Supreme Uprising

Chapter 34: Zuo Zun calculates the strength of the respect

Qiankun shocks, the world is broken!

Already, I can only be a guest of the Blues, and I feel that my heart is numb at this time.

Just now, if Luo Yunyang uses this earth-shattering punch, then what the result looks like can be imagined. Although his Lanque Yuanzun has never liked to serve people, he also had to give birth to a fear in the face of Luo Yunyang’s fierce attack.

After the energy storm that swept the squares withdrew three points, the Bluebirds looked at the collision.

Although he was hoping that Zuo Zun could take Luo Yunyang in one fell swoop, he knew that it was impossible when he looked at the scene.

As he thought, the golden axe had already flown out in an instant. Although Luo Yunyang’s fist still looks like the sun shines, but the Lanque Yuanzun can still feel that there is a crack in the fist.

Is it equally divided?

And Zuo Zun is divided into autumn colors, this Luo Yunyang is really terrible and too abnormal, how can he do it, and the left respect is equally divided?

Just when Lantern Yuanzun’s thoughts were flashing, his ears rang the words of the left: "Yunyang, that is, the time of the year, did not think of your cultivation, and actually improved so much."

"It seems that as the Lord said, you should be the most genius of our people for many years!"

On the face of Zuo Zun, the smile was extremely brilliant. There was no such thing as when two people had just played against each other, and that kind of hatred could be the result of Luo Yunyang’s squatting in the void.

Looking at standing not far away from me, compared to the past, it seems to have added a lot of majestic left respect, Luo Yunyang faint smile: "The power of the left respect seems to have increased a bit!"

In the Temple of Hongmeng, although headed by the Lord, but in many cases, it is three people standing side by side, and the left is also a kind of existence that people can't ignore.

If it was in the past, Luo Yunyang’s identity and the left-handedness would be like this, it would definitely be a reprimand. However, with the split of the two people who have just played against each other, even the Lanque Yuanzun does not think that Luo Yunyang’s speech is wrong.

After all, this world is based on strength.

Zuo Zun smiled and smiled at Luo Yunyang: "I just saw Yunyang shot, I also saw the hunter, I want to see Yunyang your cultivation, Yunyang should not be surprised?"

"Of course not." Luo Yunyang said here, pointing to the Blue Tail Yuan Zun said: "Left Zun comes here, do not know what to see?"

"I heard that Yunyang is coming back. I specially invite Yuanyang to return to the Hongmeng Temple. After all, you have entered the Xuanming family this time, but you have not contacted our companions who are lurking in the Xuanming family."

"And when the inheritance of the second ancient masters, you did not show up, this requires an account." The voice of the left respect is light, but it seems to have an unquestionable taste.

Looking at a left-handed person who is in the middle of everything, Luo Yunyang’s heart gave birth to a hint of hostility.

The Lord can't be contacted, and the left-hander is so timely. If there is nothing tricky in this, Luo Yunyang will not believe it.

He looked at the left lord to be accounted for, and the voice was still indifferent: "I said how the Blue Ting Yuanzun is so courageous. It turned out to be the command of the left and you will bring me back to the Temple of Hongmeng!" ”

The face of Zuo Zun is a bit unsightly. After all, Luo Yunyang’s attitude is not polite. He has a glance at Lantern Yuan Zun, and he is dissatisfied with the level of this subordinate service.

Lanque Yuanzun has always been a subordinate of the left lord. Many things are about the right to the left. At this time, seeing Zuo Zun’s eyes toward him, his eyes are unhappy, and suddenly he feels uncomfortable. .

Just when he hesitated and didn't know how to talk, he listened to Luo Yunyang's faint saying: "If I want to explain, I still need the Hongmeng Temple to give me an account."

"Hey, I went to the territory of the Xuan Ming family to help me. I was not willing to promise. The Lord respected me to take the overall situation as the most important thing. I only agreed to this matter."

"When I go, I say that someone will respond. The result is that the person who responded is actually a subordinate to the ancient meditation. If I have some skills, I am more alert. Maybe the left lord will go to the ancient dynasty to pick me up!"

Having said that, Luo Yunyang said faintly: "In the past year, I have been hiding in Tibet in the territory of the Xuan Ming family. I have been extremely uncomfortable. Is this thing left for me to give me an account?"

Zuo Zun looked at Luo Yunyang, who was never willing to give up. The anger in his eyes flashed. Although he is not the main lord, he is always ranked as the second most important among the sacred temples.

Even many times, this left-handed is also the same way. Just his words, in his opinion, have been enough to turn around, did not expect this Luo Yunyang, actually gave him a fight.

To explain, and he himself has to account!

