Supreme Uprising

Chapter 872: The strongest battle of the original heaven

The last land of God's battle, I don't know what treasures will appear!

However, every treasure that appears in this last battle of God is crazy, such as the creation of the gods, such as the original gods that the Xuan Ming family got, so that their strength is soaring...

Now, the conditions of the Tianjing family have made a glimmer of disappointment in the eyes of the Lingyao.

If the Tianjing people get 70%, then the Yuanling and the Terran can be allocated, and only 30% remain.

Although these three things sounded a lot, but the two ethnic groups do not say, compared with the income of the Tianjing people, the difference is also very far.

It can be said that this condition is difficult to agree.

Xiu Tiantian, the Yuan Ling clan, smiled lightly: "While the Yuan Lingzu thinks that it is better than the Tianjing family, but we have to get the one we should get, we need 30% of the income."

The Yuanling tribe is 30%, and the Tianjing family is 70%. This adds up, as if the Terran had nothing. Luo Yunyang is not too familiar with these two ethnic groups, but at this time he is not allowed to withdraw. So he smiled lightly: "I want 50%!"

Half of the 50% is half. The reason why Luo Yunyang chose 50% is that he should give his allies some living ways.

However, his 50% export, the smile in the eyes of the nine-day goddess, instantly added a little more points: "Do you know that you must have 50% of the Terran? If this is the case, then this time, we can only With the ability."

Speaking of this, his eyes look at the same spirit and elegant Tian Zun said: "You have 30% of the spiritual people, I have no opinion, but these 30%, it is up to you to take it."

Xiuya Tianzun is just about to talk, and the nine-day goddess has already said a faint way: "Everything will wait for the opening of the mountain."

When he spoke, his figure disappeared on the black throne.

And as he left, the light that gathered together began to weaken rapidly. Several Tianjing people who followed the nine-day-old statue, flashed sarcasm in each eye.

They smiled and pointed to Luo Yunyang and Xiuya Tianzong: "You probably don't know yourself, what kind of good things you have refused."

"Oh, it’s really a greedy snake."

With this discourse, the figures of the Tianjing people disappeared into the void.

Xiuya Tianzun of the Yuanling tribe looked at Luo Yunyang with a soft voice in her voice: "I have heard that the Jiuyi Tianzun got a big chance. It seems that this statement is not fake."

Luo Yunyang did not speak. He was the first to see the nine-day Tianzun and Xiuya Tianzun. Naturally, they knew nothing about the things they said.

"We have two and a half of the Yuanlings, and half of the people, how?" Xiuya Tianzun looked at Luo Yunyang and said softly: "I can go and talk to Jiuyi Tianzun."

"Is the human race half-finished?" Luo Yunyang looked at the show Ya Tianzun, a faint saying: "My opinion, I think it is better not to dream."

Speaking of this, Luo Yunyang's gaze glanced at Xuan Tian Zhaoxing and others who stood on their side, and found that their expressions flashed an insult.

"If this is the case, then I will leave!" Xiuya Tianzun is a woman, but in the decision to kill, it is no worse than the average man. When she heard the words rejected by Luo Yunyang, she said very directly.

With the words of Xiuya Tianzun, the Yuan Lingwu who she and she brought, also quickly disappeared into the white light and shadow.

"Our people, in the three alliances, is it in a weak position?" Luo Yunyang and other people such as Xiuya Tianzun and others left, and asked quietly.

Li Jiu Shen indulged in an instant: "Our people in the tribal alliance are actually in an equal position with the Tianjing people."

"It's just that there is only such a position because we have a lot of people, and the two groups of the Tianjing people are more single-powered."

"So in this place of primitive war, we will suffer a little."

In the original land of God, although the Terran sacredness came in the most, but the individual strength, the Terran is not the opponent of the Yuanling, nor the opponent of the Tianjing who has always been in evolution.

Therefore, the Tianjing people will come up with such unpleasant conditions.

Luo Yunyang listened to the introduction of Li Jiuyue and gently nodded. At the same time, he also felt that he had been practicing in the emptiness of the gods and the ordinary universe, and did not enter the upper level of the great universe. Therefore, the matter of the human race is also Just a half-baked solution.

This knowledge, although not very beneficial to cultivation, can make a correct judgment on many things.

"This time, we should not be suffering." Luo Yunyang looked at Li Jiuhou and others, with a hint of firmness in his voice.

And Li Jiuyue and others looked at Luo Yunyang's look, how did he not know what he was referring to, but thought of the cultivation of the nine 曜天尊, their eyes flashed a bit of bitterness.

