Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 154 The task is completed, exciting rewards! (3, please complete the order!)

In the early morning of the next day, beams of sunlight drilled into the cave through the stone cracks and fell on the two of them.

Lin Han had already woken up, but seeing the sweet sleep of the girl in his arms, he couldn't bear to disturb him.


Li Shuixin also woke up long ago, but she was a little reluctant to leave. I couldn't find a good reason to continue to stay in this warmth, so I just continued to pretend to sleep.

They were not in a hurry at all, but they made netizens anxious.

"Why is it so late that the broadcast hasn't started yet?"

"Hello, I am the owner of Ruxiang Cave Hotel, your time is up, please check out. 33

"It's so late and I haven't woken up yet. You said that these two people didn't do anything good last night?

"Please be more confident, do you need to ask?"

"Scientific research proves that exercise is the best way to keep out the cold! 99

"Goddess, is this true?!!"

Facts have proved that the brains of netizens are very big, and an ant may be imagined by them as Godzilla!

Lin Han and Li Shuixin just stayed in bed, and they imagined that they had made great contributions to the reproduction of mankind.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, Li Shuixin "woke up leisurely"

She slept very comfortably that night.

"Lin Han.

She raised her head and looked at Lin Han with tenderness in her eyes.


Lin Han looked at her.

"Good morning!"

Li Shuixin suddenly blinked, tilting his head and smiling playfully.


I thought she was going to say something sensational to be touched.

Didn't expect to say good morning?

Well, this is the real Li Shuixin.

Now that the temperature has risen, Li Shuixin returned the clothes to Lin Han, and the two pushed down the stone wall at the entrance of the cave to welcome the new day.

"Lin Han, why don't we give this island a name too.

Li Shuixin suggested.

Although it has not been 24 hours since I came to this island 810, it left a good memory.

Regardless of whether there are people on this island or not, they just want to name the island themselves.

"Name? It's up to you.

Lin Han knew his shortness and breadth, so he gave this task to Li Shuixin.

The latter also had such mental preparations for a long time, and tilted his head to think about it,

"Well... let's call it Lanshan Island.

"Lights dim?"

Lin Han looked at her curiously, not understanding the meaning.

Li Shuixin nodded, "It's Lan Shan."

Row. "


Lin Han nodded indifferently.

Wan - This island has an official name, so it doesn't make sense to give it such a name. Only the two of them will admit it.

"Let's go, it's been a day since you've been out, I don't know what's going on in you. Let's go to the beach to pick up oysters first.

Lin Han's weather forecast can only predict the weather in a small area.

He didn't know if it rained on Hanshui Island last night.

If it rains, if you get those things in the sun yourself, you will suffer.


Li Shuixin nodded, and the two set off for the beach.

"Lanshan Island? Is it because of a lack of interest?!!

It's very likely that she has lost her mind. Haven't you noticed that Li Nvxia's complexion is particularly good today.

"It's a real hammer, and Lin Shen has blood in his hands!"

"Looking back in the dark, that person was in the dim light, I think Li Nvxia should be hinting at Lin Shen something."

"Lin Shen: Guess, guess, and a few more guesses, don't you know after ten months!

"Will you wait until ten months, which sister will come out and explain."

While netizens were making wild guesses, Lin Han and Li Shuixin had already come to the shore (aide).

They checked it out. The reef where Charlie Zhang was fishing yesterday was full of oysters. It should be no problem to receive three or four hundred pounds.

But how do you bring back so many oysters?

"Shui Xin, there are so many oysters that our baskets can't fit, so let's go and chop some bamboo back and make a bamboo raft. 93

Lin Han suggested.

If there is a bamboo raft, it shouldn't be a problem to drag the long tail back. The long tail weighs more than 400 pounds, and its strength is still quite strong.

Li Shui thought for a while, and said, "Let's do it separately. I'm collecting oysters here. You go to chop bamboo and make bamboo chopsticks. It's faster to do both sides together. 99

With so many oysters, the distribution is relatively scattered, and it is time-consuming to collect.

It is indeed faster for two people to act separately.

But what Lin Han worries about is her safety.

"I'm worried that you will be in danger if you meet the person from yesterday again."

Lin Han hated the two people yesterday, and such worries were not without reason.

"Don't worry, during the live broadcast, they dare not do anything to me. Besides, there is a long tail with me.

Facing Lin Han's concern, Li Shuixin was very useful, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

Lin Han felt that she was right, so she nodded,

"That's right, take your saber with you. If there is any danger, jump into the sea immediately."

"Well, I see."

Li Shui Xin smiled calmly, "You also have to pay attention to safety, too many police officers are used at one time.

"I have it in my mind."

