Supreme Uprising

Chapter 822: Eight squares of wind and rain gather together

The seven words of the reincarnation of Tian Zun Luo Yuan have become a taboo in the vast cloud universe.

But in the sky of heaven, he became the only master!

The reconstruction of the Blue Dragon Houfu, in the eyes of some people, the Luo family who are never able to return again. Like a god-like head without a joy, it is hung high in the void...

All of this makes the heavens empty. When the Blue Dragon Houfu reopened, there were more three heavenly statues of the Yunguang Universe, and there was a gift from Tianjian Zongtianzun.

It is also the time of eight years, Blue Dragon Houfu has become the power to take charge of the entire heavenly void.

Only these, Luo Yunyang did not care, his position in the entire cloud universe is too high, so basically no one dares to disturb him.

Sitting cross-legged in the place where the heavens have the most aura of the void, Luo Yunyang did not practice, not only because the aura of this place is too small, it is not very useful to practice, but because at this time, he feels that the guest he is waiting for is finally here. .

In the past eight years, Luo Yunyang has lived in a simple way. In addition to consolidating his own cultivation, he has begun to realize some time and space.

Although I can't say how deep this feeling is, I can feel some pictures related to myself.

"If someone visits, reincarnation can see each other." A faint voice sounded in Luo Yunyang's ears.

At the moment when the sound came out, Luo Yunyang’s heart rose a bit brighter. He could realize the arrival of this person, and I am afraid that this person deliberately did it.

"Da Tianzun came, and the Yuan Dynasty was honored." During the speech, Luo Yunyang stood up from the stone platform.

It was the Akasaka Daisuke, which was not seen in eight years. There was no difference between the Akasaka and the last time.

After all, eight years, for Luo Yunyang and others, just a snap.

"Reincarnation, although this place is leisurely, but after all, killing the fighting spirit, there is no slight benefit to the cultivation of Tianzun."

After Akasaka’s big day and Luo Yunyang’s two words, there are some words that open the door: “The void is not a universe after all, it can support the reincarnation of the most respectable, that is, cultivation to the heavenly one.”

"Reincarnation, if you want to improve, you need to enter the cloud and light universe to cultivate."

Luo Yunyang knows that Akasaka’s Datianzun is telling the truth, the universe, the universe, and the void. It seems that there is a kind of power in the bondage. Generally, it is cultivated in the void, and at most it becomes a god.

In the universe, cultivation can become a six-day god.

Only the great universe can become a nine-fold god, even beyond the nine, to become a powerful existence.

"Thank you, Da Tianzun, I will be ready to enter the endless chaos again after I have finished dealing with this emptiness!"

Luo Yunyang deliberately let a flash of hope in his eyes: "Although the endless chaos is full of unknowns, but the chance is really not small."

Luo Yunyang's ambitious performance made a glimpse of a surprise in the eyes of Akasaka.

He is not afraid of Luo Yunyang's ambition. What he wants is Luo Yunyang's ambition, and only this ambitious person can dare to do big things.

"Yunyang, the danger of endless chaos is too great. One hundred people who are looking for opportunities in the endless chaos can survive, basically no more than three."

"You can come back this time, and you won't have such good luck next time."

The words of Akasaka Daisuke made Luo Yunyang secretly happy, but on the surface, he showed a hint of indulging color.

In the end, this sorrow became a kind of perseverance, a kind of perseverance that would never die.

"Da Tianzun, I have loved martial arts cultivation since I was a child. For me, if you can't continue to progress on the martial arts, what is the difference between living and dying?"

"Just take the things of the past, if not I have some strength, I am afraid that I have been swallowed up for a long time, do you say it?"

Akasaka Datianzun knew what Luo Yunyang was saying. He smiled and said: "In the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was right. Everything still depends on strength."

"But the chaotic universe is really dangerous."

"I have a good place to go here. I don't know if you dare to do it at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty." Akasaka Datianzun finished, and did not immediately say it, but like a brilliant hunter, quietly watching Luo Yunyang.

At this time, Luo Yunyang did not show an impatience, but he was indulging for a while before he said: "I dare to go to the chaotic universe, let alone other."

"But don't lie to me, Datian Zun, the chance inside, is it really like you said?"

"This nature." Akasaka Daisuke said in a deep voice: "A universe that is about to open up, how did you think at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty."

Newly opened universe!

At the moment when Akasaka Daisuke said this sentence, Luo Yunyang deliberately let his eyes flash a greedy glimmer of light, and could not wait to ask: "Is this statement true?"

