Supreme Uprising

Chapter 91: Qianlong is in the middle of the heavens

Looking at a spaceship that is flying fast, Luo Yunyang's eyes are filled with a cold smile. At this time, he is like a hunter who has been waiting for a long time, ready to give his prey the most deadly blow.

The spaceship is full of tens of thousands of squares. From the perspective of appearance, it should not be called a spaceship at all, but should be called a giant eagle.

This is a spacecraft that has been used by people to use the secret technique to mix the body of the chaotic beast with the sixth heavy weapon.

It not only possesses the fighting power of the six-fold chaotic beast, but also has the most advanced technology, which can be said to be high-end.

In the Xuan Ming family, these spaceships are not something that ordinary people can have.

"The ninety-nine mysterious deities, this time our harvest is very good, I think we should also return to the air." A man with flashing green scales in his body, with a look of hope in the middle of the man sitting in the middle position .

Nine-nine mysterious!

In the rules of the Xuan Ming family, the number of mysterious monsters is determined according to the first and second values. As for the title of the ninety-nine mysterious devils, there is actually no such thing.

Known as the ninety-nine mysterious demon, it is a man of Xuan Ming who flashes dark purple scales. He sighs: "Shut up, my brother hunted in these two days, but killed hundreds of people. The strong man of the family killed more than a seven-day god, and returned."

"I am not as good as my brother, but a six-day **** has not been killed, which makes me go back?"

"Are you doing this to make me shameful, or are you ready to make my brother shame?"

The dark green scale man who was questioned was a seven-day goddess of the Xuan Ming family. He had a high status, but he was not able to offend the ninety-nine mysterious devil.

The reason why the ninety-nine mysterious devil can not be offended is because the brother of the ninety-nine mysterious devil is the first mysterious demon.

It is precisely because of the extraordinary status of the first mysterious demon, so the ninety-nine mysterious demon is not in the mysterious demon of the Xuan Ming family, but he is not a daring to say anything.

Now he comes to the two worlds, and there is a seven-day Tianzun and four six-fold Tianzun guards. Although this time he seems to have earned a lot of fame, but in fact, everyone understands that the Jiujiu Xuan Mou earned everything, but others saw him on his brother's face to help him.

If you continue to sway, you may encounter the top power of the Terran, which is why the Seven Heavens propose to leave.

Listening to the words of the ninety-nine mysterious demon, the seven heavenly gods feel very uncomfortable, but they can only swallow this breath into their stomachs.

The reason? Naturally, he is not guilty of the first mysterious.

"Hey, I heard this time, my brother, they have a plan, that is..." The ninety-nine mysterious gods seem to feel that they are too much for the words of the seven heavens, so when they are indulging, they will open. The topic is said.

However, when he spoke open the topic, they suddenly felt that the surrounding environment suddenly gave birth to a slight change.

This change, the sudden incomparable, is as if they were in the void and suddenly moved to the sea.

And still the **** red sea!

The mysterious meditation of the Seven Heavenly Respects is the fastest, and he has almost a madness: "His Nine Mysterious Devil, follow me!"

Can cultivate to the realm of the Seven Heavens, this Xuan Ming did not know how much effort and fight. Therefore, it is not only cultivated as high-strength, but also rich in experience.

At this time, when he saw that strange, he made the right judgment in the first place.

These situations are not something that he can solve, so he is ready to leave with the ninety-nine mysterious spirits.

However, when he had this thought in his heart, the blood of the blood was already in his surroundings, condensed into a simple, with a pagoda of incomparable mighty feeling, sealed him in the middle.

This means, in the eyes of the Seven Heavenly Emperor, does not exceed the realm of the Five Heavens, but the **** pagoda that evolved has a power that can be revealed by the ancient method.

Under this power, he struggled.

Although he used his own holy phase, a giant knife with infinite murder, but on the pagoda, it did not set off any waves.

With the contraction of the **** giant clock, the mysterious realm of the seven heavenly realm has realized that what he encounters is a existence that he can never surpass.

"This... the owner of this spaceship is the younger brother of the first mysterious demon. If you have any harm to him, then... that is not dead!" The seven-day goddess of the mysterious demon, with a hint of threat in his voice .

The prestige of the first mysterious demon, even in the human race, can also make people feel guilty.

"The younger brother of the first mysterious demon, really good, I heard that the first mysterious demon is some means. If he can kill him, it would be great." A faint voice, in the mysterious mind of the seven heavens It sounded in the middle.

With this voice, the seventh heavenly sage, Xuan Ming, felt that his heart trembled, and then his body, has become a fly ash.

