Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 1447 I am going, how did I meet this funny force! (1, please complete the order!)

"Brother Zhang, we don't have any tools, can we catch fish and shrimp?"

In the jungle, Niu Chuan and Charlie Zhang each held a bark pot and walked towards the coast. Niu Chuan was carrying a strange cage on his back.

They lived in the jungle, and they were far from the coast in order to avoid the big storm.

Two days ago, they caught a small wild boar, and they had no food to worry about for several days. So they began to swell and plan to go to the beach to catch some fish and shrimp to change their taste.

This is all Charlie Zhang's idea, Niu Chuan licks dogs professionally, and has no opinion?

"What do you mean by being able to catch fish and shrimp? You've caught wild boars that big, so what's a few fish and shrimp? Just wait, you'll definitely be able to eat a sumptuous seafood meal today.

Also, be careful next time you speak, many people are watching our live broadcast.

Charlie grinned at the drone and smiled.

Originally, there were three difficulties and more popularity,

His arrogant persuasion-sugar man, this laugh, scare a lot of people away.

In the live broadcast room, there are only three to five hundred people left to chat.

"Yes, yes, my little brother is wrong. Brother Zhang can do whatever I want my little brother to do. If my little brother can't, I have the strength.

Niu Chuan nodded and bowed, licking Charlie Zhang very comfortably.

The latter also took a fancy to him, Hui Sen, and strength, which entangled him to stay.

Otherwise, like a rivalry, who wants to help the police?

"Fishing is a skill, but strength is not enough. When I was abroad, I learned a lot of fishing skills. You should know that those fishermen abroad are much better than the Dragon Kingdom. 9

"Yes Yes Yes……

The two got up early and went to the beach while chatting.

One blows vigorously, the other listens earnestly. As for what happened on the road, he has absolutely no idea.

Grass Mud "Ma, this dog 08 is better than a banana man, how dare you say that foreign fishermen are much better than those of Longguo!"

"I just came to see why these two idiots have not been eliminated. However, I am disappointed. 93

"My God, let a thunderstorm hit these two idiots to death.

"Fuck, entered the wrong broadcast interval."

The remaining 300 people left one after another.

So, the most amazing thing happened since the Wilderness Survival show was launched.

The challenger who has persisted for more than two months has not even a single audience!

The popularity value is cleared for more than 30 minutes!

"There is a new island in front, and it seems to be about the same size as Cold Water Island.

After half an hour's cruise, Lin Han and Li Shuixin have approached the new island. This time, they came to search for new materials, and by the way, they went back to find some rock frogs, so they planned to find a beach with rocks to land on.

Like Hanshui Island, the environment here is very beautiful.

There are quite a few coconut trees around the beach, and it looks similar to where Lin Han logged in.

But on the beach, there are many sun-dried coconuts scattered.

It was left behind after the great storm swept through.

Seeing the coconuts all over the ground, there are no traces of human activities nearby,

"It seems that there is no one on this island, or it was eliminated early.

Lin Han looked around and said.

"The big storm is too scary. There must be not many people who can survive it."

Li Shuixin nodded,

Thinking of being besieged by six jackals back then, I still have lingering fears. She didn't even know where she had the courage to kill one!

Perhaps, it can only be explained by the danger that stimulates the potential.

"Since there is no one, let's search this island carefully, maybe we can find new resources."

It was still early, and Lin Han planned to search the woods first.

If you can find fresh fruits and vegetables, or even other staples, that's perfect.

They have just stepped into the woods,

In Lin Han's ear, a long-lost voice appeared,

[Ding, it is detected that the host is searching for a new island, please persist on the island for 24 hours, reward a new staple food crop,

Mission introduction: The new environment means new resources, no matter whether the host has harvested or not, it should be rewarded. "

24 hours?

Want to spend the night on this island?

It is a dangerous thing to spend the night in an unfamiliar wild environment. But Lin Han has extraordinary strength, and it is no problem to persist for one night.

The reward is the new staple food crop, Lin Han is very excited.


He decided to accept the challenge.

Not long after the two entered the forest, there were two figures walking from the other side of the forest.

"Coconuts, lots of coconuts!

Niu Chuan is excited!

These days, the water they drink is boiled with scalding stones. Although it can sterilize, the water that is full of dust does not taste very good.

It has been a long time since Niu Chuan had the sweet and delicious coconut.

"Ah, calm down.

Although Charlie Zhang also wanted to taste the fresh coconut milk, he was more able to pretend.

There are at least one or two hundred coconuts on the beach.

The cow picked up a coconut from Chuan and found a stone to smash them apart.

However, the sap inside the coconut that has been shed for a long time has been emulsified, and the taste is sour that it is difficult to swallow.

Not to mention whether you will get sick after eating it, the key is not to quench your thirst.

"Fuck, how could this be!

Niu Chuan angrily threw the coconut away and picked it up again.

His strength is indeed not small, and he quickly smashed another one.

But it was the same, there was no coconut milk they craved at all, only coconut milk that was hard to swallow.


"still none!"

"I'm so crazy!"

Niu Chuan smashed seven or eight in a row, but there was no coconut juice at all. He slammed it down angrily, but unexpectedly, the coconut slipped and the stone hit his hand, screaming in pain!

