Supreme Uprising

Chapter 871: Tribal League

Standing under the temple of Yuangu, Luo Yunyang feels that his spiritual strength is extending in madness. As long as it is the scope of the ancient temple of the gods, it is under his control.

For the Yuangu Temple, Luo Yunyang has gained a lot of understanding. It can be said that this ancient temple is a battle fort.

It can bring the space of the temple a million miles into control. It allows everyone who is under the glory of the temple to communicate freely with others.

In addition, those who master the Temple of the Yuan Dynasty can freely support the power of the Temple of the Yuan Dynasty to one or two people.

Moreover, the ancient temple can also be like a fortress of war, to protect the existence of the temple of the ancient temple.

In a sentence to sum up, the ancient temple of the Yuan is a lot of benefits, but it is a pity that the dragon who is in charge of the ancient temple is used by himself to use the seamless clock wave to directly shatter the mind.

Otherwise, it is not a simple matter to kill the dragon. The more I mastered the Temple of the Yuan Dynasty, the more Luo Yunyang understood, why at that time, those Tianzun would choose Dragon.

Longteng has a lot of help for them. Although he is now the top-level existence of all Tianzun, but there is still a big gap compared with the dragon that has the Yuangu Temple.

"Li September wants to see." In the light, there is a strange fascinating voice that has come from afar.

For Li Jiuyue, from the inside, Luo Yunyang still has a lot of good feelings, so after hearing the voice of Li Jiuyue, he smiled and said: "Come in, don't be so polite."

Like Li Yue, who was in the cold moon, he walked in quickly, but her posture gave people a feeling of being everywhere.

Luo Yunyang looked at the face of peace and sorrow, and smiled and said: "Li Xianzi is here, but what is it?"

"See if you can't be a teacher!" Li Jiuyi glanced at Luo Yunyang, and then said deeply: "I really want to play with you now."

"The death of Long Teng, I am very yearning for your attack, although my chances of defending are very small, but in my heart, there is still an impulse to try."

Luo Yunyang smiled at Li Jiuyue, and he was able to feel the hidden warfare under the cold face of Li Jiuyue.

"You are here, don't you just want to tell me this?"

"This nature!" Li Jiuyu calmly said: "The few guys may think that I am a woman, so I can talk when I talk to you."

"They hope you can understand why they chose Dragon at the time, not to choose you."

Luo Yunyang nodded lightly. He naturally understood why this was the case. Although he entered the land of this primitive war, he chose to be the most beneficial to himself and still chooses many people.

"I know, I understand why they do this, but this one, I will keep them in my heart, and then I will calculate this account with them later."

In the eyes of Li Jiu, there was a slight flash. She originally thought that she had already said this to the point, and Luo Yunyang as a man, generally at this time, should say a few words of arrogance.

But this one, even to others in mind.

After a little hesitation, Li Zhou said in a loud voice: "Then I will only convey your words to them, let them leave this place and be more careful about you."

Speaking of this, Li Jiu went on to say: "What I want to tell you this time is the matter of the tribes."

Three tribes? Luo Yunyang knows nothing about this matter, but he knows clearly that he can be said so solemnly by Li September. This matter will never be simple.

"The three tribes are the Tianjing, the Yiren and the Yuanling." Li Jiuyu saw the doubts in Luo Yunyang's eyes, and the introduction was even more meticulous: "Our tribes are the deadly enemies of Xuan Ming."

"So all along, the relationship between the three tribes is very good."

After all, Luo Yunyang entered the Hongmeng Temple for a short time, and after entering the Hongmeng Temple, most of the time was also placed on cultivation.

Therefore, he is not too clear about the situation of the Terran and the Xuan Ming.

"The Tianjing people are divided to continue their descendants." Li Jiu suddenly said; "This splitting method makes the descendants of the Tianjing people almost stronger than their previous generation."

"So even in the original land of God, the Tianjing people are also the strongest. This time, although the alliance will benefit, we must not let go, but some small things, don't entangle too much."

"There is too much unpleasantness between the provincial and the Tianjing."

When Luo Yunyang and other people finished speaking these things in September, they smiled and said: "What else is there besides these?"

"There is, this time, there will be an hour in the alliance. At that time, the three ancient temples of the Yuan Dynasty will have a meeting. At that time, in the virtual space, we will meet with the Tianjing and Yuanling people."

"You must be prepared as the leader of the ancient temple of the Terran." Li Jiuyue said here, with a hint of low voice in his voice: "After all, whether we can go back to the cross, it depends on you."