Fortunately, just in the moment of his heart, he suddenly felt that he appeared in the long river of time and space.

As long as the gods who are hidden in the long river of time and space can not be destroyed, they can once again shape a body from the long river of time and space.

Between the thoughts, the seven heavenly gods of Xuan Ming came out from the long river of time and space, but although he was still alive at this time, but repaired has already regressed a lot.

However, he has already taken care of it, because the communication tools on his body are all broken, so this Xuan Ming rushed toward a star for the first time.

After half an hour, he finally got in touch with the first mysterious.

"What do you say, my brother was robbed!", among the huge treasures of a virtual world, the first mysterious man sitting on the black throne looked at the seven heavenly gods underneath himself, with a hint of voice in his voice. Cold.

"Yes adults!" The voice of the seven heavenly deities of the mysterious demon with a trembling voice: "Subordinates... subordinates are incompetent. Under the man's hand, even a round does not support, it is directly... ”

Listening to the narrative of the Seven Heavenly Emperor, the first mysterious demon's eyes flashed a trace of coldness, he said coldly: "Although this thing can't be said to blame you all, but you can avoid death, you can't escape the crime. ""

"I will write down to you first. If you save the ninety-nine mysterious demon, I can take it from you."

The seven heavenly gods Xuan Ming greatly breathed a sigh of relief, although this thing does not actually blame him, after all, he is only a guard of the ninety-nine mysterious demon, what the ninety-nine mysterious devil wants to do, he simply can not stop.

It was not his fault to meet his opponent who had no power to fight back. He was able to come back alive and was already lucky.

However, these reasons are useless, because in the Xuan Ming family has been the majesty of the first mysterious, there is the right to determine his life and death, in the first mysterious decision, he has no resistance.

"You go on, I have my own arrangements." The first mysterious man waved, indicating that the seven-day-old Xuan Ming family Tian Zun left.

The first mysterious demon was never a savage person. After the departure of the seven heavenly gods, he began to flash a glimmer of darkness in his eyes.

"If you follow the seven kills, the person who uses the **** pagoda should be far above him." A low voice sounded in the virtual space of the first mysterious, with the sound coming, one The beautiful face, the female Xuan Ming with black scales appeared in the virtual hall.

In the Xuan Ming family, there has always been power and respect, and the position of women in the Xuan Ming family can be said to be very low. But now, this woman of the Xuan Ming family actually stood in front of the first mysterious demon, even without the meaning of salute.

"I have a feeling that this is someone who is deliberately targeting you." The woman's six eyes flashed like a six-round reincarnation.

She said softly: "It’s just that the defense on this person is too strong. I can’t see it at all. Who is he?”

After saying these words, the woman took a solemn look toward the first mysterious demon: "This should be a conspiracy, you must be careful."

In the eyes of the first mysterious demon, there was a glimmer of cool color. He snorted: "Although I don't know who is counting me, but since they want to hit my attention, if they say no, I will give Those **** Terrans, a lesson that will never be forgotten."

"Oh, I think that the preparations for Feng Tiancheng are almost the same. It is time to move."

The words of the first mysterious demon, let the woman's look move, then the woman nodded: "I was prepared to move in these days. Since you have born your brother, it is natural that it should be sooner rather than later."

When the two men spoke, the woman had already said: "The first mysterious demon, you have to remember, you are the first mysterious demon, and then the brother of the ninety-nine mysterious devil."

When this sentence is finished, the woman’s body is like a breeze, dissipating in the virtual hall.

In a gray planet, Luo Yunyang waited silently, and by his side, there was a glittering cage.

The ninety-nine mysterious demon has been banned by Luo Yunyang and is trapped in this cage. Although the ninety-nine mysterious spirits are not weak, Luo Yunyang is still quick to read the news in his mind.

The cultivation of the first mysterious demon has reached the eighth place of Tianzun!

This news, Luo Yunyang did not have much surprise, so that Luo Yunyang felt that there was such a slight pressure, that is, the first mysterious demon in the past, and a meta-recognition of a metaphysical family, three strokes, did not fall .

Although this is more than a fight, but also with a nature of learning, but can not fall into the wind, has fully demonstrated the progress of the first mysterious power.

Self-improvement, the first mysterious is also making progress!

Luo Yunyang’s thoughts flashed in his heart, and he was more interested in the expectations of the first mysterious magic.


Luo Yunyang, who suddenly sounded the communicator, frowned, because the communicator was obtained by him in Fengtiancheng, and he usually didn’t have a sound.

Open the communicator, and see the above awesomely wrote: Fengtiancheng is falling!

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