Lin Han picked up the military shovel and got into the woods again.

Li Shuixin, on the other hand, picked up the basket and began to collect raw frogs.

"It's really boring..."

"This monk is very bad, throwing dog food every day."

"I'm going to shave my head now, single lady, do you agree?"

"I think they did it on purpose. Yesterday, the two teasers were eliminated long ago, one was paralyzed with a broken spine, and the other became a vegetative state and was pulled away by the rescue team long ago, worried about a hammer.

"9494, the storm yesterday was caused by Lin Shen, could he not know? I think they did it on purpose. 3)

Seeing that these two people are getting more and more tired, netizens who were born in the live broadcast room expressed their indignation.


After scolding, the dog food has to be eaten.

Lin Han just walked into the bamboo forest, and it has been 24 hours since he accepted the mission.

The complicated voice rang in my ears,

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task of searching new islands and obtaining the staple food - tropical rice!)


Lin Han's footsteps stopped, and he signed it with an ecstatic expression on his face.

Rice is one of the staple foods of most people in Longguo!

It is not only sweet and delicious, but also has rich nutritional value and carbohydrates, which can provide people with sufficient energy. Moreover, of the eight amino acids required by the human body, seven of them are contained in rice.

In some places in the northern part of Long Kingdom, people prefer to eat pasta rather than rice.

But Lin Han is an authentic Hunan native and grew up eating rice, so the reward given by Fantong is very good.

[Ding, the rice has been implanted and the location has been marked, please take it from the host.

A message entered Lin Han's mind, and he immediately knew the location of the rice.

However, it is too obvious to take it directly like this,

It's like a way to get around by chance.

Lin Han checked the location of the rice, which was 500 meters northwest. There was a place he and Li Shuixin, and even Charlie Zhang and Niu Chuan, had never been to.

In a low-lying swamp, some fully mature rice grows.

"Hey! Friends, I seem to hear the sound of a teal. I just caught it yesterday, and I met a teal again today. I'm so lucky."

Lin Han thought for a moment, then raised his head and said to the camera.

He just used the sense of the earth to explore the swamp, and found a group of teal ducks, just right, and used it as a reason.


"Where did the teal come from in the mountains?"

Because of yesterday's wild, let Da already know something about Lin Han's "hearing", so you are not surprised that Lin Han can hear things in the distance.

Just curious, how can there be teal in the mountain.

Lin Han took a military shovel and cut off the branches on the road all the way, and within a few minutes, he came to a swamp.

"Look, everyone, there are indeed teal ducks, all of them, so fat!"

A group of black teal ducks swimming in the swampy waters. Sometimes he dipped his neck into the water to sweep, and sometimes he fluttered his wings to move his muscles and bones.

"This is a spider duck, also called a mallard, and the meat is very good. Strictly speaking, they are a kind of water bird, and they fly very high. So I want to catch them, which is more difficult than catching wild jjj's feet.

Forget it, let's kill two of them and go back to roast them. 99

Lin Han picked up two stones from the ground.


A pebble flew out and smashed onto Teal's head without any mistake, and shot him directly!

Throwing stones is a hidden weapon skill,

However, Lin Han is successful in martial arts, and naturally he also knows some hidden weapon kung fu, so there is no pressure to hit a still at such a short distance.

One hit!

Frightened, the other teals flew up in fright.

But as soon as one of them took off, Lin Han's stone was thrown away.

Headshot again!

The teal that flew into the air fell and fell into the water.

All the other teal ducks flew into the air.

"Lin Shenniu, two headshots in a row!

"I kneel down to God Lin.

"Even if you give me a sniper rifle, I'm afraid I won't be as accurate as Lin Shen."

"@Peach Blossom Island Lord], let's admit it, Yun, is this your unique skill?"

Lin Han has already seen rice, in a patch of water and grass.

However, this is a swamp, and you have to be careful if you want to approach it. Otherwise, you will fall, and you will be finished.

Lin Han opened the perception of the earth, detected the depth and danger of the swamp, entered the swamp and lifted two teal ducks to dry,

"This is rice!"

At this time, acting is very important. Although Lin Han is not a professional, everyone never doubts his luck because of Ou Huang's physique.

"The rice is all mature. If you don't harvest it now, the ears of rice will fall into the swamp in two days, and they will definitely be soaked. 9

Lin Han threw the teal on the bank and started to cut the rice with a military shovel.

There is not much rice here, about two hundred catties of rice can be harvested.

Half an hour later, a pile of tall ears of rice was piled up on the shore.

After confirming that there was not a single rice plant left in the swamp, Lin Han came out of the swamp.

Although it was hard enough, his face was full of joy.

"My friends, it's not easy, finally, you can eat rice! 92

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