Supreme Uprising

Chapter 141: Advance to the eight gods of the gods

How to enter the Blue Star without disturbing the will of the Blue Star? In order to solve this problem, Luo Yunyang has been deducting for a long time.

But the end result is only one way, that is, to send a **** without any power into the blue star.

Only in this way will it be resisted by the Blue Star.

I have a thought. For Luo Yunyang, there is not much difficulty. But what makes Luo Yunyang feel uncomfortable is that according to his deduction, even if he enters the blue star field, he can hardly The power of the deity.

Because once the power of the deity enters the blue star field, the blue star field will be broken, and even the blue star field will be broken.

This kind of loss is difficult for Luo Yunyang himself to bear.

The breakage of the Blue Star field means the damage of the fragments of the nine emperors. Once these pieces were shattered, Luo Yunyang wanted to repair the Nine Emperors, and it basically became an impossible thing.

One thought surged in the mind of Luo Yunyang, and eventually these thoughts became helpless. Luo Yunyang enters the blue star field, and the only thing he can rely on is the memory in his knowledge.

The meteor is like a rain, splendid and beautiful.

Luo Yunyang’s glimpse of God’s thoughts is hidden in this rainy meteor and falls to the blue sky.

That is to say, in a flash, Luo Yunyang’s sorrowful thoughts have already hit the defense force outside the Blue Star field.

Large and small meteors are quickly destroyed by the counterattack of this defensive force. It is Luo Yunyang's attachment, and the meteor with the fine iron outside the sky is constantly getting smaller.

The huge heat, let Luo Yunyang's glimpse of God, there is a feeling of being in the furnace.

If the will is slightly weaker, it is very likely that it will be wiped out in the furnace. Luo Yunyang's mind is strong enough to hold on and not collapse in this eradication, but the mental power that was originally not much has been wiped out a lot.

Like the defense power of the blue star field, and did not find the soul of Luo Yunyang hidden in the meteorite, after passing the blue star defense space, Luo Yunyang's soul, smoothly entered the inner world of the blue star.

At the moment of entering this inner world, Luo Yunyang’s glimpse of his mind quickly left his own meteor.

Although he doesn't know if there is any danger to his own meteor meteor, Luo Yunyang feels that leaving here is the best time.

Just after Luo Yunyang’s soul left the meteor, the meteor that had fallen on the blue star land had been recruited and suppressed in a huge pagoda.

If Luo Yunyang’s gods are not leaving early, I am afraid that they will be suppressed in this pagoda. Although Luo Yunyang’s cultivation is higher than the blue star’s Xeon’s existence, his soul without power is at all Can't escape the crackdown.

A trace of God's thoughts broke through the hurricane, broke through the lightning, and quickly approached the earth.

Although Luo Yunyang's cultivation is done, his soul will never break quickly, but after the soul falls, Luo Yunyang is still the first time to find his body to pin his own thoughts.

After all, his current state is very dangerous. Once he is discovered, there is no counterattack.

For the existence of the entire blue star, he is the great demon who descended from the outside world and speculated on the whole blue star field.

How come to capture a body?

For Luo Yunyang's body outside the Blue Star field, it is simply too easy for him to take a body. However, Luo Yunyang’s arrival at this time was only a glimpse of God, and there was still no **** of any power.

It is not easy to rely on this sacred mind to capture the knowledge of a person.

Luo Yunyang did not know where he was now. He was even more unconcerned about the situation around him. Now what he has to do is get a body.

For a quarter of an hour, Luo Yunyang did not encounter anything. It was surrounded by wild mountains and mountains, and Luo Yunyang did not even encounter any life.

If your own knowledge goes through the blue sky, and eventually collapses because you can't find a suitable body, that's a joke.

Just when Luo Yunyang ridiculed himself whether he should come to a **** again, he suddenly felt the trend of life is shattering.

A life is going to destruction.

Without any hesitation, Luo Yunyang quickly rushed toward the position of life. He saw a body lying on the black ground, and there was a deep crack on the right rib of the body.

It is this crack that requires the life of this body master. At the moment when Luo Yunyang’s gods arrived, the life of the body was shattering.

Once shattered, all consciousness of this life will disappear. Luo Yunyang’s consciousness did not wait for the life to burst, and rushed straight up, directly swallowing up the shattered life consciousness.

