Supreme Uprising

Chapter 87: On the celestial road

Although the entrance to the Tianji Road is in the Hongmeng Temple, when Luo Yunyang stepped into the Tianji Road and looked at the empty avenue that seemed to go straight through the sky, he felt that the heavenly road should be in another space.

When Luo Yunyang’s feet fell on the Tianji Road, a figure dressed in white appeared in front of Luo Yunyang.

He is as good as electricity, and he is flying!

In the moment of seeing this figure, Luo Yunyang felt that this figure is actually a way of taking pictures.

"There was someone who had passed the third level. The young people are really good now. I hope you will not let me down." The white figure was talking, and his hand had already had a long sword.

A sword with a Shaojian sword in the hands of Luo Yunyang!

"I only use the first layer of Tian Yu's sacred law. If you can break it, you can go from me." The white man whispered in his hand, and nine golden rays rushed out of his sword. .

These nine rays of light have turned into a circle in the void, a circle that seems to be able to bind everything in the middle.

At the beginning of the yuan, although it only implies a kind of cosmic ban, but in the moment of Jianguang's display, this cosmic ban is divided into nine.

Nine swords, the cycle, no flaws.

Luo Yunyang is facing the perfect nine-sword Jianguang, the Shaoyu sword in his hand vibrates, and the same nine swords fly out of his hands.

One yuan resumption!

Luo Yunyang’s exhibition is also a one-way resumption. It can be said that Luo Yunyang and the white man at this time are the same in all respects.

Although the white man is only a picture, his consciousness, his everything, but his inheritance of his body, in the moment when Luo Yunyang was shown to display a reunion, his eyes flashed a trace of pride.

"Looking for death!" The white man said coldly: "When you come back to Shaoguan next time, remember, don't take a toddler, use the same moves as me, because you don't deserve it!"

This sentence is full of arrogance and full of a sense of topography. Luo Yunyang does not refute it. However, in the moment when his one-dollar resurrection and the white man’s sword light collide in the void, the white man’s eyes flashed. A trace of horror.

Because the one yuan he saw was not one, but two.

The two yuan are starting again, just like the items reflected by the mirror, there seems to be no difference.

During the three-yuan recurrence collision, the white man's one-time resumption was broken instantly, and Luo Yunyang's Jianguang, even the white shadow of the man in white, was broken into powder.

"Why is your one yuan going back..."

The figure of the white man, who has not finished speaking, has collapsed in the void, Luo Yunyang looked at the figure, the faint road: "In fact, I don't know why."

In this sentence, Luo Yunyang did not get cheap and sold, and everything he said was true. After coming out of the Hongmeng Temple, Luo Yunyang was surprised to find that his own moves, without knowing why, can produce an identical shadow.

This kind of shadow has greatly increased the power of the means he has applied.

Although I don't know what it is, Luo Yunyang thinks that this should be related to his own experience in the Hongmeng Temple.

The so-called creation of the Goddess show, Luo Yunyang has understood this time, this is not just a matter of light.

After a quarter of an hour, Luo Yunyang, who has broken the three-way pass of the Tianji Road, has fallen to the fourth level of the Tianji Road.

Every level is a platform. This time Luo Yunyang faced, still the figure of white.

From the appearance, he and the first level did not have any difference, but when Luo Yunyang saw this figure, he felt a feeling of depression.

A strong force of heaven.

In the first three levels of the Tianji Road, this white figure and Luo Yunyang maintained almost the same strength, but in the fourth level, the breath of this person has become a heavy god.

With Luo Yunyang's cultivation, ordinary Tianzun, he does not have to care, but at this time he is facing the Tianzun, he can not help but put it in his heart.

Because this person has not reached the peak of the practice of cultivation, and his body should be a top talent.

These people, this can not be underestimated, let alone, now suddenly, he has crossed a big realm.

"You can pass through the first three levels. It is already very good. I still want to remind you kindly: You have reached a limit!" The voice of the white man is no different from the first.

"Like our practice of the Famen, you should know that the power required by the Fourth Sword is no longer affordable."

"You can't beat the fourth sword, you won't win me."

The white figure said: "Look at you is a genius who is not inferior to my body. I advise you to leave!"

"Defect, it will cause unnecessary harm to your cultivation."

Luo Yunyang looked at the white figure he had played against three times. His heart was full of admiration for the white man. Because the three swords, Luo Yunyang all won, but Luo Yunyang knew very well that he won because he After the move, the strange shadow appeared.

