Supreme Uprising

Chapter 823: Dragon Slayer

When Luo Yunyang’s gaze followed the person who spoke, the person who spoke also looked at Luo Yunyang.

This is a middle-aged man, and he is also a middle-aged man who has been trained to reach the Sixth Heaven. He is handsome and looks with a strong confidence.

When Luo Yunyang looked over, he even smiled at Luo Yunyang.

This person, I don’t know!

Just when Luo Yunyang made up his mind, he heard someone laughing and laughing: "Yuanhuang Datianzun, this time you guessed it wrong!"

"Don't ask Yuan Huang Datian Zun, when did the Hongmeng Temple recruit the Son, when did it start?"

The person who spoke was Akasaka, and his attitude was peaceful, but a sense of sarcasm was unconsciously revealed in his words.

Luo Yunyang can feel that there is no small grievance between the Akasaka Daisuke and the Yuanhuang Datianzun.

"Who doesn't know this?" Yuan Huang Datian is not an ordinary person. When he saw Akasaka, he said that he had a backhand, and he immediately said: "It is this reincarnation, Was it a goddess before the recruitment of disciples in the Hongmeng Temple?"

"Yes, not only before the disciples were recruited in the Hongmeng Temple, but also in the Hungmun Temple before recruiting disciples for a hundred years!"

Akasaka Daisuke said here: "Come here, Yuanhuang Datianzun, you tell me, one is the existence of Tianzun, how to become a disciple of the Hongmeng Temple?"

That Yuan Huang Da Tian Zun indulged in a moment, this is the sound of the voice: "He only has a strong respect, there is such a strong strength, in addition to those heroic monsters in the Hongmeng Temple, I really can't think of anyone, Can have such strength."

"I don’t know how strange it is, but it’s too strong to say that others are too strong.” Akasaka’s Datianzun also has a lot of complaints about Yuanhuang’s Datianzun. At this time, Yuanhuang Datianzun will hand over the handle to himself. Of course he will not be idle. With.

In the words, full of sarcasm.

Yuan Huang's mouth twitched a bit, and then looked at Luo Yunyang: "Reincarnation, you are just a god, why is it far more than the general one, can you enlighten me?"

"Of course there is no problem." Luo Yunyang looked at the Yuan Huang Zun, and smiled faintly: "The reason is actually very simple. As long as Datianzun also enters the chaotic void, it may have become a nine-day god."

"There are a lot of opportunities."

Listening to Luo Yunyang said that the chaotic void, the face of Yuan Huang Datian Zun suddenly changed, there are many opportunities in the chaotic void, everyone in the scene knows.

But there are not a few who can make up their minds to chaos the chaotic void. why? Not because of life and death.

Even if it is the Nine Heavens, there are also falling into the chaos of the void.

Although these people are the strongest in the universe, they dare not sway in the chaotic void.

"You have swayed through the chaos of the void?" Yuan Huang Da Tianzun looked at Luo Yunyang, with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"I am lucky to survive." Luo Yunyang has no good feelings for Yuanhuang Datianzun, so there is less modesty in the voice of the speech.

Yuanhuang Datianzun was not angry. He looked at Luo Yunyang and said: "The ones who can survive from the chaotic void are not weak. I just said something a little rude. Now I apologize to the reincarnation brother."

When this sentence was exported, Luo Yunyang’s status suddenly rose a bit higher.

The old man who is old-fashioned and proficient in the path of indulgence said: "No wonder the reincarnation of Tianzun can not fear my temptation. It turned out to be a character who has been swaying in the chaotic void. I really see it."

"Well, now that the misunderstanding has been solved, then we should talk about the business. The new universe that will be opened up in the chaotic void is in the universe between our families."

When the old man said this, the voice became more and more low: "Every time the new universe opens up, there will be peerless treasures."

"This time, after our exploration, the treasure that emerged should be a golden lotus that is implied by the nine universes."

"This kind of thing is wonderful, it is easy to improve, and it can be said that it can be easily done. Of course, the most important thing is that it allows us to break through the limits and directly transform into a heavy universe."

Said this magical use, the voice of the old man, even with a hint of excitement.

Not the old man of the gods of the great rock, even the Yuan Huang Da Tian Zun, at this time, the look is full of dignity and greed.

Obviously, he is also full of yearning for the avenue.

"If it weren't for the Temple of Hongmen to cultivate the Son, maybe the avenue of the Golden Lotus would have been taken away by the supreme beings when the new universe was opened up, and there would be no chance for us."

After taking a breath, Shenyan Datianzun said: "The tension of the Yuan Huang Huang Tianzun just makes people think that he has some big fuss, but in fact, it is not unreasonable that Yuan Huang Datianzun is careful. of."

