Supreme Uprising

Chapter 821: No death

The look of Qingyuan Tianzun changed greatly. He did not expect that Akasaka’s Datianzun actually said such conditions.

It can be said that under such conditions, he is unwilling to accept from the heart, but under the gaze of Akasaka, his anti-discourse, which he wants to say, is finally swallowed into the stomach.

It is not that he does not want to say, but that he does not dare to question the decision of Akasaka. Without the face of Huan Tian Zun, it suddenly opened up.

He didn't think of it, he would have a day like a fish.

"Father, save me!" No Huan Tian Zun took his father's hand, and his voice was filled with tremors.

Qingyuan Tianzun did not say anything. He just glanced at Luo Yunyang. At this time, what he thought most was that Luo Yunyang did not agree.

As long as Luo Yunyang does not agree, then everything is easy to say.

Akasaka’s words are said to have reached the point where they are actually the bottom line of Akasaka’s great celestial respect. Optimus Tianzun does not believe that Akasaka’s great lord will choose to retreat at this time.

As long as it is not a retreat, it is natural that everything is not a problem.

Luo Yunyang looked at the solemn red scorpion, and his mind was spinning at a rapid speed. Although he was full of killings for the sorrowful sorrow, he said that he would kill all the people from the celestial swords. He was not so ferocious. .

Some words, he made it, just to adapt to his identity.

"Ha ha ha, it is really a talented person on the rivers and mountains! In the next yuan entropy, I saw the reincarnation of the Great Heaven!" With the sound of cool, a short stature, but the whole person gives a radiant old man, appeared in the void in.

At the moment when the old man came out, his head was about ten feet, and there were four golden stars, which were looming in the void.

Yuanwu Shenxing!

That is to say, this old man has passed the fourth level of the Yuanwu 13th Pass, even if it enters the big universe, it is also the strength of the Yuanwu Four Heavens.

Luo Yunyang did not know about this old man, but the look of the celestial celestial god, but instantly revealed a trace of ecstasy.

Almost the first time he went to the old man's respectful manner: "I have seen Yuan Entropy!"

Yuan Entropy Day Tianzun gently nodded to Qingyuan Tianzun, and his eyes looked at Luo Yunyang: "The so-called family is not suitable for the knot, Akasaka Daisuke has this meaning, I also have this meaning, the younger brother is better to give me two How about a face, according to the conditions of Akasaka?"

According to the conditions of Akasaka, no Huan Tian Zun is still a dead!

And refused the Yuan Entropy, and then Luo Yunyang wants to be on the two big heavens. Almost instantaneously, Wuhuan Tianzun knows what choice Luo Yunyang will make.

Killing the sword from the sky, Luo Yunyang came with a full of anger, but after the rescue of Lu Bingyue, his heart has calmed down.

Although the enemy must report, there are some things that must be done.

After glanced at the Yuan Entropy, he said with a sigh of relief: "I don't want to die, but I can't die from the Tianjian. But from this mountain gate, I don't want to leave the Tianjian. ”

"I want to turn this into an infinite abyss, not so, it is difficult to eliminate the hatred of my heart!" Luo Yunyang said here, a faint saying: "Yuan entropy big Tianzun, your face has been given, you say? ”

The meta-entropy of Tian Tianzun's face changed. Although he felt that the young man in front of his heart did not know how to advance or retreat, he was also unwilling to have such a strong presence with Luo Yunyang and endangered his life and death.

After all, no Huan Tian Zun has nothing to do with him.

As for the Tianjianzong, although he also has some exchanges, but these exchanges are very general, the reason why the Yuan Entropy Tianzun can come, is mainly the face of Akasaka.

Therefore, he did not express his position at all. He looked directly at Akasaka Daisuke: "Aki, brother, what do you mean?"

Akasaka Daisuke is also reluctant to make a breakthrough in the big time when this big opportunity emerges, and Luo Yunyang is the same opponent who is a high-powered player.

There is no such thing as death, but even if his conditions, as for the change of the Tianjianzong to a mountain gate, this is not a big thing.

The shameful, but also the person who lost the sword from the sky, has little to do with his Akasaka. So after a little indulging, he said quietly: "I can agree with this matter."

This sentence makes the sorrowful gods sway.

He did not think of his own life, so he was taken as a bargaining chip and was deprived of silence.

"No, I don't agree, my father saved me, and I loved you in the sky." Nothing is high, and the voice is full of hysteria.

In this high drink, Wu Huan Tian Zun wakes up. He has almost no hesitation, and he will rush out to the outside.

At this time, there is no joy, no destination, no everything, he only thinks one, that is to escape.

But as he prepares to vacate, a big hand has fallen from the void, and he has been suppressed in the void.