After swallowing up the consciousness of life, Luo Yunyang's consciousness quickly merged into the body, although the body will lose vitality, but Luo Yunyang's knowledge is integrated, but the body has recovered a lot of vitality.

The blood is always flowing!

Although Luo Yunyang’s consciousness has obtained the carrier, he does not have any power, so now he is difficult to repair the physical injury.

If the injury is not effectively treated, then the body will eventually die. Luo Yunyang’s consciousness is in this body, and it is difficult for him to spur a dead body.

Now, the power of the body owner must be used to save, and Luo Yunyang, who has swallowed up the last consciousness of the body owner, quickly flipped the memory of the body owner.

He wants to find an effective treatment in this memory.

"Big Resurrection", "Reborn Method", "Sun God Fruit", ...

It is also a moment, Luo Yunyang in the memory of the body, found a full range of more than a dozen methods of treatment. But the body that he occupies is not used at all.

Take the priest **** medicine and advance to the pastor!

This is the only way Luo Yunyang can occupy the body, because in this body, there is a pastor who advances to the pastor.

Only the owner of the body did not use the priest's magical medicine until he died. It is not that the owner of the body does not want to use it, but he simply cannot use it.

Once the priest's magical medicine was used, the situation of the physical master could not suppress the anti-drug of the **** medicine, and it collapsed in the first time.

But this kind of counter-attack is absolutely impossible for the original owner of the body. For Luo Yunyang, it is simply too easy. He has nothing else now, only a trace of will, let alone a little pastor, even if it is a higher level of medicine, it is nothing to him.

Reaching out to remove the sacred medicine hidden in the buckskin pocket, Luo Yunyang swallowed the medicinal medicine into the stomach, accompanied by the intrusion of the medicinal medicine, a crazy power, began to surge in the body of Luo Yunyang.

This power, incomparably violent, if you can't control this power, then this body will collapse immediately.

It is simply too easy to suppress this kind of counter-attack with Luo Yunyang's will. He did not even deliberately suppress it, letting this force surge in his body until the power is fully integrated into the body.

In the process of this power surge, Luo Yunyang's power has begun to recover quickly. Not only does the wound recover quickly, Luo Yunyang even feels that the hidden power in this body is also changing rapidly.

Or, the strength of this body is increasing at a rapid speed.

In the process of this promotion, Luo Yunyang quickly learned about the situation of this blue star world. According to the memory of this body, Luo Yunyang knows that in this blue star field, the world is running, it is the eight gods!

These eight gods are the Lord of Light, the Lord of the Dark, the Lord of the Storm, the Lord of the Sky, the Lord of the Earth, the Lord of the Sea, the Lord of the Killing God, and the Lord of the Gods!

The temples of the eight gods are spread across the vast blue star field. In the blue star field practitioners, they are divided into six levels.

Apprentices, pastors, priests, bishops, archbishops, and saints!

These six levels of cultivation and promotion rely mainly on the gods.

However, in the entire Blue Star field, not everyone is suitable for taking the medicine. According to the Eight Gods, only those who have the blood of God and are taken care of by God can take the medicine.

After taking the **** medicine, if you want to enter the next level, you need to completely refine the medicine you take, so that you can use the next level of medicine to break through the next level.

Even if it has completely refining the body of the gods, but when taking the next level of the gods, there are still most people who can not withstand the power of the drug, and ultimately die directly in the process of promotion.

Luo Yunyang is very familiar with the situation of the pastor because of taking the priest's magical medicine. Through the analysis of this magical medicine, Luo Yunyang discovered this so-called pastor's medicine, the root of which is a broken rule.

According to the memory of the body owner using apprentices, Luo Yunyang felt that the apprentice's magical medicine was actually a fragment of a law.

The source of the medicine is that the eight churches are refining according to the prescriptions given by their respective gods.

With the memory of the body owner, Luo Yunyang has a simple understanding of the situation of the blue star field. The eight main gods left this magical medicine to help the blue star's spiritual cultivation, not just to train some subordinates themselves, they should have more thoughts.

However, Luo Yunyang has some speculations about these thoughts, but he will not be sure for a while.

After summarizing the basic situation of the Blue Star field, the priest's magical medicine has been initially integrated into Luo Yunyang's body. He slowly stood up and had some blunt activities.

Now, finally, there is no such thing as self-protection!

At the moment when Luo Yunyang’s heart had just relaxed, a burst of empty voice had already passed from a distance. When he heard the sound of the air, Luo Yunyang’s face was cold!


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