Supreme Uprising

Chapter 35: Hong Meng Fengyun Lord Dear

For what Zuo Zun is doing, Luo Yunyang has some feelings in his heart, but he did not pay attention to it. For him, the most important thing at this time is to go home.

Because it is the owner of the dragon scale universe, Luo Yunyang's home naturally occupies the most central position of the entire dragon scale universe.

With the return of Luo Yunyang, those who have heads and faces in the Dragonscale universe, especially those who followed Luo Yunyang along the way, began to come and visit.

Fortunately, Luo Yunyang had already had the incarnation method. He used the incarnation of the Lanlian Taoist to deal with these mundane generations, but he went to see his mother and Yunxiao.

Although the entire dragon scale universe was returned by Luo Yunyang, it was already controlled by the subordinates of Lanque Yuanzun, but because Shen Yunying's cultivation was low, it was not too clear about this matter.

Even she did not know that the lives of others and others were often at the mark of the front line.

Although Luo Donger and Yunxiao are clear, they will not speak much about this matter. After those people suddenly disappeared and Luo Yunyang returned quickly, they understood what had happened.

Nature is a joy.

Luo Donger's cultivation, further, in the dragon's large universe, the vast supply of resources, has now stepped on the top of Tianzun.

Although it is only the first weight of Tianzun, but Luo Donger has cultivated the method given by Luo Yunyang, it is no exaggeration to say that her fighting power is not inferior to the four strong people.

However, although there is no improvement in the cultivation of Yunxiao, her belly, which has been obviously bulging, has a small life beating.

While feeling the little life, Luo Yunyang’s heart also had a strange feeling of closeness.

Although he has cultivated himself as a heaven, he can even say that he is already one of the few giants in this world. However, in front of this small life that is very close to himself, he is still deeply sympathetic and fully understands the role of a father.

"Well, you first talk to Yunxiao, and I went out with Donger." Although Shen Yunying's cultivation is not too strong, but people are trained, knowing that Luo Yunyang is returning this time, there are many words to say with Yunxiao. So after a few simple conversations, I took Luo Donger away.

Luo Donger is smart, although she really wants to know what happened from her long-lost brother, but as Shen Yunying said, this is not the time to talk.

Yun Yun and others, Shen Yunying, left, and they put down a dignified cloud, with a trace of worry in their voices: "Those people will not come again?"

Luo Yunyang looked at the cloud of worry, and said: "They will not come again."

"These days, I am really worried. I don't have anything, but our children have not yet been born, just..." At this time, Yunxiao, there has been no previous killing decision, and it has become a talk to her husband. A little woman who is worried about herself.

Luo Yunyang gently took the cloud's shoulder and said: "Nothing, since I am back, there will be no problem."

Just as the two men spoke, Luo Yunyang’s virtual world came with a call request from Baihe Yuanzun.

At this time, he also needs to talk to Baihe Yuanzun about what happened, but Luo Yunyang is very upset about this aspect of his home, Baihe Yuanzun and others, so he ignored the Baihe Yuanzun. .

A white call that was issued three times in a row, but was ignored by Luo Yunyang, eventually sent a message.

"I will visit you later!"

After Luo Yunyang saw this message, he still ignored it. He loved to listen to Yunxiao and talked about the recent period of things, especially her feelings about this little life in her belly. Imagine the little appearance of the child, and the arrogance of being a father goes straight to the sky.

Just when two people were in a deep conversation, a waiter walked in and sue: "Adult, Baihe Yuanzun seeks to see."

Seeking these two words for the existence of Baihe Yuanzun, it is generally rarely said, and now people are so obsessed, naturally Baihe Yuanzun has opened his face.

"Don't see!" To the white crane Yuanzun, Luo Yunyang is very upset, so he is also unwilling to pay attention to this kind of visit.

When Yunxiao heard this, he stopped: "Yunyang, this white crane Yuanzun has always been close to you. If you don't see it now, you will have an enemy."

"I still have to see you and see what he wants to say."

Luo Yunyang smiled and smiled: "White Crane Yuanzun is naturally to see, but sometimes, the expression of the emotions still have to express, or else, they can not figure out their own weight!"

"Don't give them a look, I thought that Luo Yunyang was the role of the call."

After saying this, Luo Yunyang shifted the topic, and Yunxiao continued to talk about the little life of the two people.

It’s been four hours since then, and someone has replied: “Adult, Baihe Yuanzun is still waiting.”

When Bai Heyuan respected things, Luo Yunyang knew clearly, and immediately faintly waved: "I know, you can let Yuanzun take it easy!"

Self-contained, of course, is there to do something to do. The subordinates knew Luo Yunyang's temper and immediately left.

