Supreme Uprising

Chapter 142: Wind and thunder sword

"Keyin, you can't escape!" A dozen waves of the wing composed of Lei Guang, that is, the moment of effort, has already rushed to the front of Luo Yunyang.

They looked at Luo Yunyang, and the eyes were full of cold colors.

For the identity of these dozens of people, Luo Yunyang is very clear. Ke Leiyin is the name of Luo Yunyang's current body, and the dozens of figures flying in midair are the same door as the Storm God.

It can even be said that they belong to the same church!

The main reason why these people pursued Klei Yin was that the teacher of Ke Leiyin, the priest of the church, Lin Biaosi, died in the expedition. They wanted to capture the priests in the hands of Klei Yin. .

The priest-level magical medicine is not too expensive for the entire storm **** religion. Every year, tens of thousands of pastor **** medicines are given.

However, these tens of thousands of medicinal herbs are divided into a holy area, and then to a church, it seems that there are too many porridge, not enough.

The sacred church to which Coryin belongs has only been divided into three priests in the past ten years.

Although it is not possible to practice, it is very likely that the priest will take the body to die, but being able to advance to the pastor is still a huge leap for many people.

What's more, this priest's magical value is very high, even if it can't be taken immediately, but it can also be exchanged for a lot of benefits.

When Kolei’s teacher was alive, no one dared to say anything more, but the teacher of Ke Leiyin died. Those who watched the Klei Yin’s dissatisfaction and even cherished the treasure in his hands would naturally miss this opportunity. .

"Do you really want to kill them?" Luo Yunyang, who has already integrated the memory of Ke Leiyin, asked coldly.

"To kill, this is a must, Ke Leiyin, do you think that we will be merciful to you!" A man with a cold face, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice: "When your teacher is, we are not convinced It's up to you. But now, it's different from the original."

"I think you should die, but you didn't think that you actually survived, so I will let you know that it is better to die than to die."

These dozens of people are apprentices of the Storm Gods, but their level is not the same. The cultivation of the leader has reached the peak of apprenticeship.

But in this person's hand, there is no priest's magical medicine. The reason is this, naturally because of the teacher of Ke Leiyin.

His teacher secretly gave Ke Leiyin the magical medicine that should belong to this person. Although the man was annoyed, there was no way. After all, the teacher of Ke Leiyin is the priest of the church.

But now, the teacher of Ke Leiyin is dead.

This person will naturally not be merciful again. He will not only get the magical medicine, but also kill Kolei in one fell swoop.

"You are rebellious!" Luo Yunyang looked at the dozens of enemies who were apprentice-level Thunder's wings. The cold voice said: "The pastor is not a **** medicine, but here I have a priest-only storm sword field."

The dozens of men heard the wind and thunder swords, and they all stumbled. They are no strangers to the name of the wind and thunder sword field. This wind thunder sword field is the main scholastic priest after the promotion of the pastor.

The priest's wind and thunder sword field is about a hundred feet, and the priest's wind and thunder sword field can cover the hundred miles.

It is also because of the powerful attacking power of the wind and thunder swords, so the priests of the wind and thunder gods basically like this kind of wind and thunder swords.

The reason why Ke Leiyin knows the method of Feng Lei Jian Yu is because his teacher is the best at Feng Lei Jian Yu.

"Keyin, your words, really scared me, but the means of the wind and the sword field, is it that you can be displayed?"

"Come on, I am here, you kill me with the wind and thunder swords!" The cold man, who was a fraction of his head, laughed and said.

Followed by him, the wind and thunder teachings in the void, one by one laughed, although the qualification of this Ke Leiyin is OK, but he can now become a pastor, and none of the people present believe.

However, when Ke Leiyin’s law was instigated, and the infinite swords were in the middle of them, they were afraid!

They want to escape, but their repair is too far, that is, in an instant, there are three or four apprentices of the wind and thunder gods, directly killed.

The cold man who had reached the peak of the apprentice, although urging the wings behind him to form a whirlpool, desperately resisted the killing of the infinite sword, but his situation is not good.

He is getting harder and harder. In this case, there is only one final result, that is, he is dead in the vortex of this sword.

"You... how did you advance to the pastor?" The voice of the man is full of unbelief.

However, for Luo Yunyang, killing these people has no sense of accomplishment at all. Since he has chosen this body, he naturally does not allow anyone who threatens this body to exist.

