Supreme Stock God

Chapter 1372: Defeating Death (Part 1)

Zhou Hao pulled Yu Zhengyu and the people he had brought to the dinner table, pointed to the dishes on the dinner table, nodded and said: "First, eat something. We haven't eaten at noon. We just happened to be eating and talking." His voice is not high, even if someone next door wants to eavesdrop.

Yu Zhengyu did not expect that he would not perform the task, but would invite himself to dinner. If he did not know Zhou Hao very well, he would think that he wanted to invite himself to dinner deliberately, but after a busy day today, he did not have time to eat. The colleagues together nodded and started to eat.

Zhou Hao did not eat anything at noon. He ate while listening to the movement next door. The next room was pushing cups and changing cups. Even if foreigners did not have the enthusiasm of Chinese people to drink and eat, James and Byron were both mercenaries. Naturally, it would not be as gentle as the nobles. The people next door could not expect someone to eavesdrop. The atmosphere was also very warm.

Moreover, between eating and drinking, they occasionally mentioned the mercenary group. This also gave Zhou Hao a better understanding of their mercenary group. James and Byron were not considered top figures in the mercenary group. It's a high-level person, otherwise their boss would not be so relieved to let them come out.

When he was eavesdropping, Yu Zhengyu was not idle either. This young master was not as strong as Xiao Yifeng, but he was much stronger than the average person. He could guess that Xiao Yifeng was eavesdropping on the conversation next door, and while eating, he began to gather together. Spirit, listen to the conversation next door.

The next door didn’t expect someone to eavesdrop on here, and there were still two masters. After drinking, the chat was of course unscrupulous. Although no business matter was mentioned, Yu Zhengyu raised his attention when talking about the mercenary group. When soldiers appear, something will happen.

As one of the leaders of the national security organization, Yu Zhengyu has a strong sense of vigilance. Now Zhou Hao hasn’t said anything to him, he has realized that these people are definitely not simple, and of course he did not expect Zhou Hao to hit him by mistake. I accidentally ran into someone who made his own idea.

"Okay, Zhou Hao, we have almost eaten. Tell me what's going on this time." Yu Zhengyu smiled and asked Zhou Hao after eating. He also thinks Zhou Hao is lucky and goes to the airport. This kind of thing can be encountered.

The colleague he brought with him finished the meal earlier than him. Hearing Yu Zhengyu asked, he looked at Zhou Hao curiously. He might have heard of Zhou Hao’s name, and he was full of curiosity. He really didn’t know this. Is there anything Zhou Hao has to make Yu Zhengyu receive the call and rush over.

"I have to say, my luck is really good. I was preparing to eat at the airport. When I heard two foreigners chatting in silence, I realized that they were international mercenaries. It would not be easy for this kind of people to come to China. Just followed it up, and then I found out that they actually have something to do with me." Zhou Hao said with a smile while putting down his chopsticks.

Yu Zhengyu and his colleagues did not speak, waiting for Zhou Hao to continue. They already knew the previous ones, but the last sentence was a bit unexpected. If you just touch it on the street, you can meet someone who might endanger you. , It is more unexpected than winning.

"At first, I just thought that they would do something harmful to the country, and someone in the country connected with them. After tracking here, you should be able to hear that the person called Mr. Hua is their connection person, and they discussed it. Trading, unfortunately, it happens to be about me." Zhou Hao shrugged and told a bit about his own experience.

Without saying too much about Zhou Hao, Yu Zhengyu can also guess what these people's so-called sales are, but still can't help but ask: "Since you have listened to them for a long time, can you be sure who hired them now? Who is behind Mr. Hua? This is the key."

"Of course I know this. Now I don’t know who they are. Otherwise, do you think I can wait until you come and don’t do anything? And you should understand that people who can help mercenaries here are all People with uncomplicated identities, I can't afford to provoke them." Zhou Hao rolled his eyes, the meaning was obvious.

Yu Zhengyu frowned. Although Zhou Hao did not clarify what he said, he understood what Zhou Hao meant, and said in deep thought, "I really didn't expect things to become so complicated. The Indians have been involved in the military before. Mercenaries have appeared again. It seems that things are a bit beyond control."

Zhou Hao always called Yu Zhengyu to help, not only because he saved Yu Zhengyu, the two are closer than the others, but also because Yu Zhengyu is a member of the Zhao faction. Although the entire army exists for the chief, but because of the great The owner is Zhou Liren, and they can be regarded as members of the Zhao faction. Zhou Hao has always been more outspoken to his own people.

"At the beginning I thought that only people from the faction of our enemy would intervene in this matter. I didn't expect that there would be other people secretly taking action. The mercenaries and the Indians belong to two different camps, and the strength is not small, at least I They know Mr. Hua and they know my situation very well." Zhou Hao smiled helplessly. It was not that he was afraid that others would miss him, but that he could not think of so many black hands.

Yu Zhengyu has also become silent. As one of the leaders of the national security organization, Zhou Hao’s prescription has aroused so many people's coveting. In order to get it, he even contacted foreigners, not only legally, but also morally. People are very uncomfortable, no matter who the mercenaries and Indians are behind the scenes, they are definitely not small people.

"Well, let's not say who they are behind the scenes. We will take action in a while and bring them back. You should have a way to ask everything you want to know." Zhou Hao felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and quickly changed the subject. Looking at Yu Zhengyu's colleague, this person should be an ordinary role in the first army.

Zhou Hao didn’t care either, but after saying these words, Yu Zhengyu couldn’t help adding, “When you ask the question, it seems that I’m not as good as you. You’re better than ours. If it’s not for you, those Indians, how could you? Tell your true situation honestly."

Waved his hand, Zhou Hao smiled and said: "I was hit and missed. Even if I have the ability, I can't be better than your professional players. Let's do it first. With your strength, I want to catch It’s not difficult to live with them, but I don’t know if their mouths are as strict as a yogi."

Yu Zhengyu and Zhou Hao have cooperated many times, and naturally they will develop some tacit understanding. Zhou Hao said that, it must be an idea not to let James and Byron escape. As for Mr. Hua, because of his sensitive identity, he did not want to be arrested so strongly. Sometimes politics is like this, and you can’t start if you know there are problems.

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