If Luo Yunyang did not show his hand, he showed the strength that made the left person uncomfortable. Based on his current two sentences, it is not an exaggeration for Zuo Zun to directly kill Luo Yunyang.

However, just the fight, has left Zuo Zun gave birth to a thought, that is, he does not necessarily win Luo Yunyang.

If you can't take it, then the status of his left respect will be provocative, and even his sanctuary will be affected.

Silently thinking about the moment, he laughed happily: "Yunyang, I know, you will not do anything that harms our temple, haha, this thing should be a misunderstanding."

"I will go back and let people contact the lurkers of the Xuan Ming family to see what is wrong with them, and let Yunyang live a busy life."

Luo Yunyang looked at the smiling left sage, faintly said: "It is good to misunderstand, but the behavior of Blue Tail Yuan Zun is very dissatisfied. If the left lord feels that he is not good at teaching him, let me take it. Go back and let him know what is the rule."

In this sentence, the killing in the left-handed eyes is a bit more, and the face of the Lanque Yuanzun is even more ugly.

However, Lanzun Yuanzun has been sadly discovered at this time. In this case, he has no right to make a decision.

If he let Luo Yunyang take it back, then he will be known as the governor of the criminal law of the Hongmeng Temple.

It can even be said that in the future, he will not have to mix in the Temple of Hongmeng. For a moment, he began to look at the past with a praying eye.

Left Zun naturally can't let Luo Yunyang take Lan Lan Yuan Zun, he laughed happily: "Blue Tit Yuan respect this person, has always been the key to not knowing things, this time he made a mistake, go back and I will teach."

"Yunyang, if you are away from home for many days, you should return to your home to rest."

Taking Lantern Yuanzun away, Luo Yunyang’s heart did not have this kind of preparation. At this time, when he heard the left respect, he immediately smiled: "Since you said this to the left, then I will give you the face of the left."

After that, Luo Yunyang’s gaze fell on the face of Lanque Yuanzun, a faint saying: “Bluebird, this thing, I am not finished with you.”

During the speech, Luo Yunyang’s figure has disappeared without a trace.

Lanque Yuanzun was so nakedly threatened by Luo Yunyang that he felt that his anger was already at his peak. He looked at Zuo Zundao: "Adult, this thing, Luo Yunyang is really excessive, he... he does not let you adults. Put it in your eyes."

Zuo Zun looked coldly toward Lantern Yuan Zun, faintly said: "You are not as good as people, there is nothing to say."

"Go, this thing, you don't have to worry about it anymore."

Zizi Yuanzun still wants to talk, and the left lord has already waved his sleeves, disappearing without a trace. Just after Zuo Zun left, Lanque Yuanzun also quickly left, and he is now afraid to stay in this place for a long time.

In a mysterious space, the clothes have been replaced by the left robes of purple robes, appearing silently in the space.

There is no one in the space, it seems extremely silent, but Zuo Zun stands there, but there is no bit of impatience.

Obviously, he is waiting for someone, and he is still waiting for someone who is extremely important to him. This person is important, so that Zuo Zun does not dare to have any unhappy color.

Half an hour later, a handsome figure with a nine-point appearance in a face, strangely appeared in the void, he looked at the left front standing in front of him, faintly said: "You did not complete the task?"

"I'm sorry for the adults, that Luo Yunyang's cultivation is really too strong." The voice of Zuo Zun took a solemn voice: "The subordinates have no grasp of him."

"It’s no wonder that when my six ancestors deduced the treasures of Tianbao, which they just got, they found that he was the biggest resistance of my six races to regain control of the human race."

"And it's still more resistance than the main lord."

When I heard this figure mentioning the Lord, the face of Zuo Zun suddenly looked awkward. He looked at the figure: "Adult, the Lord is really..."

"Ha ha ha, although the cultivation of the Lord is good, but how can he come back alive in the place where our six ancestors are prepared."

"Left respect, you put your heart into your stomach, waiting for you to inherit the position of the Lord, and take charge of the entire Hungmun Temple, then you are one of the giants in this world." Handsome man said here, Yang Tianda Laughing: "At that time, if you can't help Luo Yunyang any more, then don't blame me."

"Adults please rest assured that as long as I can become the true master of the Hongmeng Temple, then Luo Yunyang will not be at all."

Speaking of this, in the eyes of Zuo Zun, the flash of light is a trace of yearning.

Looking at the appearance of the left statue, the figure laughed and said: "You will become the new master. Not only that, but you will still live forever, even if this world is buried in a big world, you are also buried. Will follow our ancient six surnames, and never die."

"Actually, you have to remember that you are doing this for the human race. Only under the command of my ancient six surnames can the Terran be truly strong."

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