Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 128 Enema together (2, please complete the order!)

Knowing that Lin Han was going to start the sausage enema, Li Shuixin moved a stool early to sit next to him after washing the dishes, resting his chin with his hands on his lap, and his delicate little face was full of curiosity.

Like her, many netizens are very curious about how the sausage is made.

“I have eaten a lot of sausages, but they are all bought from the market, and I never know how it is made. 33

"I haven't done a good job for Harlem, I'm already drooling, am I the only one?

"No, you're not alone (funny face)!"

"I always feel that Lin Shen is not filling intestines, but money!"

"My mother likes to watch the food show hosted by Lin Shen. I'll call her over later."

Lin Han brought a pot of small intestines that had been washed with salt water and a large pot of marinated minced meat over.

Next to the fire in the electric shed, the light is relatively sufficient.

On the wall, hang two torches made of turpentine, rubber and animal fat, basically with a 50-watt incandescent lamp, there is no district police.

Such a torch Lin Han can make in a few minutes, and one can burn for half an hour, which is very practical.

"Lin Han, how do you stuff meat into these shrunken intestines?"

Li Shuixin looked at the washed small intestine, as thick as a thin line, and couldn't help but be a little curious.

Wouldn't it take a whole night to plug it little by little?

Glancing at Li Shuixin, Lin Han smiled and touched a small bamboo tube.

"use this!

Lin Han showed her the bamboo tube. The inner diameter of the bamboo tube was about five centimeters. Lin Han had cut off all the inner wall at one end, making the diameter nearly one centimeter larger.

Li Shuixin Bingxue was smart and immediately understood the usefulness of the bamboo tube.

"Are you going to put the sausage on this bamboo tube?"

This way, one end of the intestine can be opened with a large opening, and it is much easier to stuff the meat inside.

The intestines are malleable, so there is no need to worry about them being broken by the bamboo tube.

Taking advantage of this, the ancients found a contraceptive method...

"You are right, so I carved some small grooves on the bamboo tube to increase the friction. Just like on the marble floor, cutting some groove marks for anti-slip, the reason is the same.

With these small grooves, the seams are not easy to fall off when filling meat. "

At the same time as Lin Han explained, he had already started to do it again.

He first separated the small intestine with his fingers, and then put it into a small bamboo tube.

The small intestine has been washed and dried. Therefore, the layer of slippery mucus on the top also disappeared. Set on the bamboo tube, it will not fall off easily.

"The next step is much simpler, just stuff the meat inside."

Lin Han clenched the bamboo tube that covered the small intestine with one hand, grabbed the meat with the other and stuffed it inside. As the meat enters, the shrunken small intestine is quickly stretched open.

Three fat and seven thin,

Lin Han's meat is very evenly mixed, and the appearance of the sausage is much better than the ones sold in the market.

"Friends, sausages are actually very simple, if you are not afraid of trouble, you can learn to make them yourself.

As I said before, there are many sausages on the market, which are made from old mother pork. To soften old mother pork, manufacturers add some chemical additives. Therefore, most of the sausages on the market are not fresh.

They can pass the national food inspection, but not our gastrointestinal inspection. So, it's not bad to learn to do it for yourself and your amazing health~. 93

Lin Han suddenly remembered that the mother of a classmate from Sichuan Province had said such a thing.

Considering that the people watching my live broadcast are all people who support me, so I kindly mentioned it.

While speaking, he had already poured five or six centimeters in length.

In order not to burst the intestines or cause blockages, the meat should be pushed back at this time. Make a little space for the meat that comes in next.

When the next five centimeters are enough, continue to hold back.

According to your own needs, usually ten centimeters or fifteen centimeters, tie together.

Of course, in order to prevent the meat in the intestines from loosening, it is necessary to tighten the meat of each section when piercing.

"To sum up, sausage enema consists of three steps, irrigation, calcium, and sticking... Repeat these three steps continuously, with enough care and patience, everyone can make hygienic and delicious sausages. .

Moreover, you can also marinate your favorite flavor according to your own taste, which is more delicious and cost-effective than the ones sold in the market. 99

It was a demonstration at the beginning, so Lin Han did it slowly, it took about six minutes, followed by a section.

Next, he will speed up.

Basically every two or three minutes, you can fill a section.

Seeing Lin Han's filling so skillfully, stuffing a mess of meat into his intestines, filling the small intestine with holes, Li Shuixin found it very interesting, and was eager to try it.

"Lin Han, can you give me a try.

