Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 122: In the past, Wu Song fought tigers, but now Lin Shen kills pigs! (1, please order!)

Lin Han's handsome moves made countless people scream in the live broadcast room. Under the rhythm of the big guys, everyone gave rewards.

A gift of two pieces, like the rainy season in March and April, kept falling.

However, wild boars are also extremely quick to respond.

With its rough skin and thick flesh, it will naturally not lose its combat effectiveness because of this pumping.

The eager wild boar quickly got up and charged towards Lin Han again.


The wild boar's eyes burned with anger, and its hooves slammed the ground fiercely, and the soil on the ground was splashed more than a meter high by it!

In just a few meters distance, it increased its speed to its peak.

Like a series of small tanks, they rushed towards Lin Han.

Lin Han didn't choose to dodge, but bowed halfway.

When he was just climbing the bamboo, the military shovel was thrown on the ground, and the saber was left at home. At this time, he had no weapons, and could only rely on his hands to force the charge of the wild boar.

Everyone, hold your breath again!


The wild boar was overjoyed watching this human standing motionless. It lowered its head and bared its fangs. With just a light lift, this human can be disemboweled, and the flying hook can be lifted.

The fangs are their most powerful weapon against the enemy!

Eight meters, five meters, three meters,

The wild boar rushed to Lin Han quickly, and just as he was about to reach Lin Han, Lin Han suddenly took a step forward.

Immediately afterwards, with his hands in rhythm, he grabbed the wild boar's ears.

Press down hard!

The wild boar lowered his head to make it easier to lift Lin Han.

However, it was convenient for Lin Han to exert force, pressing its head to the ground ruthlessly.

The wild boar lost its balance, and suddenly fell into a big somersault.

The strong body shot 08 on a bamboo with a thick mouth and broke the bamboo directly!

"Damn it, this is a fall!"

"When I first sewed and pressed the bamboo, I suspected that Lin Shen was using this trick. I didn't expect that the heavy weight could still be used like this. The wild boar ran so fast, what a precise force it must be, and Ji Neng. Put the wild boar's head on the ground!

In the live broadcast room, in addition to some guys shouting 666, there are also real bosses.

Longguo Wushu has a long history and has been passed down for many years. Although it is not as good as it used to be now, there are still many hidden masters.

Of course, these experts rarely watch live broadcasts. But they also have young disciples.

【Please call me a little handyman】: "This is not a simple heavy weight drop, but a combination of the four liang method and the hard weight fall. First, use the four liang strokes to follow the weight to reduce the impact of the wild boar. Convert it into the force of downward pressure. Then use the rough weight to achieve the effect of twice the result with half the effort!

If it is just hard to fall, the wild boar will not turn a big somersault, but will lie on its side. In that case, the huge body might fall on Lin Shen's body.

Being able to use these two techniques so freely, Lin Shen's martial arts attainments surpassed that of most martial arts practitioners. As far as this move is concerned, I am afraid that even my master will be defeated. 99

"Fuck, does this world really have martial arts?"

[Please call me a clerk]: "That's natural, the inheritance of a few rough years, how can you say it is broken."

"Shen Lin is very powerful? What rank is he?"

[Please call me a clerk]: "You can see the whole thing at a glance. Judging from the two hands of Gang Jilu, Lin Shen is very powerful! He is not a master-level police officer, and he is about to be a master-level police officer. A nineteen-year-old master, heavenly Oh, this is a once-in-a-century martial arts ghost love.33

While everyone was chatting, Lin Han's battle was not over.

The wild boar stumbled, but quickly got up.

However, the injury was not minor this time, and when it stood up, its body shook a bit.

Lin Han seized this opportunity and slammed his shoulder into its belly.

The huge wild boar flew across the hook again.

[Please call me a little handyman] Exclaimed again: "This is, the mountain is attached to the mountain, and the eighth level is attached to the mountain!

This is a type of Bajiquan, which bases the strength of the whole body on the shoulders, and uses the strength of the earth to smash the target with both feet. If this trick is used well, even a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old child can knock up a fat man weighing 200 pounds!"

The little handyman took the initiative to act as an interpreter, constantly introducing the moves that Lin Han displayed.

"Is the martial arts of Longguo really so awesome? I always thought that only Jigan played like this in the movie. 99

Excuse me, "Head of handyman, do you still accept apprentices there?"

"Bring me one, I also want to go to apprenticeship. I want to hit the big fat man with one blow!"

Seeing the barrage of netizens, [Please call me a little handyman] was a bit dumbfounded, he just said it casually, but he didn't expect so many people to be interested.

Even, he received a lot of private messages in the back, all asking for the address and contact information.

In fact, these martial arts sects recruit disciples every year. It's just that everyone doesn't believe it, and few people take it seriously.

In addition, now is the era of science and technology and legal system, Wushu is gradually divided into two schools: the health school and the competitive school.

The health-preserving faction refers to those warriors who are low-key or simply reclusive, while the competitive faction refers to those who are usually seen on TV.

Of course, in terms of actual combat, the health-preserving faction can completely explode the competitive faction.

