Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 112 The first piece of clothing came out, and there was an uproar! (Please complete the orde

Sawing wood is easy, but machining is not easy at all.

If you have a chainsaw or cutting machine, it only takes a minute or two to process a section of tree trunk into a wooden square.

But Lin Han only has a military shovel and a saber, in order to process a section of tree trunk into a wooden square,

He can only find something, put the blade of the saber on top, and then knock down the trunk little by little to achieve the effect of cutting.

This method cannot guarantee that the surface of the wood is flat, so after finishing, it needs to be repaired a little bit.

Therefore, it takes more than an hour to process a piece of wood.

After Li Shuixin finished his own affairs, he would come to his side to help him, and by the way, he would deal with some matters related to weaving and weaving.

"You know, there is a myth about weaving.

Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a girl whose father never came back after he went to the door. She was very worried. So she prayed to God and said that if she could find her father, she would marry someone.

This sentence was heard by the white horse at the door, so the white horse ran out and helped the girl find her father. But how can a man marry a horse? In order not to embarrass his daughter, the girl's father killed the white horse. And peel off the horse hides to hang out in the yard.

Suddenly one day, Mapi flew up and swept the girl away. When people found the girl, the girl and the horse skin hung on a big tree and turned into a cocoon together. People take the tree to raise, and the tree is called the mulberry tree by the sound of mourning. 99

[Ding, weaving +10!)

Lin Han, who was chopping wood, was stunned. Can such a broken story get 1008 experience points?


In the words of netizens, this is completely useless knowledge, okay?

"Well, white horses have had no luck since ancient times."

Lin Han made a faint comment.

"Well, since you don't like listening to stories, let me tell you the principle of the pedal loom, first of all, you have to figure out what its structure and principle are.

The loom we are going to do is called a single-heddle double-pedal loom, also known as a diagonal loom, which has had a dilemma for many years. Until the end of the 1970s, people were still using this original loom.

As soon as she mentioned her professional knowledge, Li Shuixin spoke with gusto.

Of course, Lin Han is also very serious,

【Ding, weaving +2!】

[Ding, weaving +3!]

Hmm... Listen carefully and gain more experience.

"This twill loom uses the principle of tension compensation. It is a machine equipped with a frame, a beam, a reel, a center shaft, a horse head, a pedal, a warp bar, a heald (single heald), a web support and Weng's complete loom can not only weave plain cloth, but also make some patterns.

As long as we have enough raw materials, I can make a lot of clothes..."

[Ding, weaving +3!]

[Ding, weaving +2!]

For the next few days, Lin Han has been making the parts needed for the twill loom, which was invented during the Han Dynasty, also known as the Han Dynasty twill loom.

The whole body can be made of wood and bamboo.

Coupled with transfer deconstruction, it is possible to make inquiries without using nails.

Three days later, under the influence of Li Shuixin and his own hands-on production, Lin Han has brushed the weaving skills to Lv4, and he can be regarded as a little expert in weaving.

The important thing, Li Shuixin explained to him the production principle of the loom, and he has mastered it thoroughly.

In his mind, the machine forms a three-dimensional three-dimensional image, and he can disassemble the loom at will in the simulated thinking.

The advantage of this is that when machining parts, it can improve the accuracy and production efficiency.

The process of calculating and reserving redundant materials is omitted, and the efficiency is naturally greatly improved.

Originally, Li Shuixin made a loom that could take ten days at the fastest, but Lin Han only took six days to make it.

Except for the warp reels, the reels, and the central axis, which are connected by jackals, the other parts are all wood and bamboo.

If it's not enough, go to the woods to cut down, there are plenty of resources.

On the sixth day, when Li Shuixin took the big flower hook to patrol the mountains in the morning, there was still a pile of wood, but when she came back at noon, there was a brand new diagonal loom in front of her.

She was surprised and couldn't help asking.

"Lin Han, can you do magic? When I was in Jimen in the morning, it was still a pile of wood, how could it be done so quickly!

Li Shuixin put down the lunch ingredients he had harvested and walked to the diagonal loom excitedly.

Seriously, appreciate it.

"I pre-processed every part, and I just had to assemble them. It's that simple."

For Lin Han, who has already mastered the art of woodworking, it is really simple.

To this,

Netizens have been unable to complain.

"this is very simple?"

"Sorry, you give me a year, but I may not work hard. 99

"It's useless at first sight, and even said that it was made by hand. 99

"Lin Shen's simplicity makes me doubt life.

"Even the loom was caught. I really don't know what else in this world that these two people can't."

In addition to being surprised, netizens were surprised.

However, I have no culture, and I go all over the world with a lie.

After a while, Li Shuixin tried the twill loom. Although it was a little laborious, it did not affect the use at all.

It is laborious because the bearings are all made of wood, and Lin Han lacks grinding tools, so the friction is relatively large. In addition, the belt is made of jackal skin, which is not as good as cowhide, which increases the friction force.

