Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 148 I beg you to pretend, don't your face hurt! (2, please complete the order!)

Blocked by Lin Han, a haze flashed in Niu Chuan's eyes.

What Laozi strikes up a conversation with a beautiful girl, mind your own business!

If it weren't for the live broadcast, he almost rhymed this sentence.

However, a professional licking a dog is often more tolerable.

He retracted his hand in embarrassment, still maintaining a disgusting smile, "I didn't mean to be a police officer, I just wanted to get to know the two of you. Excuse me, how did you two come to this island?"

At this time, Charlie Zhang also came over, his eyes full of curiosity.

It stands to reason that this is the place chosen by the program team. There are patrols nearby, and it is impossible for a stranger to approach this island.

How did this person come to the island?

"Hahaha, these two idiots, think Lin Shen and the female hero are tourists?"

"They probably saw that Lin Shen and the heroine were dressed neatly."

"Yeah, didn't you see that the two of them were tanned. You know, they only started with a pair of shorts."

"I'm looking forward more and more to this silly performance for a while.

Lin Han raised his eyebrows and thought to himself that the two of them considered themselves tourists.

However, if you speak, you speak, so where do you look?

"This has nothing to do with you."

Lin Han took Li Shuixin and went to the other side of the beach.

After a morning of searching, they found some mangoes. The materials on this island are not as rich as Cold Water Island.

They plan to build a fire by the sea for a rest at noon, and explore the other side in the afternoon.

It is indeed impossible to explore this island in one day.

But Lin Han thought, anyway, to do the task, instead of sitting for 24 hours, it is better to go around, maybe there is something new.

The two were about to leave when Charlie Zhang suddenly came over,

"I remember your appearance, you are also challengers! 99

He is better at concealing than Niu Chuan, although he is also very beautiful like Li Shuixin, but he doesn't show rhyme.

As for the phrase "remember what you look like", it should be only the look of Li Shuixin. Lin Han was inconspicuous before, but now he has changed his hairstyle and temperament, and if he can remember it, there is a ghost.

Life on a desert island is very boring, which is why he keeps a licking dog with a very average ability.

Licking a dog can also relieve loneliness.

But if there is such a beautiful woman to accompany, then the wilderness is not lonely, maybe something beautiful can happen.

The beating thoughts spread in his heart.

As for Lin Han, although holding Li Shuixin's hand. But he confidently thought that as long as the two of them stayed, there would be no corner that he couldn't shake.

"It can't be the challengers, where did their clothes come from, and they have military shovels in their hands.

Niu Chuan looked in disbelief.

Wait, military shovel?

Which tourist would travel with a military shovel?

"You guys, aren't you really challengers!"

Lin Han didn't bother to pay attention to these two guys, so he came to a dry beach and said to Li Shuixin, "Shuixin, come find some dried coconuts, let's make a fire.


Li Shuixin nodded obediently.

There are many dried coconuts on the beach, and there are also many firelights such as coconut wool.

Lin Han put down the basket and went to look for a wooden stick that drills wood for fire.

Seeing this, Charlie Zhang and Niu Chuan no longer doubt, these two people must also be challengers.

"Little brother, the police are busy, it's very troublesome to drill wood to make fire, why don't we use our fire.

We are all challengers on this island, it is God's plan. Why don't we ask and win the grand prize together~?"

Charlie Zhang pointed at his fire with a proud look on his face.

Drilling wood to make a fire is a very difficult thing. He just bound his feet for more than an hour, and then successfully lit the fire.

Being able to light a fire is already something to be proud of.

Therefore, he believes that Lin Han has no reason to refuse.

Niu Chuan, who had not recovered from the shock, looked at Lin Han and Lin Han stupidly.

Wait, I can't turn my head around...

"No need."

Lin Han replied lightly.

"Yecheng found it. 99

Li Shuixin took some dried coconut thread, while Lin Han found two eyes, rolled the bark into a rope, and quickly made a simple bowstring drill.

After setting up the coconut thread and drilling tools, Lin Han began to drill wood to make fire,

"I said little brother, why be persistent.

It's noon now, so you probably haven't had breakfast yet. It doesn't matter what you do when you are hungry for this beautiful lady.

You only have a few mangoes, and it is useless to light a fire.

And you should know that it is difficult to ignite a fire without two or three hours..."


Before Charlie Zhang's words were finished, the flames in front of Lin Han were already long-winded.

Lin Han held the coconut thread and blew it lightly, and the flames suddenly ignited.

Li Shuixin skillfully broke the twig and placed it in front of Lin Han. The coconut thread with flames quickly ignited the twigs.

A pile of flames rose in front of Lin Han.

Charlie Zhang, dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, look at the expressions of Hong Kong people, it feels like eating a pound of fly feces!"

"Not two or three hours? Sorry, Lin Shenda doesn't need a minute. 39

"Lin Shen slapped his face, it was so timely!"

"It turns out that if a police officer pretends to be forceful in front of Lin Shen, his face will hurt!"

"To tell the truth, Lin Shen's ignition speed is too fast, even if you give me a lighter, it is estimated that he is not as fast as him."

"My favorite is to watch the banana man get slapped in the face.

Looking at the flames moving in front of him, Charlie Zhang felt very uncomfortable.

He just went around, it took more than an hour for him to hang up his hands, and then he raised the flames.

Moreover, this is a fire experience that he is very proud of.

