides are generous.

And because of the involvement of internal personnel, they obviously knew something about Zhou Hao. With Zhou Hao's martial arts, even if he hired some masters, he might not be able to deal with them. They simply chose to use heavy weapons, even if Zhou Hao's martial arts were noble. , After all, it's still a body of flesh and blood, and it can't be killed by a cannonball.

Zhou Hao frowned, his initial curiosity disappeared. Now he wants to know what kind of force Mr. Hua belongs to and how the mercenaries will react.

Today Zhou Hao's luck is really good, he thought of this, James over there has already asked: "Mr. Hua, since we are about to cooperate soon, can you tell me what kind of help you can give us? The identity of the boss just makes us more reliable, and what do you want us to do."

Mr. Hua obviously expected that he would say this, and said unhurriedly: "Who is our boss, this can only be discussed with your boss, not that we don’t trust you, it’s really important, but it’s helpful to you. There must be quite a few, such as military material support and some heavy weapons. We can provide you with them to make up for your inconvenience to bring weapons when you pass the customs. There are also some that please report the above support so that you can specify the plan."

James and Byron murmured a few words, although Zhou Hao had a lot of skills, after all, after a wall, at most they knew that they were discussing. As for the content, he could not hear clearly, but he was not in a hurry, he could hear it anyway. Conclusion, this is what he cares more about.

As Zhou Hao expected, two minutes later, James smiled and said: "Mr. Hua, we support the initial contact this time. For the specific cooperation content, we have to wait for the boss and Jack to come. They are the ones in charge, but we both feel that This business is no problem. Mercenaries like to challenge. Even if the task is difficult, we will not care about it, but will be more excited. We are currently one of the most reputable and actionable mercenary organizations in the world. , Will definitely complete this task successfully."

Mr. Hua was also very happy, and he toasted: "Mr. James is quick to talk, he is very proud of our Chinese people. This is what I admire most. We also like the strength of your mercenary group, otherwise we will not invite you. Now, for the smooth success of our action, a toast."

The two foreigners also simply picked up the cup and touched Mr. Hua. Then they talked about some local customs, interesting things from different countries, and obviously the business was over. The following is the relaxing time. The initial conversation between the two parties is not very pleasant, at least A consensus on cooperation has been reached.

Zhou Hao thought about it this time. There were a lot of people involved this time. Even if Li Shuihan led an army, Hongye led the ninja of Jingu Yufengliu, he was a little worried, thinking of this, he picked up the phone directly. Call the person in charge of Pluto and ask them to concentrate on coming to Beijing to protect the safety of their families and the pharmaceutical factory, and everything will be done as soon as possible.

While listening to the conversation next door, he called Yu Zhengyu, smiled and told him where he was, and told him to rush over. He had already said something before, but I don’t know what it is this time. Own, it is not convenient to talk on the phone now, just let him come as soon as possible.

At this time, the waiter had knocked on the door and asked Zhou Hao if the dishes were ready and would they be served. Zhou Hao said that he would wait until his friends came before serving them. In order to avoid suspicion, he ordered the dishes deliberately. Now that Yu Zhengyu Coming over soon, and the next door did not continue to talk about the prescription, Zhou Hao nodded and signaled the waiter to bring the food first.

When the waiter served the dishes, Zhou Hao considered which force Mr. Hua might belong to, and was still planning in his head, when Yu Zhengyu came, whether James and Byron should be arrested, they always said that they were mercenaries. Zhou Hao, a master of the world, knew that the two of them did not know much about martial arts. They were just some well-trained mercenaries. It was easy to catch them. Relatively speaking, the ordinary man who picked them up was even more powerful.

Ten minutes passed. The food on the table was not full. Yu Zhengyu had already arrived. There was also a young boy with him, who was about the same as Zhou Hao. The two of them were dressed in plain clothes and didn't say much when they entered the door. , Sit down and eat first.

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