Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 111 The birth gap, six treasures in one child! (5, please order!)

Pastoral "Is life so enviable, why do many villagers in our hometown sharpen their heads and want to drill into the city?

"Isn't that right, now the rural girls are amazing and must have a house in the city. 99

"Live: Lin Shen and the female hero abuse dogs every day.

"Tomorrow, I will take my daughter-in-law back to the countryside to live a idyllic life. You people in the city, please be envious. 99

"Wake up, where did your daughter-in-law come from?"

After half an hour of hard work, Lin Han's two vegetable plots changed,

special vegetable plot 01,

Level: LV1 (71/1000)

Crops: taro, wild tomato, wild pepper, purslane, painting

Tip 1: Planting is overloaded, the current vegetable field can add up to four crops, and the redundant crops have no bonus effect, please transplant as soon as possible

Tip 2: The current soil lacks nutrients, please fertilize as soon as possible, so as not to affect the growth of crops

Special Vegetable Field 02,

Level: Lv1 (25/1000)

Crops: sugar cane, wild tap, mint, hemp

Tip: The current soil lacks nutrients, please fertilize as soon as possible, so as not to affect the growth of crops

Tip 2: There is still room for the vegetable field

Tip 3: The current vegetable field has mature crops

The biggest problem now is fertilization. Lin Han feels that "seven nine three", it is necessary to build a toilet and collect some rice fields as nutrients for vegetable fields.

Some people may think that Yoneda is a very disgusting thing.

However, pure natural, organic and pollution-free, the fresh ingredients supplied in the supermarket are all washed with rice fields.

The villagers use them as fertilizer for crops.

Naturally, Lin Han would not dislike these things.

However, let's do things one by one, let's talk about the work of the pedal loom first.

"Lin Han, take a rest.

Seeing that Lin Han was about to saw wood as soon as he came out of the vegetable field, Li Shuixin subconsciously cared.

"Alright, then I'll peel the sack for you.

Lin Han smiled softly,

Li Shuixin's concern was not bad.

"Well, then I'll teach you how to peel hemp. 33

Li Shuixin nodded, picked up a hemp and handed it over.

[Ding, the host is in the process of weaving, but it detects that the host's weaving skills are successful and automatically converts to the same kind of weaving skills.

【Ding, weaving +1!】

[Ding, weaving +1! J

Weaving and weaving are two different skills, and the most primitive way to obtain material is peeling, which is their common step.

Therefore, after detecting that Lin Han's weaving skills are successful, Fantong automatically converts it into weaving experience, which saves him a lot of heart.

Li Shuixin's personal teaching, coupled with Lin Han's understanding, made his weaving experience grow rapidly.

In just a few minutes, it was raised to Lv3.

"Ha, I peeled one, but you have peeled five!"

After Li Shuixin finished speaking, she found that Lin Han's hands were surprisingly fast.

Those sesame skins seemed to be pre-separated, and they were naturally separated from Lin Han's hands one by one.

"You are so interested, why don't you interrupt me and make me talk for a long time?

Li Shuixin was speechless, as if he had been beaten in the face.

Lin Han smiled, "But what you said sounds good too."

"It sounds good? What kind of logic is this."

Li Shuixin had a feeling of being defeated by him.

"You peeled too carefully, but it affected the speed. Let me teach you how to peel quickly.

Lin Han walked over and grabbed her hand.

The latter, the delicate body trembled slightly.

What's wrong with this guy today, he is getting more and more courageous, not only to tease himself, but also to take the initiative to grab his hand?


Lin Han tapped her head with a finger.

The latter rolled his eyes and quickly put away his thoughts.

"Look, at the beginning, there is no need to look for the dividing point between the stem and the bark, just be more natural and just look for the incision. 93

Lin Han grabbed Li Shuixin's hand and used a knife to cut through the fracture of the hemp rod.

"Cut in first, and then fold back to find the dividing point. The toughness of the hemp rod and the hemp skin is different. As long as you grasp the strength, the hemp skin will not be cut. It is easy to peel off the hemp skin."

While speaking, he pulled his hand, and a sack was peeled off.

"Oh yes.

Being followed by Lin Han from behind, Li Shuixin was really overwhelmed. Her boldness is based on flirting with Lin Han.

But now, the situation has completely reversed, and she has no courage.

Like a little bunny, shrinking into a mush.

"Amazing my Lin Shen!

"Sure enough, as soon as Lin Shen shot, the heroine shivered. 33

"Damn it, sprinkle dog food again! 3

"Lin Shen, please stop, I once forgot that we are all single dogs!

The method taught by Lin Han is very simple, and Li Shuixin quickly mastered it.