But before Tetsuya had time to show it off, he was slapped in the face.

"Little brother is really lucky to have lit the fire so quickly.

He flashed a word, and attributed Lin Han's ignition to luck to cover up his embarrassment.

"I can go to f*ck, once or twice is luck, why is it so fast every time, also called luck? 99

"Those who say luck are all envy."

"Quiet, this idiot is going to start pretending again."

Netizens have a word, and they scold when they should.

"Little brothers, why don't you eat mangoes at noon. We brought smoked and dried wild boar here, and we also hunted whales. Why don't we eat it together, discuss it by the way, and ask about things in the future.

Charlie Zhang didn't give up.

With such a beautiful woman like Li Shuixin around, whatever you say, you should keep them.

Even if you don't do anything, looking at such a fairy-like character every day is seductive.

"Yes, yes, Brother Zhang caught a big wild boar weighing more than 100 jin two days ago. You probably haven't eaten meat a few times.

Beauty, let me tell you, as long as you follow Brother Zhang, you are guaranteed to have meat to eat in the future. "

Niu Chuan took Lin Han as a background person very directly, and only wanted to please Li Shuixin.

Li Shuixin never looked at him from the beginning to the end.

This fly reminded her of those flies in the city, which was very annoying.

"Wait a minute, I'll see how many fish I've caught, and I'll bring the wild boar over by the way.

Seeing that Lin Han didn't speak, Charlie Zhang consciously planned to come over to join the table.

He believes that providing meat by himself is a gift to Lin Han and both of them, and they should thank him for continuing.

If this beauty can see his strength, and thus develop a heart of admiration, it will be cool.

Thinking about it, the corners of Charlie Zhang's mouth involuntarily showed a smug arc.

Trot up to check the fish cage.

"F*ck, is this licking a dog stupid, actually saying that Lin Shen hasn't eaten meat a few times?

"Lin Shen, bring Yun Yun the blue lobster and shrimp shells you had last night and let them smell it."

"I finally understand today, what is a beam jumping clown. 93

"Lin Shen is also good-natured, if it were me, I would have slapped me long ago: Pharmacy Bilian? 93

"You are stupid, the program team has regulations that there can be no physical conflict between challengers, let alone hurt each other. Do you want Lin Shen to be eliminated?

"I remember that Lin Shen brought some food when he hooked the door. I thought they could only be used to feed the stomach, but I didn't expect that they could also be used to slap the face."

Lin Han picked up a mango, took a hooked saber and made a cut on the mango, and then peeled off the back of the knife. It was easy to peel a big green mango.

Come, have a mango appetizer first.


Li Shui happily took the mango and ate it,

Taste, very sweet!

Lin Han then peeled another one for himself.


Niu Chuan was dumbfounded, not because he was shocked by Lin Han's knife skills, but why they had knives!

"How did you bring in knives, military shovels, and clothes!!

He pointed to Lin Han's tool and exclaimed in surprise.

He screamed so loudly that Charlie Zhang in the distance also heard it.

To him, why do they have those tools.

"You are cheating!!

Niu Chuan's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt a strong unfairness.

I also have hatred for Lin Han.

I really doubt, how did you persist to this day with such an IQ? 99

Being questioned again and again, Lin Han was a little annoyed.

This guy, do you really think he's a jerk?

"Boy, what did you say!"

Niu Chuan raised two fists, exposed his muscles, and stared at Lin Han angrily.

Lin Han glanced at him lightly, "It seems that not only has IQ problems, but also deaf ears.

"Forget it, Lin Han, the police and the disabled generally care.

Li Shuixin pulled Lin Han's arm and gently advised.

I once saw her in front of Lin Han, as well-behaved as a cat. When in the city, no one dared to provoke her.


Lin Han nodded and continued eating mangoes.

"Hahaha, is this (for the money) called husband and wife, you want to laugh at me to death and inherit my flower shell? 22

"Not only is there a problem with IQ, but also deafness? Lin Shen's evaluation is very pertinent!"

"Li Nvxia's professional complement."

"This sand sculpture licking a dog is probably going to explode. 23

"Aren't you a Sanda coach, you have the ability, do it!

Many netizens are looking forward to Niu Chuan's hands-on,

Do not,

What they expected was that Niu Chuan would be smashed into the air by Lin Shen like a wild boar and an anaconda!

Seeing the conflict here, Charlie Zhang was worried that the sand sculpture Niu Chuan would scare away his goddess, and hurriedly ran over with the cage,

"Look, there's a lot of goods in this basket, it's enough for us to pamper our stomachs at noon.

He trotted all the way over, with a smug look on his face, "Unfortunately, this cage still has some flaws, when I went to pick it up, a big fish ran away.

You two, you don't have dinner, why don't you eat with us.

He opened the bag and hooked the small fish and shrimp inside.

Spray, really a lot.

There are twenty or thirty fish...the size of the little finger.

But looking at his excited appearance, he thought he had caught a ten-pound blue lobster.

Lin Han calmly took out a few bamboo bowls from the bamboo art behind them, and placed them in sequence.

Golden fried fish, sliced ​​ham, fresh baby tomatoes, a piece of Chinese sausage and two taro.

In no time, a sumptuous lunch was set up.

Full of color and flavor, it looks delicious.

Beside, Niu Chuan and Charlie Zhang were stunned and dumbfounded...

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