One day later, Luo Yunyang, sitting in the middle of the Temple of the Yuan Dynasty, felt a passage that had begun to be revealed from the ball of light over the Temple of the Yuan.

As long as it is along this road, you will be able to enter the land that is called the Shousi Mountain, and finally the battle of God.

In the Nasu Miyama, I don’t know how many top-ranking strongmen have died. The belongings of these strong ones are naturally lost on the mountain of Nasu.

The power to be the treasure of the top powerhouse can be imagined.

These treasures, as long as they get one, can enable a group to take off. As long as they can get one, they can make a big force from weak to strong.

Therefore, the three deities of the Terran, although knowing that the Tianzun who entered this primitive battle of God, can live a little back, but they still have to send all the Heavenly Respects who can come in.

After all, the benefits are huge, and once you step backwards, you will fall behind.

Xuan Tian Zhaoxing and others quickly gathered toward the center of the temple. They were both excited and equally embarrassed.

"This time I entered the Mt. Sanctuary. Everyone, besides searching for opportunities, is more important, as well as searching for transmission charms!"

Xuan Tian Zhaoxing indulged in a moment, with a solemn voice in the voice: "As long as you get the chance, regardless of the size of the opportunity, you must use the transmission charm to leave the mountain."

Although there is no response to the arrangement of Xuan Tian Zhaoxing, but from the eyes of most people, it can be seen that they have already loved the words of Xuan Tian Zhao Xing and remembered the psychology.

"Go!" With Luo Yunyang swaying the law, the road connected with the Temple of the Yuan Dynasty, with Luo Yunyang and others, is an instant, appearing in a mountain with a high height and a black body. under.

And when Luo Yunyang fell, they had seven or eight teams under the giant mountain. Among these teams, Luo Yunyang first saw the nine-necked Tianzun, who is quite tall.

Jiuyi Tianzun also saw Luo Yunyang, but he just gently clicked on his head, and then he looked at a tall, tall body with a purple glow.

"The first mysterious, can dare to fight!"

The high drink of Jiuyi Tianzun is like the thunder of the heavens and the earth, listening to people's ears, making people feel involuntarily, giving birth to a feeling of fear.

At this time, the first Xuan Ming is in the midst of thousands of subordinates. These subordinates have the Xuan Ming family, as well as the ethnic groups attached to the Xuan Ming family.

"Do you challenge me?" The first Xuan Ming looked at the road like a golden ladder, straight through the road to the mountain, and there was a trace of coldness in the eyelids: "It is really looking for death."

In the look of Jiuyi Tianzun, he did not show the slightest anger. In his face, he looked at the first Xuan Mou with a hint of smile: "I heard that you are the strongest Xuan Ming of the Xuan Ming family. Blood."

"But today, you are only buried here."

The opening of two people instantly attracted everyone's attention. The Hundreds of Families do not know how many Tianzun strong people have entered this primitive war, the various dangers and the fight between each other, and now they have fallen by half.

However, because of the reason of the Temple of the Yuan Dynasty, many people have been repaired as good, but without the support of the Temple of the Ancients, they simply cannot reach this core area, let alone find the opportunity to take advantage of the world.

The first Xuan Ming and Jiuyi Tianzun, born in different ethnic groups, represent the foremost combat power of their respective ethnic groups.

It can even be said that the existence of two people has already represented the strongest strength in this place.

This kind of top-level battle, in the eyes of many people, should be launched at the end, but now, this battle is still not ready for the mountain, it is ready to start.

"Is it?" The sound of the first Xuan Ming is peaceful, but the more so the voice, the more uncomfortable the nine-day god.

He snorted, and a layer of light white light began to gather around him, which is an instant effort. The body of the nine-day goddess is like a high-rise, a layer of layers with or without texture. It is also beginning to overflow from the body of Jiuyi Tianzun.

At this moment, the nine-day goddess looks like a **** of war.

"It is the original not breaking the heavens!" Lingya Tianzun looked at the breath of Jiuyi Tianzun, with a hint of hesitation in his voice: "How is it possible, not to say that this original inheritance is not broken? Is it broken?"

"How is he?"

The mind of Lingya Tianzun, countless thoughts turn, for her, the decision made at this time is the most important.

At the moment, she used the means of sound transmission to respect the nine-day heaven: "The conditions of Tianzun, I accept the Yuanlings."

In the words of his words, all the eyes of the first Xuan Ming began to stare closely at the nine-day gods, just like a powerful hunter, ready to give his prey a top blow.

And Jiuyi Tianzun proudly looked at the first mysterious, the power around him, but also quickly gathered around him.

A majestic pressure began to escape from the two people.

Gem cat said

Third more ticket

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