"Oh, it is not forced by you guys. Since I have escaped this robbery and become a pastor, now you are **** it!"

As Luo Yunyang’s thoughts flashed, the rolling sword light became even more crazy. It was an instant, and the man was directly killed.

Although the man’s eyes are full of fear, Luo Yunyang does not give him any chance, that is, in an instant, he and those competing to chase Ke Leiyin have already died under Luo Yunyang’s wind and thunder swords.

"The priest of the wind thunder god, this identity seems to be good." Luo Yunyang thoughts flashed in his heart, gently talking to himself.

When entering this world, Luo Yunyang's mind is his own cultivation, and after he will be repaired as a quick ascension, he will naturally be able to work on the fragments of the nine emperors.

However, after the body of Klei Yin was merged, Luo Yunyang realized his thoughts and could not realize it for the time being. Among the blue stars, eight gods control everything, and they want to cultivate, only according to their cultivation.

Luo Yunyang's cultivation is a hundred times better than them, but it is not open here, because his cultivation is not absorbed at all here.

If forced to display, the final result is Luo Yunyang, the incarnation, and will soon be discovered by the eight Gods who are supposed to be the Yuan Sheng repairs according to Luo Yunyang.

The existence of the Lord of the Storm, the Lord of Light, etc., seems to be the broken parts of the Nine Emperors, and in this blue world of their own derivation, they not only have their own consciousness, but also form the world of their own laws. .

They are handed to them in a violent way, and in the end they are jade. I am afraid that these eight fragments of the sacred nine emperors have already noticed this aspect in the field of making blue stars.

Yuan Sheng, after my cultivation is upgraded, everything should not be a problem.

Between a thought, Luo Yunyang's property adjuster is reflected in the heart, looking at the golden figure, Luo Yunyang even has a long-lost feeling.

Strength: 15, spirit: 20, physique: 10, speed: 17

How many years have passed, I have not seen such a shabby figure for many years, and the reason why there is such a shabby figure is because this body is too weak and too weak.

Below this data is the various data of Luo Yunyang's deity. The difference between the data of the deity and the data is too big.

If the data is a mosquito, then the data of the deity is a vast starry sky!

It is a pity that once the data is adjusted, the biggest possibility is to give the blue star field a jade and burn it. At that time, he could not get anything. It was a hard work.

Fortunately, these eight gods, each of them ambitious, have the mind of the other seven gods, which is also a good opportunity for Luo Yunyang.

As long as he can grasp the opportunity, within a hundred years, he may be able to solve these eight carefully-minded Gods in one fell swoop.

However, compared with this ultimate goal, he now relies on the identity of Ke Leiyin, and slowly upgrades his cultivation.

The largest building in Ban Dong City is the temple of the Storm Temple. At this time, many people in the temple are very popular.

"Mr. Jamie, please also save your Keleiyin, he...he is dangerous now." A handsome apprentice, respectfully pointing to a man wearing a priest of the storm gods.

"Rescue Ke Leiyin? Ke Leiyin does not need help, Simon, what you have to do now is to clean the entire temple. I don't know how the previous priest asked you, but now, this class Since the East Temple is under my control, then you must follow my rules."

"And, the horse shed is very important. Our martial arts warriors need war horses. You can't be sloppy in this matter."

In the temple, even if they are apprentices, they will be greatly respected. Their main task is cultivation.

A few apprentices with Simon, who used to be in the storm temple, can be described as the pride of the sky. Now let them go to the temple to clean the horse shed, this is simply an insult to them.

"Mr. Jamie, cleaning the horse shed is not our business, you still have to find another person!" A handsome man with a hot face, said straightforwardly.

"Breaching the command of the pastor, you are against the will of the Lord of the Storm, come and take them, and give me three hundred bats." When the words of Pastor Jamie exited, the hearts of the people around him suddenly trembled.

They have already understood at this time that this Jamie pastor is afraid to stand up.

Some people feel that this is not only to stand up, but to kill!

In this class of East Temple, the best object of Liwei is naturally the unlucky ones who have lost the back!

Ke Leiyin is already in jeopardy. Simon and several of them are the same apprentices as Kole, and they are also in danger.

After all, in the Temple of the Storm, no one cares about the death of several apprentices.

In an instant, Simon and others have been won by the martyrdom of the wolf-like tiger, and some have already raised the sacred stick that implies the thunder!

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