Supreme Uprising

Chapter 900: Dark river, black clothes, killing God

The dark river is a distance of three million miles from Fengtiancheng. It is an abyss in the killing zone where the blue light and the blue light meet.

Although the abyss is only described by the abyss, in fact, the area of ​​this abyss is a million kilometers.

"In the abyss, there is a dark river. In the dark river, there are not only various kinds of treasure fish, but also countless odd treasures. Every time the dark river appears, there will be people who are full of pots."

"Unfortunately, the time of the emergence of the Dark River is uncertain, and the location is equally uncertain. It can meet this abyss. For our hunters, it is luck."

Jin Yu looked at Luo Yunyang and said softly: "But it is good, it is also dangerous. If you don't say anything, just say the various vortexes in the dark river. Even if we are careless, we must explain it there. ""

"Of course, the most important thing is the strong people of the Xuan Ming family. Their appearance is more threatening to us."

Luo Yunyang nodded gently, although he did not have much recognition for this Jinxi squad, but the Jin Hao squad still has some advantages, such as the area where the blue and blue light meets, they are Very familiar.

"Those guys of the Xuan Ming family, although seemingly ferocious, actually, as long as you are bold and equal, we don't have to fear at all."

Jin Yu’s words are obviously what Luo Yunyang said. After all, Luo Yunyang is a pure newcomer in the eyes of several of them.

Luo Yunyang just nodded in this way, and it was a response to Jin Yu’s discourse.

The other three of the Jinluo team were indifferent to Luo Yunyang. They stood quietly on the edge of the abyss and looked around the abyss.

"We are here to wait for the rabbits. According to our experience, that is, one year, there will be some strong people of the Xuan Ming family appearing in this abyss." Jin Yu looked at Luo Yunyang and said softly.

Luo Yunyang nodded lightly. He got credit for the strong people who hunted the Xuan Ming family, so he did not have much interest in exchange for various treasures.

As the head of Tian Yu's door, he does not lack treasures. Moreover, although he has not returned to the Hongmen Temple, his identity has not been cancelled.

Relying on the channel of the Hongmeng Temple, Luo Yunyang can also exchange a lot of benefits.

Under the arrangement of Kim Min Jong, the five people quickly divided their work. Luo Yunyang had no interest in these things at all. He did not know whether it was because he was a newcomer, so Jin Hao’s task for him was also very light.

At the end, when the hunt is going on, if you see a problem with the part of the hunt, you will rush to solve the problem.

For this look, it should be an optional arrangement, Luo Yunyang did not object, his purpose in participating in this team is mainly to be familiar with the environment.

Jin Hao and others are worthy of the old hunters. In a month, Luo Yunyang and others hunted the three strong men of the Xuan Ming family. It can be said that the harvest is not small, but Luo Yunyang did not.

Although Jin Hao did not say anything, but the face of the cold-aged middle-aged, looking at Luo Yunyang's eyes, but with such a trace of hateful color.

Luo Yunyang didn't care about these things. He was already ready to leave. He stayed in this golden team and didn't help him much.

"Wan old brother, this time the income is good, the three heads of a mysterious family, the gods, can let us exchange a lot of resources."

Kim Jong looked at Luo Yunyang and said softly: "Although we were in the team, we said everything should be divided equally."

"But the younger brother knows that you have no strength. If you distribute it like this, others will not be convinced."

"That will be a problem if you cooperate next."

"So, I think the younger brother should be generous and need less allocations, so that we all have the hope of long-term cooperation."

Luo Yunyang did not look at this kind of credit at all. He heard Jin Hao’s tone of concern, and his eyes flashed a sneer.

"I don't agree." Luo Yunyang's voice, with a cold in the air.

The smile on the face of Kim Min Jong solidified for a while. He originally thought that Luo Yunyang was a good person. He hoped that he could continue to cooperate, so he said this.

Although he is the captain, but he can't do anything in the team. More often, it is everyone's discussion.

Kim Min Jong already knows that the three companions, with the idea of ​​replacing Luo Yunyang, said this with Luo Yunyang, but did not expect Luo Yunyang to say so.

Although Luo Yunyang was very upset in his heart, he hesitated a moment. Jin Hao was still screaming: "When you say this, then I can only follow our agreement."

"But, you look at the slightest benefit in front of you, and it will not be of any benefit to you in the future."