"Chuan, save your energy. These coconuts have been falling off for too long. If you want fresh coconut water, you can only climb trees to pick fresh coconuts.

Charlie Zhang glanced at Niu Chuan with contempt in his heart.

Yu Ji pointed at the tall coconut tree and said, "Didn't you say you can climb trees, just pick a few and take them down."


Niu Chuan was dumbfounded. I said that I would be afraid of trees. Is it the kind of small tree with branches in it, such a tall coconut tree with or without branches, I would fly up?

"I just accidentally smashed my hand around, and my strength can't be exerted.

He explained embarrassedly.


Charlie Zhang despised this guy even more.

"Forget it, let's catch fish. 33

He knew he couldn't count on this guy, and he knew it wasn't that easy to drink coconut water.

"Chuan, give me the fishing cage, and you can go and catch some earthworms and ants nearby."

This cage is made of twigs and bark tied by Charlie Zhang, and it is quite presentable. With, the basic structure of the fishing cage.

When he was abroad, he did learn some useful things, and he felt that he was very arrogant.


Those things were left over from the Dragon Kingdom's play a few years ago.

After a while, Niu Chuan came back. He didn't catch any earthworms, but only caught some small aphids and ants and put them in a cage. Charlie Zhang put the cage into the water in the reef.

The rest is up to time.

"God bless, hope to catch a big fish."

Charlie Zhang tapped a few times on his chest.

Afterwards, he said to Niu Chuan, "Don't worry about the rest, let's go to the bottom of the sea to look for shrimps, maybe we can catch some scallops, conch shells, sea shrimps and so on.

This kind of place has not been developed by human beings, maybe we can still catch large lobsters.

The ideal is full.

Niu Chuan was already starving from the flatbread he painted.

As if a sumptuous seafood feast was placed in front of him.

"Then let's get into the water quickly, while the weather is cool!

Niu Chuan couldn't wait to jump into the sea.

However, at this moment, Charlie Zhang saw a tall fin swimming on the sea. He was about to go into the water and was so frightened that he screamed, "Chuan, come quickly!"


Niu Chuan had just made a stab and drilled a hook from the water.

Hearing Charlie Zhang calling him, he didn't understand what it meant, but instead he waved to him, "Brother Zhang, the sea is very cool, come down quickly."

"Shark, come back, there are sharks!"

Charlie Zhang shouted loudly.

"Shark? Where?

Niu Chuan also had a big heart. He didn't think about running, but looked back instead.

I saw that the fins were swaying towards this side, and the distance was only 100 meters. He was so frightened that he almost fainted on the spot.

"My god, two sharks!"

He desperately climbed the water and climbed to the shore without any image.

"It's terrible, there are sharks in this sea area. 1

"Fortunately, Brother Zhang, you reminded me, otherwise, the two of us would be buried in the belly of a fish. 33

Seeing that the shark was still swimming nearby, without any intention of leaving, a chill came from Niu Chuan's back spine.

"These two sharks refused to leave. It seems that we can't go into the sea to catch shrimps, we can only rely on fishing cages. 91

Charlie Zhang secretly called Diaohui, this kind of shit has been encountered by himself.

"There seems to be a lot of conch shells and oysters on the reef over there, you go and get some, and I'll make a fire.

The strength work is Niu Chuan's work, and the skill work is Charlie Zhang's work.

"Come on!"

Niu Chuan is not very good at making fires, and is naturally willing to do some simple things.

Time, it was noon in the blink of an eye.

Charlie Zhang and Niu Chuan were about to inspect the fishing cages when suddenly two people, a man and a woman, were neatly dressed in the woods.

Although the man is bald, handsome does not give people a way to live. The woman's hair is braided, and she is not as beautiful as a mortal person.

who are they?

Charlie Zhang and Niu Chuan were stunned on the spot.


Lin Han and Li Shuixin were also stunned. They didn't expect that there were actually people on this island, and there were only two of them.

However, the two of them kept staring at Li Shuixin, their eyes eager to see through Li Shuixin's clothes, which made Lin Han and Li Shuixin very disgusted.

Originally big is a competitive relationship, and they are not good birds at first sight,

Lin Han was too lazy to talk to them.


Niu Chuan's eyes could not wait to stick to Li Shuixin's body, but he actually ran over to ask Li Shuixin to shake hands.

"Anything? 99

Lin Han pulled Li Shuixin behind him and blocked him in the middle.

at this time


The netizens in the live broadcast room of Lin Han and Li Shuixin were instantly fried.

"f*ck, what kind of shit luck is this, to meet these two funny guys!

"No, it's a fool!"

"Where did the fool come from, as soon as he came up, he wanted to take advantage of the heroine?"

Of course, there are also many people who do not know them.

"This idiot has no roots in his head, and he doesn't take a piss to take care of himself. Do you have a toe teacher of Lin Shen, and you are also worthy of shaking hands with the heroine? 3)

"It sounds like they are very famous? But I just went to their live broadcast room to watch, and their popularity has not broken 100. 33

"Rhyme, they're very famous, notoriously stupid!"

"I think, there is a good show to watch..."

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