After sending away in September, Luo Yunyang took part in the situation of the Tianjing and Yuanling people sent by September.

Among these materials, mainly based on the Tianjing family. According to the data, the Tianjing people are the living bodies of the cosmic elements, which can be said to be inherently long.

The most important thing is that every generation of Tianjing people will split the most essential part of their body to form a more powerful offspring.

This also makes the Tianjing family stronger.

Fortunately, the number of Tianjing people is small, but each of the Tianjing people is an elite. This time, the Tianjing people who entered this place of primitive warfare, that is, about a thousand.

However, compared with the Chinese people's Tianzun has lost nine tenths, the number of Tianjing people lost less than one hundred.

Strong and unique personality!

Looking at the countermeasures marked in the data, Luo Yunyang's eyes flashed a hint of coldness.

flatter! This is the first response strategy, although this response seems to be somewhat unreliable, but Luo Yunyang knows that the Terran and Tianjing people have been so many years of allies, this response should be good.

An hour's time, fleeting, when Luo Yunyang read the information of the two ethnic groups, he felt that two white light rushed from the distance to the Yuangu Temple where he was.

These two white lights, at the moment of rushing, sent two messages to Luo Yunyang, indicating their identity.

The gods of the Yuangu Temple, which is occupied by the Tianjing people, are obviously more dazzling than the gods of the Yuanling people, and they are much stronger than the temple where they are.

After Luo Yunyang chose to accept it, the three kinds of white light intertwined, that is, the moment of effort, Luo Yunyang has already appeared in a large hall.

With the appearance of Luo Yunyang, Xuan Tian Zhaoxing and Li Jiuhou, who had already been prepared, have appeared in the hall.

In the middle of the main hall, there are three stone benches carved out of black jade. At this time, there are already two figures sitting on the stone bench.

One of them is nine feet tall, and the whole person gives a young man who is like a knife, axe and a crystal clear, and is closing his eyes.

His head was high and high, and from his high head, he could see that he was kind. On the other black jade platform, there is a woman sitting. The woman is like the aura of the world, sitting there, giving people a feeling that they can't bear to look straight.

Behind these two men stood two strong men of the Tianjing and Yuanling.

According to the information given by Li Jiuyue, these two men should be the nine-day Tianzun of the Tianjing nationality and the Lingya Tianzun of the Yuanling nationality.

When Luo Yunyang appeared on the stone platform, many people stared in the direction of Luo Yunyang.

"Change people!" The first one was like the nine-day goddess with his eyes closed. His words were not directed at Luo Yunyang.

The meaning of substitution, Luo Yunyang is not clear, he has not booed, just listen to a young Tianjing warrior standing next to the nine-day Tianzun: "Our adults like to talk to the Lord Long Teng!"

"I am now the leader of the ancient temple of the Terran." Luo Yunyang looked at the warriors of the day of the crystal, a faint road; "If your family must find a dragon to talk, then go to **** to find him." ”

As soon as the sentence opened, the eyes of the nine-day gods who had been closed their eyes flashed a little, then nodded faintly.

The Lingyao Tianzun of the Yuanling tribe smiled softly and said: "If this is the case, then let us discuss the next action."

"After all, now the Xuan Ming family has already embraced five allies. Compared with them, we are still a little worse."

Luo Yunyang has not yet opened, and the nine-day Tianzun who stood in the Tianjing nationality said: "There is nothing to discuss about this matter."

"When we act together, I will fight with the first Xuan Ming, and when I defeat the first mysterious, other people will be more, that is, the rabble."

The nine crystals of the Tianjing people actively challenged the first mystery!

This made Luo Yunyang feel shocked, but also really saw the pride of this day. From the eyes of those who improve the Tianjing family, Luo Yunyang feels the trust of these people in the nine-day Tianzun.

Between the thoughts, Luo Yunyang suppressed a lot of anger in his heart. Although the words of the nine 曜天尊 are not how to listen, but people have to solve the opponent's strongest, this kind of thing, Luo Yunyang how to oppose.

"Since Jiuyi Tianzun is willing, then do it according to the words of Jiuyi Tianzun." Luo Yunyang glanced at Lingya Tianzun, a faint road.

"Since you have no opinions, then the benefits of this time, we Tiancheng take 70%, and the rest of you decide." Jiuyi Tianzun's gaze swept gently, unquestionably said.

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