Luo Yunyang didn't want to stay in this team long ago, so he performed quite hard: "I just want to return my things."

Jin Hao shook his head and the conversation between the two people also attracted the attention of the three other companions. The cold-faced man looked coldly at Luo Yunyang and looked quite bad.

Obviously, he is very uncomfortable with Luo Yunyang’s performance of the dead money.

"Hey, this time, the boss of the Golden Boss is really wrong." The beautiful woman, with a touch of emotion in her words.

"I don't know how to be good. It seems that after we go back, we should change people." The man who was cold and stern, said faintly.

Kim Min Jong does not say anything, although he is still willing to cooperate with Luo Yunyang in his heart, but Luo Yunyang's choice makes him equally unhappy.

When they spoke, Luo Yunyang’s eyes flashed a hint of killing. And just as this silky intention appeared, I heard a voice: "You can't go back."

Although the meaning of this discourse, Luo Yunyang and others can understand, but this voice, but not the words of the human race.

With the sound of this sound, whether it is Jin Hao or other warriors, each look is extremely ugly.

Because they saw a black Xuan Ming, a tall, imposing and mysterious. Judging from the momentum revealed by this mysterious meditation, the cultivation of this mysterious meditation should at least be the fifth existence of Tianzun.

The fifth heavenly respect, one mind and one world.

Although Kim Min and others have cooperated with each other, they claim that the combat power can be compared with the fifth-class Tianzun, but they still have some gaps with the fifth-weight Tianzun.

"The **** thing, I have waited for you many times, today, here is your place of burial." The tall Xuan Ming family, the palm of the hand, the black flame of the rolling, turned into a piece of black lotus, toward Luo Yunyang's direction, drifting down.

These black lotuses, each of them, seem to hide a world.

At the moment when the black lotus fell, the cold man suddenly vacated, and he wanted to escape from the black lotus package at his fastest speed.

At this time, it is already a matter of life and death. Although they are the same team, they only have to rely on their own dedication.

After all, the fifth-best Tianzun is not what they can deal with.

However, just as he rushed out of his life, he suddenly discovered that his body was already in a black lotus flower. The distance of the distance did not actually change his facts in the black lotus.

In this case, even if the cold man was unconventional, he could not help but be frightened. As for other companions, they all showed their strongest means, but unfortunately, they were still wrapped in the world of the black lotus. In it.

And once the black lotus is broken, waiting for them is a dead end.

Among the five people, the only one who did not move was Luo Yunyang.

Luo Yunyang looked at the black lotus that wrapped himself, and his look was dull. At the moment when the lotus was about to break, Luo Yunyang hurried out his sword.

The **** sword light, swaying out in the void, this sword, there is no radiant light, and there is no endless violent murder, but this sword, but it has already scratched the **** of the black lotus, The mysterious realm of the five heavens.

After a sword, the five-fold Tianzun of the Xuan Ming family became two halves.

His soul, everything about him, is in this sword and is split into two halves.

Jin Yu and others looked at Luo Yunyang, who slowly took the sword. Everyone began to sweat on their foreheads. At this time, they realized that they had found a strong presence.

With such a team that exists with them, the strength of the team can definitely be increased tenfold.

"Hello..." Jin Yu looked at Luo Yunyang's gaze, full of fear.

Luo Yunyang did not like Kim and others, but again, there was no idea to kill them. A faint look at Jin Hao: "Is there something?"

"That... I don't know Taishan, I really..."

Jin Yu’s words have not been finished yet, Luo Yunyang has been cold and cold: "Well, you have no eyes, and have nothing to do with me."

"Now you can go to your own business. I don't need you to worry about it here." During the speech, Luo Yunyang did not pay attention to Jin Min and others. During the thought, he walked toward the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Don't go over this."

The faint voice made the heart of Jin Min and others chilly. They knew that the fate between himself and the man named Wan Gu, but the cultivation of the incomparably powerful, has come to an end.

The cold man's forehead was sweating, although Luo Yunyang did not look at him, but he had a feeling like a mans on his back.

Fortunately, this person did not care about him.

"In the future, this adult's business, no one is allowed to mention it at will, do you know?" Jin Hao glanced at the cold man, and then he screamed.

"If the adult is not happy, let's die..."

In the voice of Kim Min, with a hint of coldness, listening to the ears of everyone in the room gave them some feeling of tremor.

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