Baihe Yuanzun has been waiting for three days, this is to see Luo Yunyang. Looking at Luo Yunyang with a hint of coldness on his face, Bai Heyuan respected that Luo Yunyang at this time was different from the Son of the Temple of Hongmen in the past.

He was able to fight with the left lord. Although he was aired for three days, there was no dissatisfaction in the heart of Baihe Yuanzun.

This thing, he did not do enough. After all, Luo Yunyang’s family, they can still be protected, at least ten times stronger than at the time.

Only the right respect is not willing to tear the skin with the left, and ultimately the default of the blue **** Yuan Zun on the blockade of the entire dragon scale universe.

"Yunyang, this time I came to apologize to you!" Baihe Yuanzun said to Luo Yunyang, he said: "This time, I did not respond properly, and brought a lot of trouble to Yunyang's family. Also please Yunyang forgive me."

The relationship between Luo Yunyang and Baihe Yuanzun is good. At this time, looking at the sincere appearance of Baihe Yuanzun, although the emotions in his heart have been calmed down, his face is still cold: "This matter has little to do with Yuanzun." I think it should be the one behind you, not willing to help!"

Baihe Yuanzun smiled. He was among the most loyal nature in the Temple of Hongmeng. The Lord’s Lord was obedient.

Right respect does not want to tear the skin with the left, although his heart feels that there is something that can't help Luo Yunyang, but there is not much debate.

After all, the right respect has said that the Blue Tits are only under house arrest and will not be the family and subordinates of Luo Yunyang.

In the Baihe Yuanzun thought, to the strength of Luo Yunyang, even if the return, as long as the Lord does not shoot, he did not have any means, but did not expect that Luo Yunyang returned in the Xuan Ming family, even the strength of the advance.

As soon as I shot, I played a good match with Zuo Zun. I can even say that Luo Yunyang’s shot made the left retreat not retreat.

In this case, he and the right-hander did not think of it. This is why, the right respect asked him to come to worship Luo Yunyang.

"Yunyang, this thing, the right respected adults are starting for the overall situation, but also you can understand the right respected adults." In a moment of indulging, Baihe Yuanzun said softly.

Luo Yunyang snorted and did not speak. This made Baihe Yuanzun feel that Luo Yunyang would not be so easy to resolve the misunderstanding between him and the right respect.

However, this thing, his Baihe Yuanzun can not do the Lord, after a helpless smile, he continued: "Yunyang, you don't have to worry too much about the matter, wait for the Lord to return, believe that everything will pass."

worry? Luo Yunyang sneered and lie down in the seat behind him, lazy: "If the Lantern Yuanzun continues to entangle, I don't care to make him devote himself."

This sentence, Luo Yunyang said in an understatement, but Bai He Yuan Zun seems to be a naked statement.

If Lantern Yuanzun really does not know how to advance and retreat, Luo Yunyang will definitely let the Yuanzun of the Hongmeng Temple fall directly.

"How can the main lord go out, can't contact the contact?" Luo Yunyang indulged in an instant and asked his question toward Baihe Yuanzun.

Baihe Yuanzun frowned and said: "I am not too clear about the cause and effect of this, but according to calculations, the Lord's Lord should come back soon."

"So Yunyang, for this period of time, it is best not to hit hard with the left, after all, he is the left, even if you win, in the end it will lose a lot."

After talking with Baihe Yuanzun, Luo Yunyang sent Baihe Yuanzun to leave. Although Baihe Yuanzun did not reveal too much in the discourse, Luo Yunyang still felt the Hongmeng Temple at this time, and was in a storm. Among them.

A storm caused by the Lord’s refusal for many days and the failure to contact.

After sending away the left respect, Luo Yunyang began to retreat again. He was a huge benefit among the Xuan Ming family.

Especially in the inheritance of the second Yuan ancient lord, Luo Yunyang not only acquired the cultivation memory of the second Yuan ancient lord, but also gained the remnant power of the second Yuan dynasty master.

Although it is only a remnant, these forces are no small feat.

At that time, the second-old ancient lord who left the inheritance even planned to use this power to directly make a choice.

However, he planned very well, but in the end, under the impact of the extinction of the Yuanbo gun, Luo Yunyang was finally cheap.

These forces, because they were all introduced into the incarnation of Nalan, were stored in the body by Luo Yunyang using the great power.

In the territory of the Xuan Ming family, Luo Yunyang is not suitable for retreat, but after returning to the human race, Luo Yunyang has no scruples.

What's more, the arrival of Baihe Yuanzun and the hard hit with the left, let Luo Yunyang feel that the entire Hongmeng Temple, or the entire Terran, must undergo no small changes.

This change, he can't control it for a while, but before this change comes, what he needs is to raise his strength again.

At the time of Luo Yunyang's retreat, in the treasure hall of the most central position of the Hongmeng Temple, a piece of jade that represents the Lord's respect is silently broken!

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