Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 123 Challenge the limit and go further (2, please complete the order!)


In the pergola in front of the bamboo house, the sound of the loom continued. Li Shuixin sat in front of him, fiddling with the hemp ropes with his delicate hands, weaving the humble hemp ropes into beautiful fabrics with patterns.

This hand-weaving skill alone has attracted many fans.

Many people are amazed that even with the current technology, the cloth woven may not be as good-looking as hers.

In the live broadcast room, netizens turned into lemon essence one by one,

"It's sour and sour, she's so beautiful, and she's ingenious, why can't I meet such a good woman."

"Goddess Li's hands are so clever, she is so happy to be able to wear clothes made by her own hands. 99

"It's also a woman, why do I sleep besides eating? I really want to wake her up and watch the live broadcast. Li Nvxia has already knitted a dress, but she is still sleeping. But I dare not, I can't beat her. 99

"Family status so low?"

"In the face of a daughter-in-law of 200 pounds, can your status rise?"

"Brother, I'm afraid, your daughter-in-law has just been beaten by Lin Shen."

A few minutes later, Li Shuixin finished knitting a piece of cloth, which she carefully took off from the twill loom, very satisfied.

"It's done, I can make myself a T-shirt. Does he prefer a round neck or a v-neck?"

When you have one more person in your heart and think about a problem, you can't help but use the substitution method.

Li Shuixin was tangled because she hadn't heard Lin Han mention this.

"Forget it, let's continue weaving first, and then ask him when he comes back."

Li Shuixin smiled, thinking that he was a little too sentimental.

Just when she stretched out her muscles and bones and was about to sit down and continue weaving, Da Hua who was beside her suddenly stood up and ran quickly into the woods.

"Lin Han?"

Li Shuixin dropped the hemp rope in his hand and ran over quickly.

Soon, Lin Han came out of the woods with a huge guy on his shoulders.

Li Shui's beautiful eyes stared in shock, and she covered her small mouth with her hands.

Omg, this is a wild boar!

So big, how heavy!

Stunned for half a second, Li Shuixin hurried over to help Lin Han share some weight.

"The police move, it's very heavy."

Lin Han is now gritting his teeth and insisting that he has come here with willpower for such a long way.

He didn't let Li Shuixin help, mainly because he was afraid that if he didn't grasp it firmly and fell down, he would hurt her.

There is another reason, Fantong is helping him improve his strength.

For the first time since his climbing skills were perfected, Lin Han's strength increased by leaps and bounds.

Later in life, whether it was carrying, felling, or climbing and swimming, he could slowly exercise his strength. It's just that each increase is very inconspicuous and does not attract attention.

But this time is different, four hundred pounds is almost Lin Han's limit.

And challenging the limit is a very effective way to exercise,

When he picked up the wild boar and walked for about a minute, the system gave the first prompt,

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully challenging the limit, strength +1, endurance +1! 】

Every minute you walk, you will get a reminder like this.

However, as the power of Lin Han gradually depleted, the speed of attribute increase began to decrease from one minute.

Back at the bamboo house, Lin Han's power is nearly exhausted,

Now every step he takes, he needs to work hard. Every second, you have to grit your teeth and persevere!

However, the gains are also very significant.

The last part of the road, every time he took a step forward,

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully challenging the limit, strength +1, endurance +1!"

Challenge the limit, continue to break the limit.

Lin Han's strength and stamina are constantly losing and drying up, but the upper limit of the two is constantly breaking.

Along the way, Lin Han's previous strength limit was 400 jin, but now, it has approached 500 jin.

That is to say, after taking a rest for a while, he will be able to lift 500 jins of heavy objects after regaining his strength!


When he came to the bamboo house, Lin Han was already bent over, he couldn't even lift his head up, and he couldn't see the distance in front of him.

"How far am I from the kitchen~?"

Lin Han asked through gritted teeth.

Li Shuixin was worried that Lin Han would be crushed, and couldn't be in a hurry, "There are still more than ten steps."

"Help me clear the obstacles in the way.

Lin Han insisted.

In fact, he can put down the wild boar and rest for a while, after all, it can be dragged for a dozen steps.

But since you want to challenge the limit, you can't give up halfway.

As long as you can persevere, you have to grit your teeth and persevere.

Only in this way, Ji can continue to challenge new heights.

It's been three or four miles, not less than the last ten steps.


Li Shuixin quickly kicked away the stones on the road, even the ones as large as the tip of a finger, for fear that Lindsay might trip over.


Lin Han stood and rested for a few seconds, feeling that his physical strength had recovered a little,


growled, "Ah-"

The two feet opened and suddenly rushed up.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully challenging the limit, strength +2, endurance +2!)

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully challenging the limit, strength +2, endurance +2! 】

It took Lin Han less than five seconds to run through the last dozen or so steps.

And every second, the two attributes are multiplied!


Lin Han rushed into the spirit shed, used the wild boar on the ground, and sat down against the wild boar's body, panting heavily.