"This nature, if there is no exact news, I will not come back to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty to offer ugliness." Akasaka Daisuke is quite satisfied with Luo Yunyang's eager performance.

The reason why he did not doubt the other is because Luo Yunyang’s reaction was in his expectation.

It can even be said that Luo Yunyang’s reaction is exactly the same as that of Luo Yunyang.

In Luo Yunyang's eyes, all kinds of flashes of light flashed, and it took a while to say: "So good place, Datianzun will not be cheaper than me?"

"In the early Yuan Dynasty, this place, I couldn't swallow it alone, and even most people couldn't swallow it, and there was an opponent involved in it." Akasaka Daisuke said here, the voice is low: "It is precisely because of this, so we need to invite more helpers."

"But you can rest assured that this matter has no trouble."

After saying this, in the hands of Akasaka Daisuke, there is a golden token. "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, use your mental power to motivate this thing. Everywhere you will understand."

Luo Yunyang took the golden token and realized that it was a virtual world communicator. Knowing that this object is not too much threat, so Luo Yunyang directly spurred the golden token.

In an instant, Luo Yunyang discovered his own knowledge and entered a void.

This piece of void is not too big, just a magnificent palace. When Luo Yunyang appeared in this palace, Luo Yunyang saw that Akasaka Daisuke also appeared in the palace.

In the palace, there are hundreds of people at this time. What are they talking about, seeing the arrival of Luo Yunyang and Akasaka, and looking at the direction of Luo Yunyang and Akasaka.

Of course, the main eye is still left in Luo Yunyang.

"Red, this is the reincarnation that you said?" He spoke of an old-fashioned old man. His voice contained a kind of special magnetism that people listened to. The impulse to surrender.

When the old man came up, he shrouded an invisible tempting force toward Luo Yunyang.

Although it is in the virtual world, Luo Yunyang is also not ready to give in. At the moment of entering this virtual world, Luo Yunyang discovered that the Hongmeng Heaven and the Hongmeng Temple are simply a heaven and a ground.

Here, he is able to use only the power of the spirit.

Therefore, at this moment, Luo Yunyang did not hesitate, and immediately showed his life and death, and shrouded the past toward the old man.

When the old man just saw Luo Yunyang's moment, he has clearly sensed that Luo Yunyang's cultivation is nothing but a one-of-a-kind.

Although he thinks that Luo Yunyang must have some special features, but these are not enough to let him treat each other as equals, so he has the heart to give Luo Yunyang a Mawei, he has applied his own enchantment.

This temptation, although it seems ordinary, but the cultivation of the old man, a look, is enough to let many people collapse.

However, he did not think that under his own temptation, this seemingly only one heavy Tianzun, not only did not suffer any harm, but instead swiftly attacked him.

The mighty power that made him sway for a moment was very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he became Tianzun for many years, and I cultivated it to be strong, and this took a deep breath and then suppressed the uncomfortable feeling.

The other gatherings of the strong, one by one will take away the contempt of the heart, although Luo Yunyang's cultivation is not high, but with this hand attack, it is enough to make them jealous.

"I am Luo Yuanchu!" Luo Yunyang spoke, with a smile in his voice, but this smile was in the eyes of the old man, but it was a kind of combative smile.

"Luo Xiong is really beyond my expectation!" The old man looked deeply at Luo Yunyang: "Your cultivation is just a heavy god, but the feeling for me is stronger than many five-day gods." !"

In this sentence, the old man has a lot of changes in the face of Tian Zun.

Because these people are awesome.

This is a kind of provocation. Although it seems to be a small means, this kind of unscrupulous little means is often the most difficult to break.

"Haha, you are laughing, I think that your temptation is better than all the six heavens present."

After Luo Yunyang’s words were finished, the old man did not speak any more, but then, the two people seemed to have met the best friends of their lives, and almost laughed at the same time.

In this laughter, I heard someone say the words: "Red 彤大天尊, you really squint, even the sect of the sacred dragon that we are going to deal with this time, is introduced to this dragon saga meeting, really Incompetent bungler."

This sentence was exported, and suddenly there was silence.

Luo Yunyang's mental and physical cultivation, although it has reached a point where the sky is cracking and not blinking, but this sudden, let him glimpse.

My own plan, if it has not yet started, has it been seen through? If that is the case, this time the new universe will open up, but it will be troublesome.

The thoughts in my heart flashed, and Luo Yunyang had already looked at the person who spoke. He wanted to see who he was and saw through his own plans.

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