Supreme Uprising

Chapter 86: The stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker

In a newly formed in-vivo universe, hundreds of mysterious people gather inside a planet without any vitality.

Magnificent, decorated like a palace, the man sitting in the tall seat is like a king.

"Isn't the person who is condensing the tower yet found out?" The man's voice was full of low taste.

"Adults, not yet, although the Falcons have been probed again and again in the Temple of Hongmeng, the Temple of Hongmeng has already ordered the seal. Therefore, it is difficult to find out who this person is." One hidden in the black robe The figure, respectfully said.

The man who is like a king is not angry. He said faintly: "If you can't find out, then identify a few key people."

"Xuan Tian Zhao Xing, Li Jiuyue, Yin Yang Zongzi!" After saying three famous names, he went on to say: "The three people will be included in the first-class assassination sequence for the time being."

After saying this, he said quietly: "Other people, included in the second-class assassination sequence."

"Subordinate to obey." The hundreds of black shadows, almost at the same time respectfully said.

"A meta-conference, almost the same person can become a great power, we can kill him, there is only one time for the yuan."

"Tell the Falcon, after determining the target, kill it at all costs."

Half an hour after the man made the decision, a figure that was being practiced in the Temple of Hongmeng, when he received the order, flashed a glimpse of his eyes.

But this is unwilling, and soon it was replaced by madness.

"Who is it? Xuan Tian Zhaoxing is still a yin and yang son?" The voice of the man, with a hint of low self-talk: "A chance, you must not be wrong, or else they will be wiped out."

"They are going out of the temple of the holy law. When they come out, the opportunity is great." In the faint voice, the figure stepped out of the hall of cultivation.

Immediately, he turned into a handsome middle-aged man, striding toward the Temple of St. Law.

"I have a few chances to get to know the Holy Law Hall. I just went to investigate it."

Outside the Temple of the Holy Faith, more than a dozen people have gathered, and each of them is full of expectation when they look at the Temple of the Holy Fa.

A beautiful light shines outside the hall of the Holy Fa. With these lights, Luo Yunyang and others appear in the Temple of the Holy Law.

"Your cultivation in the Temple of Hongmeng is now officially started. That is to say, you are already the master of the Hongmeng Temple. If you can achieve something in the future, look at yourself."

"After a meta-conference, if you have not become a mighty power, then you must leave the Hungmon Temple."

The voice of the scorpion screamed again, and he stepped on, and the whole person’s spirit was full and full.

"In the outer hall of the Hongmeng Temple, there are a lot of empty houses, you can choose to live freely. As for the things that need attention, there are points in your communicator, and you should pay attention to them."

Speaking of this, there is a cold voice in the voice of Hao Tianzhu: "The communicator can only be used inside the Hongmeng Temple, and basically can't be contacted outside."

"Remember, you come to the Temple of Hongmen, for the sake of cultivation, and don't put too much thought on the mess."

"Time is precious, you must cherish!"

During the conversation, Hao Tianyi had turned and left to see how he came and went, and Luo Yunyang felt that he was going to retreat.

In the temple of Hongmeng, it is difficult to contact the outside, which makes Luo Yunyang somewhat uncomfortable, but for the practice of the Hongmeng Temple, Luo Yunyang’s heart still agrees.

After all, the Hongmeng Temple is the foundation of the human race. If you use the communicator arbitrarily, there is no secret in it.

The most important thing for yourself now is to find a place to live and then break through the heavens.

Although Luo Yunyang’s combat power has now surpassed many ordinary Tianzun, Tianzun’s nine realms are one heaven and one heaven.

Not a heavenly respect, after all, there are insurmountable restrictions.

With his mind in mind, Luo Yunyang ignored the talents who gradually gathered together and walked in one direction at random.

The outer hall of this Hongmeng temple is basically a city, and it is still a city without many people.

According to the notices in the communicator, Luo Yunyang's eyes continually swept through a house.

These houses are like a small building, and most of them are dimly lit. The faint light follows the communicator, which is where no one lives.

Walking as he pleased, Luo Yunyang finally selected a house after a quarter of an hour. He chose this house for one reason, that is, the house looks very quiet.

The token that represents his identity is gently lowered in the groove of the doorway, and a layer of crystal light begins to rise in the house. And the gate made of the mysterious yellow stone is silently opened.

Luo Yunyang walked into the house and found that the house did not have a folding room and the like. The area of ​​more than 300 square meters was divided into five areas.