Although the chores are relieved, there are so many people interested in martial arts. But accepting or not accepting disciples is not something he can say. Had to, one by one politely declined to leave a message.

in the bamboo forest,

Lin Han knocked down wild boars three times in a row, and he has completely gained the upper hand,

If the wild boar didn't escape, he didn't even need to pick up a military shovel, he could kill it with his bare hands!


Obviously, the wild boar had no plans to escape.

Although Lin Han was hit by the eight poles against the mountain, he still stood up tenaciously and continued to attack Lin Han.

Usually when an animal is attacked, it will flee if it knows that it cannot beat the opponent.

However, the wild boar did not escape, and Lin Han was more certain of his conjecture.

It's protecting its cubs.

Lin Han admires its spirit of protecting the mold, but it is a wild boar after all. If it didn't escape, he had no choice but to kill it.

Looking at the wild boar rushing in,

Lin Han admired and decided to solve it quickly, not wanting it to suffer too much pain.

So, once again, he grabbed the area in front of the wild boar's ears with one move and four ounces. He himself, followed by a step back.

The wild boar's momentum subsided, and the pig's head was pressed to the ground by Lin Han.

No. That is, a punch hits the top of the middle of its two eyes, that is, the forehead!

The forehead is the most vulnerable part of the wild boar. If you hit this place with a stick or a hammer, you may die directly.

Lin Han's one-inch punch condensed the strength of his entire body, concentrated at one point and burst out, instantly shattering its frontal bone.

The wild boar hooted twice, then lay motionless on the ground.

One hit, kill!

Seeing this scene, the barrage boiled again.

"Fuck, the wild boar was killed by Lin Shen with his bare hands?

"In the past, Wu Song fought a tiger, but now I see Lin Shen kill a pig!"

"The handyman is big, what kind of way is that punch just now, and it can kill a wild boar with one punch?"

[Please call me a clerk]: "The punch Lin Shengang used was a one-inch punch, which is the essence of Wing Chun, condensing the strength of the whole body into one point and hitting it at the fastest speed. Go, burst out in an instant, has achieved the effect of breaking through ten thousand!

A Wing Chun master can use an inch fist to shatter a dreamer's bones with ease. 1

"I know this, the pride of our Dragon Kingdom was to hit the whole world with an inch punch!

"Wait, the handyman just went around saying that Lin Shen used Bajiquan, and now it has become Wing Chun, and it looks like it is Taijiquan, right?

[Please call me a clerk] I can't help laughing and crying: "The friend upstairs is right, Lin Shen has used so many boxing techniques, and it looks like they are all authentic!"

He was very puzzled that the health care faction attached great importance to inheritance, and it was impossible to pass on his essence to other disciples who dispatched police.

How can Lin Han know so many boxing styles by himself?

Killing the wild boar, Lin Han breathed a sigh of relief.

"Friends, this is indeed a female wild boar, and it must have killed me so desperately to protect the nearby garden.

Wild boars are social animals, but when sows are producing, they will look for some hidden places to give birth. At this time, they act alone most of the time. So, there must be a litter of piglets around here. "

Lin Han picked up the military shovel and looked for the side where the wild boar came from.

"Little pig, run, the big devil is late for you.

"Whatever you run, the family should be neat and tidy,

"I could smell the smell of roast suckling pig.

After a while, in a cave under a hillside, a litter of piglets was found.

As he had guessed, there were no other adult boars around.

"Full", there are seven piglets. They walk on the ground, indicating that they can eat grass, and I can take them to raise them. Our ancestors caught wild boars and raised them, and slowly wild boars became home pig."

Lin Han brought a rabbit trap in order to facilitate cultivation and transport of bamboo. Just right, put these seven little piglets into the rabbit cage and let Xiuyuan transport them back.

As for the wild boar, of course, it must be brought back.

Wild boar, but a very delicious thing.

In the city, even artificially raised special wild boars can be sold for 100 yuan per catty. This pure wild pork is very expensive.

However, after all, it is more than 400 catties, so it is not easy to move it.

"Never hit anything so heavy, try it."

Lin Han grabbed the two legs of the wild boar and stepped back, first half-standing the wild boar with force, then dragged the wild boar with his shoulders, exerting all his strength,


Lin Han let out a loud roar, and the strength of his whole body exploded in an instant, using the 400-pound wild boar on his shoulders!

His body suddenly became shorter.

"Hey... it's really heavy!"

Lin Han straightened up slowly and complained.

That is, say hello to Xiaohua Xiaobai and Xiuyuanhui.

"f*ck, bright blinded my titanium dog eyes! 99

"Lin Han's strength is so terrifying, he can carry a wild boar weighing more than 400 pounds? 22

"Just stood up and knelt again, Lin Shen, can't you let me slow down?

"Watching Lin Shen's live broadcast, his knees hurt."

"Kneeling and kneeling, it's a pity that Lin Shen doesn't participate in world weightlifting to win glory for the country.

Lin Han was able to carry a weight of more than 200 jin before. Back then, he carried Li Shuixin and three jackals on his back and walked five or six miles without stopping to rest.

Now, after the martial arts skills are perfected, the strength is further increased.

Although the weight of 400 jins made him a little difficult, but after slowly getting used to the weight, it was no problem to hit it back.

However, the speed is much slower than normal walking.

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