"Pay attention to the technique I just said."

Lin Han didn't say anything and handed the small bamboo tube over.

As for the thought of worrying about being greasy, Lin Han would not have it at all. He knew that Li Shuixin was not the kind of rich girl who was delicate.

On the deserted island, Lin Han had already kicked out such a partner.


Li Shuixin nodded, as well-behaved as a primary school student.


A lot of things look simple, but they are not so easy to do.

Li Shuixin's grip was not as strong as Lin Han's, and when he was stuffing meat inside, the small bamboo tube slipped off several times.

After a while, I stuffed a small lump of meat into it.

"What's the matter, why is it so easy for you to do it, and I just can't make it?

"The method should be fine, I remember everything you said.

"No, no, no, ten minutes wouldn't be enough for a session.

Li Shuixin - Doing it while talking to himself.

Lin Han knows that she is constantly summing up her experience and finding her own way.

After all, his method is simple but requires effort.

Li Shuixin didn't have the strength he had, so he could only look for labor-saving techniques.

"Pfft haha~ Li Nvxia is so cute, why are you competing with yourself?

"Li Nvxia told her with practical actions, what is meant by seeing it at first sight, and it will be useless at the first glance."

"I know that Lin Shen is actually very simple and not that simple."

"Lin to understand briefly?"

It took about ten minutes, and Li Shuixin finally finished a session.

However, when she was about to tie up, Lin Han interrupted her, "The meat inside is not firm yet, at least it can fit in a small lump."


Li Shuixin was dumbfounded, she was obviously already tight.


When Lin Han took it, he lightly squeezed it, and the 10-centimeter sausage suddenly became eight centimeters.

Li Shuixin pouted and stuck out her tongue, expressing that it was too difficult.

However, she did not give up, and continued to stuff a small lump into it.

Lin Han saw that her studies were almost the same, so she hooked up another small bamboo tube that was exactly the same. Pick up another section of intestines and enema with Li Shuixin.

He prepared two such small bamboo tubes.

"How do I feel that Li Nvxia was routinely revealed by Lin Shen. 99

"You don't feel wrong."

Working with two people is naturally faster than working alone.

Li Shuixin didn't feel anything, she had gradually mastered the skills.

Also, being able to make your own food makes it more delicious. She is naturally happy to help Lin Han, rather than watching.

With the joint efforts of the two, a pot of meat was quickly poured into the small intestine.

"Huh, it's finally done. "

Li Shuixin had been sitting for a day, so she stood up and moved her body.

Sitting like this all the time, it will take a step to stop doing other work.

Lin Han smiled, "You take a rest.

work, not finished.

But the next step is relatively simple, and he can get it done quickly by himself.

The sausage has been stuffed, but when the meat is air-dried, it will produce gas. And these marinated meats themselves carry moisture.

Therefore, it is necessary to tie fear in the intestines. Help the gas and moisture drain hook, so as not to burst the sausage, the internal emblem deterioration.

Lin Han sharpened two toothpicks and quickly tied them.

After completing the martial arts skills, his technique and speed were also much faster, the position of the plunge was very precise, and the strength was just right.

In one or two minutes, the two-meter-long sausages have all been pierced.

Next, is to hang them in the shade to air dry.

At this time, Lin Han found that the electric shed was already full. There are also hams hanging in the room.

These sausages can only be squeezed with cured fish hanging under the eaves outside the door.

"Looks like there is no place.

Looking around the house, it was covered with all kinds of meat.

The corners of Lin Han's mouth twitched in satisfaction.

These are enough for him and Li Shuixin to eat for a while.

At least, don't worry about food for three months.

But they still have to stay on the island for ten months, so this food is not enough.

"The house is so big, do you have to rebuild a bigger house?

Lin Han muttered.

However, this thought quickly buried itself in my heart.

For larger houses, the material of bamboo is obviously not enough, and large wood or bricks must be used, which will be a big project.

Just relying on the two of them, I am afraid it will take a year to complete it.

So, just think about it, don't take it seriously.

The enema took less time than Lin Han expected. So there was still some time left, and he planned to chop up the bamboo he brought in the afternoon and make it into material for the fence.

With the help of Li Shuixin, the two spent another hour splitting all the six large bamboos.

Busy until the second batch of torches went out, they continued to stop.

Take a shower and fall asleep quickly.

After a full day, it is easy to relax and fall asleep at night.

The quality of sleep is naturally also very good.

The next day, the two got up early, had breakfast, and started a new day of work.

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