Compared with his own son, Qing Yuan Tian Zun is more concerned about the future of the sword. For the cracked swords, the mountain gate of the cracked sword, it is extremely important.

He is the face of Tian Jianzong!

Although it is also important to have no Huan Zun Zun, but the life without the joy of heaven is still better than the foundation of Tian Jianzong.

"Da Tianzun, two big heavens?" In the eyes of Qingyuan Tianzun, there was a hint of praying, and the five double heavenly gods also looked at Akasaka Datianzun with a complete look.

Akasaka Datianzun naturally understands the meaning of Qingyuan Tianzun, but he has made up his mind and will certainly not change.

So he looked at Qingyuan Tianzun and then he coldened his face.

Akasaka Daisuke does not speak, but his look has indeed ruined his meaning.

As for the Yuan Entropy, Tian Tianzun, at this time, he used an icy tone: "It can help you, it is already a red-hearted compassion."

"If you are in the middle of it, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

In a word, there is an implied killing, and the whole warrior who is away from the sword of the heavens feels trembling.

In particular, the five double heavens, although they are full of resentment for Luo Yunyang's ruin from the Tianjian Zongzong gate, but at this moment, they also know that they have no other choice.

The most uncomfortable thing is that there is no Huan Tian Zun. He wants to speak, but he can't open his mouth at all. Even if he uses his eyes to express his pleading, he can't do it.

The most reluctant of Qingyuan Tianzun is still the mountain gate from Tianjianzong. After all, at this mountain gate, they did not know how many years they had been operating.

If it is said that in the entire cloud-light universe, this ancestral gate from the Tianjianzong is one of the best blessings of the gods, which is absolutely not called.

However, if you say that the top ten Futian Mountain, from the Tianmeng Zongmen, it can definitely be among the ranks. If the mountain gate is gone, it will be difficult to find such a good mountain gate from Tianjian.

Even if it is from the Tianjian Zong, there is Zhenyuan Tianzun sitting in the town, I am afraid that the sound of the sword from the Tianjianzong will be reduced a lot.

But now, they have no other choice.

When Luo Yunyang stood under the stars, a round of reincarnation, like a huge ship, when the raging fall, the vast world, at this moment, is still open.

All the people are staring at the reincarnation wheel that is directly under the arm. In an instant, it is like a thunderous roar, which is heard in everyone's heart.

In this huge roar, the Tianjian Zongshan Gate, filled with the gods and celestial spirits, turned into a broken powder. Although the disciples from Tianjianzong have escaped, most of the family members of Tianjianzong did not bring them. come out.

It’s not that they don’t want to bring it. It’s really those things that have been burned on the mountain with various bans. It takes a long time to take it away.

Luo Yunyang did not give them time, and Akasaka Daisuke and Yuan Entropy also did not give them time.

Therefore, the entire warrior who was away from the sword of the heavens could only watch, their mountain gates were destroyed, and they looked at the gods in their hearts like the gods, and looked at it all.

A huge ocean replaces the endless mountain of God. Under the reincarnation, the body of the unrequited **** is crushed into powder by the hard life.

Akasaka Datianzun and Yuan Entropy Tiandeng stood quietly in the distance, and two people looked at the sea that was separated from the Tianjian Zongshan Mountain, and there was a trace of dullness in the look.

Nothing wrong, it is dull.

It seems that the situation of the sword from the sky is not related to the two people. When many disciples from Tianjianzong began to leave, Akasaka’s Datian Zun said: "Not only will you report, but you will be extremely arrogant."

"He is not just revenge, but he also wants to tell the majority of people from the gates of the sword of the heavens. He is not good at it."

Yuan Entropy Datianzun smiled faintly: "Actually, his arrival is only good for us, no harm is not."

"After all, as long as he joins, we have a higher helper, and the grasp of the new universe has increased a bit."

Akasaka Daisuke smiled and smiled: "Yes, if he can die in the newly opened world, it would be better."

Yuan Entropy Datian Zun smiled and said: "We don't have to deliberately do this thing."

"In the new universe, there are many opportunities. But before, the record in the chaotic stone I got in the new universe, we have to think twice."

"The Temple of Hongmeng tests the chances of the Son. Although we can fight, we must not make a head bird."

"This reincarnation is just the most sharp weapon in our hands. I don't believe it. He will not be excited about a newly opened universe."

"And once he meets with the son of Na Hongmeng Temple, it is when he contributes. At that time, it is life and death, and wealth is in heaven."

Akasaka Daizenun nodded and smiled: "This time, the big chance is coming to our cloud universe. We must not let go. Otherwise, we are afraid that we will be in this cloud universe for a lifetime."

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