And this white man, on the cultivation of Tian Yu's method of heaven, is definitely above Luo Yunyang.

"I am sure." Although I know that this is just a picture, Luo Yunyang is still very solemn. His property modifier and the strange shadow appearing are his secret skills.

These are even in the case of incomparably safe, Luo Yunyang will not speak out, let alone that he is not too understanding of the heavens.

So he only uses these four words to express his meaning.

The swordsmanship in Tianyu Dingtian Temple is not much different from Tianyu's thirteen swords. According to Luo Yunyang's feelings, the swordsmanship in Tiantian Dingtian Temple is much more than the Tianyu thirteen swords.

If the sword in Tianyu Dingtian Temple is the backbone, then Tianyu thirteen swords are tributaries, and they still join the tributaries of their swords.

Luo Yunyang did not know how the ancestor of the feathers came to the thirteen swords of the day, but he felt that the connection between the two must be very deep.

"In this case, then you pick up!" White figure does not like to talk, he said so much to Luo Yunyang, mainly because of Luo Yunyang's like.

Now Luo Yunyang said that he was sure that the figure of white clothes suddenly shot, and the beautiful Jianguang light flew out from the sword in his hand. These Jianguang were flying out of the moment, and they were turned into four in the void. The flashing behemoth bombarded the past with Luo Yunyang.

There are cosmic bans, and there are still four giant beasts that are confined together. Every one seems to be really alive. When they come from the bombardment, Luo Yunyang feels that the world around him is in a huge Among the packages.

In the understanding of this move, Luo Yunyang feels that there is still some gap between him and the white figure.

However, Luo Yunyang has his own card.

In an instant, Luo Yunyang’s long sword was thrown out. At this time, he has used his property regulator to enhance his strength.

In the flash of Jianguang, Luo Yunyang's side formed eight giant beasts, and the four giant beasts in the white figure greeted them.

In the general voice of the landslide and tsunami, countless yuan bans, cracking in the void. If it wasn't for this day, there would have been a special design. If the collapse of the plural ban, I am afraid that it will immediately collapse the endless void.

The four behemoths of the white figure Jianhua’s evolution collapsed in the void, while the eight giant beasts evolved by Luo Yunyang Jianguang still existed, but one of them was already short of broken arms and had no appearance.

That's it, the white figure without defense power, or a quick collapse.

"You win, some are opportunistic, but you still win." The white figure sighed at the moment of collapse.

Although Luo Yunyang is seemingly calm, but in fact he is now in a state of exhaustion.

Nothing wrong, it is exhaustion!

At this time, Luo Yunyang, when he fired the sword, basically consumed all his strength and mental strength.

If you let him show the same sword now, it is impossible, let alone let him continue.

After all, it is still winning!

Looking at the front of the sky, the towering sky into the sky, Luo Yunyang's eyes, flashing a smile.

Although the means he used, in the white figure, some tricks, but Luo Yunyang he passed the fourth pass.

One million Hongmeng points, you can buy a lot of things, these things should be enough for Luo Yunyang to advance to Tianzun.

"Challenger, do you continue to challenge?" The sound of the machine sounded in Luo Yunyang's ear. This time Luo Yunyang was hesitant, and finally chose the challenge.

When Luo Yunyang went to the fifth level, he still encountered the white figure. The white figure did not speak to Luo Yunyang. The sword light in his hand turned into a huge light wheel in the void. under.

This sword, Luo Yunyang looked very intimate.

He didn't even resist, not that he didn't want to resist, but at the moment when the sword wheel fell, Luo Yunyang felt that his body was surrounded by an invisible force and tightly bound.


Like the thunderous sound, Luo Yunyang felt that his eyes were black. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in the entrance of the Tianji Road.

"Luo Yunyang, congratulations, you have passed the fourth floor of the celestial road, a million Hongmeng point has already hit your account, now you will announce your own record?"

Listening to the voice of this mechanical inquiry, Luo Yunyang indulged in a moment, Shen Sheng said: "Not announced!"

"Well, then the Hongmeng Temple will not announce your name, but the news of the fourth floor of the Tianji Road was told to inform the entire Hongmeng Temple." The mechanical voice said calmly.

For the anonymous release, Luo Yunyang has no opinion. The reason why he hides his life is mainly that he does not want to be too eye-catching, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

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