However, it is incredible to be able to make a twill loom under such simple conditions.

Li Shuixin just had the mentality of giving it a try before, and never thought that it would really work!

For her, this twill loom is simply perfect.

"Lin Han, how do I feel, you know the principle of the twill loom better than me?

Li Shuixin had to wonder, after all, her own only had a vague concept. To be able to do it, most of it is the credit of Lin Han.

"You didn't understand it before, was it deliberately pretending to be a hook?"

"It's not really, I just have a strong learning ability.

Lin Han smiled lightly.

Seeing Li Shuixin so happy, he was also satisfied.

As for how to weave, Fantong told Lin Han some methods, but with Li Shuixin, a top fashion designer here, it was not his turn to start.

"The devil is believing you.

Li Shuixin rolled his eyes at him, took some processed hemp silk, and began to test the machine.

"I'll try.


Lin Han moved a stool and sat aside, holding a cup of cool mint tea.

Li Shuixin has always been very serious in his work.

After completing this step, it is convenient to use a simple lever principle to control the lifting and lowering of the brown sheet by stepping on the pedal, and divide the hemp silk into two layers, forming a triangular opening to weave into cloth.

In this process, you must be very careful and careful, because the hemp wire is very thin, and it is easy to get tangled or torn.

However, Li Shuixin obviously didn't think this was a troublesome thing.

Because there are often excellent fashion designers, it is a pleasure for them to weave by themselves.

It is an honor to design clothes with the cloth weaved by oneself.

For the next few days, Li Shuixin immersed himself in the fun of weaving. And Lin Han is in charge of cooking, rummaging through vegetable fields, occasionally looking for new food, or going to the sea to catch some fish and shrimp.

There are two other things that he also put on the agenda.

toilet, and bathroom!

The toilet is very simple. It only needs to dig a horizontal groove on the ground, a slope descending groove, surround a bamboo wall, and cover a roof.

It was not difficult for Lin Han, and it was done in two days.

It's the bathroom, it's just a bit of a hassle to do.

A small room was temporarily enclosed with a bamboo wall, stones were placed under it, and a drainage ditch was dug. A simple bathroom is ready.

But this is not what Lin Han wants, he wants to make a shower room.

Undoubtedly, this is a big project.

desert island life day 49,

Li Shuixin made a set of linen clothes. Although the material is very rough, the design is good. The hemp rope is matched with the large seam of the bark rope, which is simple and individual.

"Lin Han, I made a suit for you, come and try it on.

Li Shuixin's surprised voice called Lin Han, who was making material parts for the shower room.

"Would it be good so soon?"

Lin Han thought that it would take more than ten days to wear new clothes. Unexpectedly, after five days, Li Shuixin made a complete set of clothes.

A pair of mid-length trousers, and a pair of short sleeves.

"It's well done, and there are patterns on it!"

Lin Han saw that there were two little people patterns on the short sleeves, which could be vaguely identified as a boy and a girl.

Li Shuixin's pretty face blushed slightly, and smiled softly, "This part of the hemp rope, when I was cooking hemp, I dyed it with the juice of flowers and plants. Although it is not very pure, it is not easy to decolorize.


Give it a try and see if the size fits. "

She was looking forward to what Lin Han looked like in this dress.

Although, she has made a lot of clothes, and even some clothes have been sold at very high prices.

But this one made her the most nervous.

"Is it the right size? Will he like it?"


Lin Han nodded and put the clothes on his body directly.

Although not as comfortable as cotton, the size is just right, linen is more breathable, and it is very comfortable to wear on the body.

"Nice, I finally have a dress! 19

Lin Han was surprised.

It has been almost two months since I came to the island. For the first time, I put on clothes.

"Like it?"

Li Shuixin asked nervously.

"like very much.

Lin Han came to the camera, opened his hand and showed a circle,

"Friends, have you seen it, clothes! I'm wearing clothes. Isn't it beautiful, are you envious?"

"To abuse the dog again!"

"Envy? Are you afraid that you don't know that my mouse is on the way to clear the customs?

"I looked in my closet, and I really couldn't find a reason to envy you."

It's just a linen coat. Although such clothes are no longer available on the market, everyone doesn't think there is anything to envy.


Someone is envious.

[Fashion Danni]: "My God, this is... an unprecedented pastoral style! If this trendy design is presented at this year's International Fashion Festival, it will definitely win the championship!

The layman watches the fun, the layman watches the doorway.

The fashionable Dany saw at a glance that Li Shuixin had put a lot of effort into the design.

It looks like an ordinary sackcloth,

However, the production methods and design styles are all at the top level in the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that we won the championship!

"Huh? Such an ordinary-looking dress can win the championship at the International Clothing Festival? Zhang spray it.

"Miss Danni, is it because you are the entruster invited by Li Nvxia?"

"We have no injustice or enmity, why do you treat us as fools. 1

"Five cents is good at acting, and almost deceived me. 93

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