"We seem to have a lot of people, but the top figures cultivated by the Hongmeng Temple can't be underestimated."

"More importantly, in the hands of the top people, there are treasures that we don't know. It can be said that this alone is in the universe to be opened up."

"Although we all want to get this avenue, but before we compete for each other, the most important thing is to bring the son of the sacred temple to this, and the raptor who came here to cross the river has been slaughtered!"

Shenyan Datianzun spoke this time and did not use any means, but it sounded like it was still swaying.

"Shenyan Datianzun you are highly respected, what we need to do, even though the arrangement is." Someone responded loudly at the moment.

"Well, since you can see my **** rock so much, then I am not welcome. I think we have to agree one, that is, before the dragon, we must not kill each other."

Under the proposal of Shenyan Datianzun, various agreements have been formed continuously, but how many of these agreements can play a role. Luo Yunyang’s heart is very doubtful.

He has a big move order, there is a geographical map of Qiankun, and he knows nothing more than the **** of the earth. This is the top-ranking strongman who explores the new universe with quietness and does not know how much stronger.

However, the combination of hundreds of more than five heavens is also a fearful force. Luo Yunyang listened to the discussion of Shen Yan Da Tian Zun and others, while perfecting his plan in his heart.

After the negotiation of the matter came to an end, Luo Yunyang and Akasaka Daisuke opened their eyes almost at the same time. They looked at each other as if they had seen a sense of unity from the other's eyes.

"That Yuan Huang Datianzun is somewhat annoying, but the younger brother does not have to fear him at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. If he is a hard-working brother, I and Yuan Enzong Da Tianzun and others will definitely not give up with him." Akasaka Daisuke comforted Luo Yunyang.

Luo Yunyang smiled and smiled: "Although I have a lower level of the realm, the Yuanhuang Datian Zun still can't keep me."

"Just this thing, I have blocked the disaster for you, and you can't do anything without knowing it!"

Looking at Luo Yunyang, who is full of smiles, although the look of Akasaka Daisuke is not good-looking, he still smiles on the surface: "I will never forget this thing."

"Brother, from the opening of the new universe, there are still two years, I have to do some preparation, the younger brother you have to do some preparation." Akasaka Daisuke said here, and then to the golden token of Luo Yunyang Road: "The younger brother took the token, what is the situation, there will be something in the token to inform the younger brother."

Seeing that Akasaka Daisuke left, Luo Yunyang’s eyes flashed a bit of solemnity. He returned to his retreat in the quiet room and began to calculate the chances of his success.

If he has been sneaking in this way, his chances of success are not small, but once he is suspected, things are not good.

"It’s all years of foxes. If I don’t show this deity, I might be suspected of reincarnation.” Luo Yunyang waved his sleeves between the thoughts, and there was a **** incarnation in the void. .

This is Luo Yunyang's incarnation of the ancient dynasty, and after the appearance of this avatar, Luo Yunyang indulged in, and put the Shaoyu sword in the hands of the incarnation of the ancient king.

"Go!" Luo Yunyang looked at the incarnation of the Emerald, and a strange feeling filled his heart. Although he felt this way, he still firmly said to the incarnation of the Emerald.

The Shaoyu sword in the hands of Wang Gu Ming Wang, nodded to Luo Yunyang, then tore the void and disappeared into the endless world.

Time is like running water, it’s the same for mortals, and the same for the high heavens. In the past two years, in addition to cultivation, Luo Yunyang has participated in the gathering between them.

In this gathering, Luo Yunyang not only had a certain familiarity with the new universe, but also had a certain understanding of the avenue.

The most intuitive benefit of this avenue Jinlianlian to Luo Yunyang is that it can enhance the realm of Luo Yunyang's first layer, that is to say, it can add another universe to Luo Yunyang's one universe.

And still add a heavy one universe!

In other words, if you get this avenue, you can save Luo Yunyang's many years of hard work.

"Brother, the big universe is about to open up, and the son of the Hongmeng Temple has already appeared!" The voice of Akasaka's great heavenly voice rang on Luo Yunyang's golden communicator.

"We are going to gather outside the newly opened universe. It is best to intercept the son of the temple of the Hongmeng outside the new universe."

In the past two years, Luo Yunyang has been quite familiar with the situation near the cloud-light universe. He quickly transmitted it to the cloud-light universe with the help of a long-awaited transmission array.

Akasaka Daizenzun and other four-six-year-old Datianzun have already waited for him. After seeing him, the Akasaka Daisuke’s voice is screaming: “Turn on the transmission array, let’s go to the new universe that is now open. This time, the most important thing is to kill the son of the Hongmeng Temple."

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