There are areas for rest, areas with cultivation, and areas for entertainment...

Just like a giant beast entering his own territory, Luo Yunyang walked through the house and walked around. When he walked into the cultivation room, he looked.

Because on the walls of the cultivation room, there are countless killing words, and every word is full of violent meaning.

If Luo Yunyang is still in the stars, these killing words, each of them has no small use for him, and even can be deduced into a practice.

But now, these words are in the eyes of Luo Yunyang, that is, there are some meanings of appreciation.

"This person, I am afraid I am crazy at the end!"

After reading all the killings, Luo Yunyang subconsciously commented that for those who wrote countless kills, although there was some sympathy in his heart, it was only a little sympathy.

The things belonging to the former owner in the house have almost disappeared. Luo Yunyang ^_^ simply arranged the room, and sat on the chair made of Xuan Huangshi, seriously studying the training in the communicator. Notice.

"Every day, the Son of the List, has ten years of access to an hour in the Hongmeng Temple."

"Every place is worthy of the Son of the Son, and has one hour of enlightenment in the Temple of Hongmen in a hundred years!"

"Everyone is on the list of sons, and once in five hundred years, he has the right to enlighten an hour in the Temple of Hongmeng."

Looking at these three things, Luo Yunyang felt a **** competition, and he did not care about it.

The Hongmeng Temple provides a lot of benefits for these saints, such as the enlightenment of the temple of the Hongmeng, such as the one-year cultivation in the Temple of the Holy Faith. It is no exaggeration to say that these are the opportunities that other warriors are desperately difficult to obtain.

Such a large investment, for him is among them, one or two yuan can be born, and the cultivation of Yuan Zun's power is naturally the survival of the fittest, and the strong is the respect.

One million Hongmeng points, you can exchange for an opportunity to enter the Hongmeng Temple.

When Luo Yunyang saw this article, there was an urge to spit out too dark, and a million miles, which is really not much.

To know that when entering the Hongmeng Temple, Luo Yunyang had thirty-six sons, but in the case of four people who died, most of the talents got one or two hundred points.

Even if he killed a five-day god, he won a million points.

One million Hongmeng points, that is, killing one hundred five-fold Tianzun, how easy it is to do this. One by one, the thoughts of Luo Yunyang fell on a list of exchanged items.

"In the beginning, a drop of chaotic liquid, 100,000 Hong Meng points!"

When I saw the familiar Chaochao liquid, Luo Yunyang couldn't help but spit it out. The price of the chaotic liquid at the beginning was a bit too abnormal, so that Luo Yunyang, who was interested in buying some, was discouraged.

After sweeping through a lot of heavenly treasures, Luo Yunyang discovered that not all things are extremely valuable.

For example, Geng Jinzhi, a treasure that is rare in the gods, is worth a dozen.

The value of the red fire fruit is even more scary, and ten are just a little bit.

Luo Yunyang glanced at the precious items above. These things are not mostly useful, but most of them are very useful for him now.

As long as you get one or two, you can make the accumulation of the one-dimensional universe in his body go up to the next level.

However, he does not have so many points.

Just when Luo Yunyang’s heart was filled with resentment, a line of text appeared in Luo Yunyang’s eyes. The content of this line of text was how to earn Hongmeng.

Hong Meng points can be donated by others, or you can earn yourself. Of course, the most normal way is to earn your own points.

Break the record and get the corresponding point!

Luo Yunyang looked at the record breaking content, and he could not help but frown. Because this record is not a record of strength or other items, but the heavenly road of the Hongmeng Temple.

Before breaking through Tianzun, the record of the Hongmeng Temple breaking through the Tianji Road was the second layer.

Can break through this record before becoming Tianzun, break through the third floor, you can get 100,000 Hong Meng points.

And if you break through the fourth floor, you can get a million points.

At the time of Luo Yunyang's heartbeat, a message was quickly introduced into his communicator.

Although the communicator can't connect to the outside world, it is still very sensitive in the temple of Hongmeng.

Xuan Tian Zhaoxing has broken the third floor of Tianji Road!

Looking at the news, Luo Yunyang frowned, he was prepared to earn the means of Hongmeng, and now he was first picked up. According to the regulations of the Hongmeng Temple, if anyone wants this opportunity, it is necessary to break the fourth layer of the Heavenly Road.

However, on the fourth floor of the Tianji Road, many talents of Tianzun and Duo can not be broken.

After weighing the balance, Luo Yunyang made up his mind.

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