But to reach the speed of Lin Han, it is almost impossible. After all, Lin Han's speed is based on a wealth of experience and a well-rounded weaving skill. Ordinary people can't compare even if they practice for a few years.

She thought that if she mastered this method, she could persuade Lin Han to challenge.

However, she still scratched two, and Lin Han stripped six or seven!

She realized that Lin Han had some reservations just now, but now the seam is his real speed.

Deliberately attacking people?

Forget it, no comparison, he is a pervert, why can't he live with himself.

Half an hour later, a bundle of hemp had been stripped.

Lin Han began to saw wood, while Li Shuixin continued to peel the remaining sesame seeds.

"Huh, the broadcast is finally over. Your method really works, and the effectiveness has been improved several times."

About an hour and a half later, Li Shuixin came to Lin Han happily.

Seeing Lin Han sweating profusely, he couldn't help feeling a little distressed. He took out a hooked towel from his pocket and took the initiative to wipe Lin Han's sweat.

"Looking at you sweating profusely, take a rest, I'll do it for you.

Li Shui said.

She sat there and peeled the sack, except that it was a little boring, not very good.

She felt that sawing wood was just enough to move her body around.

"Wood is different from bamboo, wood is more difficult to clear.

Lin Han reminded kindly.

Sawing wood is a tough job that girls can't handle.

Although Li Shuixin made a bamboo chair by himself, it was also done with his help.

Sawing wood is much more laborious than sawing bamboo.

Besides, Li Shuixin brought her good friend, Lin Han didn't want her to be ugly.

"I want to try.

She is a strong girl, she wants to challenge everything she has never done before.

However, she soon understood how difficult it was.

There is some strength, but the method is completely wrong.

Saw it twice, or the sawtooth is stuck in it, or the sound is not controlled well, and the saw is skewed.

After trying a few times, she finally found that she was not the material, and decisively gave up 0...

Useless persistence will only affect others.

Li Shuixin really wanted to help Lin Han, so naturally, she would not do it if she knew it was impossible.

Make Lin Han a cup of mint tea to quench his thirst and relieve the heat. Or wiping his sweat and talking with him is the most considerate help.

Then prepare a sumptuous dinner,

A beautiful day can be drawn to a successful end.

Lin Han's manual skills have already been perfected, and with the perfect combination of skill and strength, he sawed all six trees in just one afternoon.

At this time, jump into the lake to take a bath, wash away the sweat and fatigue, and enjoy a dinner made by the goddess afterward.

Such a life can be summed up in four words—fullness and happiness!

Sleep at night and have a good dream.

the next morning,

Li Shuixin got up early, packed herself up, and started feeding the little rabbits grass.

As soon as I arrived at the fence, I found a few soft little things that crawled out of the rabbit cage.

They are only the size of their fists, and they seem to have just learned to walk around, and basically they will fall after a few steps.

There was a slightly bigger little rabbit. When he was wrapped in the rabbit cage, he turned somersaults, and when he sat up, he looked dazed, as if he had three question marks.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I going to do?

The appearance is so cute that it explodes, and in an instant, Li Shuixin's girlish heart is aroused.

"Lin Han, come and see!!

The first thing she thought of was to share it with Lin Han.

"What's up?"

Lin Han just woke up, pushed the door and worked hard.

"Come and see, the rabbit is born, there are so many cute little rabbits.

"Look at the big one, it's the cutest one."

Before Lin Han came, she kept urging her.

Girls are always attracted to these cute looking creatures.

"gave birth?"

Lin Han walked over with a look of curiosity, "No, it shouldn't be, the rabbit can't walk just after being born."

However, when he walked to the fence, he did find six cute little rabbits.

They have grown down on their bodies and are learning to walk under the guidance of their mother rabbit. Several little rabbits have been following behind the mother rabbit, constantly wanting to eat Nao. However, the mother rabbit has not let them succeed.

When the little rabbit came, it jumped a few steps forward, then stopped and waited for them.

Apparently, it was exercising the bunny to walk.

Has begun to learn to walk, indicating that these little rabbits have been born at least three or four days. It's just that they stayed in the cage before and didn't find them.

"Well, it's really cute, but it's a pity there's too little meat."

Lin Han shook his head, it didn't have the habit of eating young rabbits.


Li Shuixin gave him a big white eye, and then nodded, "Let's wait for them to grow up.

This is a desert island,


Sorry, cuteness can't change your destiny.

"Why is God too little meat?"

"Lin God is still the same Lin God!

"Li Nvxia was surprised for a long time, I thought she was reluctant to eat these rabbits, and finally, what the hell is it when she grows up? 9

"Little Rabbit: Why did I come to this world just after I came to this world, and you were thinking about me?

"Little Rabbit: Mom, this world is too scary late, I want to go inside your stomach.

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