Seeing that he was sweating profusely and almost collapsed, Li Shuixin felt more distressed than he was injured.

He quickly ran into the bamboo house, hooked the teapot, and poured him a cup of cold mint tea.

"Drink first.

Li Shuixin said with gentle concern.

"Can you... feed me?"

Lin Han gasped and said intermittently.

He has already, the baby can't even lift his fingers. But his face was filled with joy.

Because at this time, a virtual face map hook is now in front of him.

Message as follows

Host: Lin Han (19 years old)

Four-dimensional attributes: strength 513, stamina 477, speed 380, spirit 471 (all healthy adult males are 100)

Skills: Martial Arts (Perfect), Swimming (Perfect), Cooking (Perfect), Construction (Perfect), Handicraft (Perfect)...Medicine (Lv3), Weaving (Lv4)...(There are 27 more items below, which can be expand to see details)

Talents: Sense of the sea, rhythm of water

Special: Plant Illustrated Book, World Recipe Encyclopedia, Construction Theory Encyclopedia

In this challenge, the most notable changes are strength and endurance among the four-dimensional attributes.

His current strength is five times that of a healthy adult, and he is definitely a superhero.

And endurance, I am afraid that the old special forces can only do so.

The speed is slightly slower, but as a human being in two lifetimes, his spirit is exceptionally strong.

The spirit is a very wonderful thing. The stronger the spirit, the stronger the learning ability, the faster the reaction ability, the better thinking and adaptability.

Li Shuixin carefully fed him a glass of water, "Do you still want it? 99

Lin Han shook his head, "Enough, don't drink too much water after strenuous exercise.


Li Shuixin nodded, put down the teapot, picked up a wooden board to fan him, and helped him lower his body temperature.

"Why are you so stupid, let Xiaohua greet me and call me, it's not a lot easier for two people to lift together."

Li Shuixin complained bitterly.

Lin Han smiled and said, "I want to challenge my limits, only in this way, I can carry heavier things next time.

Even so, Li Shuixin couldn't help but feel distressed.

After resting for a while, Lin Han regained some strength and poured himself a glass of water.

His throat was smoking, and a glass of cold mint water made him feel extremely comfortable.

66" Didn't you go to chop bamboo to dry, why did you come back after beating a wild boar?

Seeing Lin Han felt much more comfortable, Li Shuixin's curiosity was also piqued.

"I heard my grandfather say that there was a saying that there was one pig, two bears and three tigers. The wild boar is the most ferocious animal in the jungle and is very dangerous. How did you kill it, and you were not injured?"

Although she had never seen a wild boar go mad, she heard about it from her grandfather when she was a child.

Thinking of the scene where Lin Han and the wild boar were fighting, I couldn't help but worry.

"When I was digging bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest, I was attacked by it. I wanted to run away, but I didn't expect it to chase after it, so I had to kill it by the fisherman.

In fact, wild boars are not as scary as imagined, as long as they identify their weaknesses, killing them is still very simple.

Afraid that Li Shuixin was worried, Lin Han described it lightly.

However, netizens were not happy.

"God is so simple, Lin Shen, I suspect that you are insulting us. 99

"It's easy for Lin Daxia, but difficult for us mortals to ascend to the sky. 2

"I doubt that ten I can kill a wild boar.

"In the eyes of Lin Shen, there is nothing difficult."

"Kneel, kneel!

"Mom, the police asked, I'm kneeling again...

It was learned that Lin Han did not bring a big wild boar, but also caught seven small wild boars.

Li Shuixin noticed that Xiuyuan was carrying something on his back.

The sense of existence of cultivating karma is getting lower and lower.

"Haoke (Zhao Nuohao) loves the little wild boar."

Seeing these little animals, the girl's heart was instantly opened.

I forgot that I had just gotten around and hated their mother.

The little wild boar is fluffy, with spots on its back, small eyes and small nose, and it looks really cute.

"I think Li Nvxia is drooling. 99

"Li Nvxia is thinking: is the roast suckling pig more fragrant, or the fried suckling pig is more fragrant.

"Little wild boar, it's so cute, peel it off, put it up..."

"Are you a devil upstairs, you actually treat these cute little wild boars like this. Remember to call me after baking, I bring my own bowls and chopsticks."

"Lin Han, with so many wild boars, we won't worry about food for the next year! 33

Li Shuixin turned her head and looked at Lin Han in surprise, this boy can always surprise her.

"I don't have to worry about eating, but it's not easy to raise them."

Lin Han smiled and shook his head,

"Do you know how many kilograms of grain a pig eats a year? To raise them, we have to pull a lot of grass for them to eat every day. We also need to clean the pigpen to prevent them from escaping or getting sick. 99

"Ah, what a hassle.

Li Shuixin had never raised pigs, so he thought everything was too simple.

"And the police forgot, we seem to have three more foodies, and these pigs won't last long.

"Oh... um? Isn't there only big flowers and small flowers, where are the three to play?

"Lin Han!

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