Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 155 Drag 800 to 800 catties of bamboo raft and walk like a fly! (4, please complete the orde

"I'm going, I don't want to say anything about Lin Shen's character."

"Didn't you come to find water ducks, what's the matter with so much rice! 9

"Is there any pendant missing from Lin Shen? 11

"I also want to participate in this kind of wilderness survival: team up with Lin Shen! 92

"Those two idiots stayed on the island for two months and didn't find the rice, but Lin Shen found it as soon as he came. How dare you say it's not the son of the goddess of luck?"

Seeing the rice collected by Lin Han, netizens don't know what words to use to describe his luck.


Everything is for him!

It is said that there is a lack of staple food, and this finds the best staple food.

This is not a desert island to survive, it is clearly a treasure hunt in the wild.

And, there are treasures everywhere...

Everyone complained that Lin Han was lucky, but Lin Han is now in trouble.

There are about 200 catties of millet here, including rice straws, at least 600 to 700 catties. The police said that if they were transported back to Hanshui Island, they would be trembling enough if they were transported to the beach!

It's not like a wild boar, it's a whole.

The rice poles are scattered one by one, and it is very difficult to carry.

"Forget it, let's make bamboo chopsticks first."

So many rice poles can only be hauled out with bamboo rafts.

Lin Han returned to the bamboo forest and began to chop bamboo. At first, he sawed half of the bamboo with a military shovel. He thought the speed was too slow, so he sawed a small groove mark on the other half, grabbed the bamboo with his hand, and pulled it hard. .


The bamboo with the thick arm was cut off by him.

During this period of time, he exercised a lot, his strength increased by about ten pounds, and his single-arm strength reached 525 pounds!

It's not a problem to break a bamboo.

Next, he used the same method, sawing a circle at the root of the bamboo, and using a hand board for the rest.

"What the hell!"


A bamboo fell down.

Originally it took five or six minutes to cut off a bamboo, and it only took half a minute to get a bamboo!

After a while, more than a dozen bamboos were chopped down!

"Folding bamboo with bare hands is so handsome!"

"I'm going, I wonder if those bamboos were sawed in advance by the show team (dog head life)

"Lin Shen's strength seems to have increased a lot. He has never done this before."

"It broke with a single touch. It's hard to imagine what it would be like if this punch hit me. 99

"Don't think about it, you're probably not much better than Bamboo.

With bamboo, the next step is to make bamboo rafts.

Lin Han has lived in the mountains since he was a child and has never built a bamboo raft. However, in the global mastery of handicrafts, there is a method of making bamboo rafts.


He searched for a simple and easy-to-use bamboo raft from memory, and after asking the production principle, he started to make it!

First, use three thick bamboos to make the keel!

The keel is the main buoyancy of the bamboo raft and the main frame of the bamboo raft.

Three keels, the middle cu is long, the two sides are slightly thinner and shorter. Arranged side by side with an interval of 35 cm.

Next, is the slot.

The structure of the bamboo raft has been integrated in Lin Han's mind, and he is very clear about what each part looks like.

However, he has a military shovel, and a saber is needed for a shovel.

However, Lin Han is not in a hurry, and it is the same for other parts to be processed first.

After a while, all the parts are ready, and it will not be too late to go to Li Shuixin to ask for a saber.

However, before he was finished, Li Shuixin came to look for him.

After more than an hour of collection, she has collected all the oysters around her, about 300 catties, and put them all in the reef pit.

Seeing that Lin Han hadn't come out for so long, she came to the bamboo forest to look for it.

"Lin Han, how do you make a bamboo raft here?

Li Shuixin said.

She thought that Lin Han would chop down the bamboo and bring it to the beach for processing.

"Shui Xin? You came just in time, give me the saber.

Lin Han gave her a small smile.

Li Shuixin drew the saber and handed it to Lin Han, "Isn't it better to drag the bamboo to the beach? If it is done here, it will be more troublesome to drag the hook after a while."

"You'll know in a moment.

Lin Han smiled.

The parts are almost finished, and the next step is to identify the grooves and bundle them.

Bamboo rafts cannot rely solely on the tenon-and-mortise structure, and many places need to be tied.

Therefore, Lin Han asked Li Shuixin to help when he started to grove, "Shui Xin, go and find some vines nearby.


Li Shuixin picked up a military shovel and went to chop down trees and vines nearby.

With some help, Lin Han can do it faster.

In less than an hour, a sturdy bamboo raft was ready.

A sturdy tree vine is tied in front of the bamboo raft, which is convenient for dragging in the jungle and at sea!

"Shui Xin, come with me, I'll show you something good.


Lin Han smiled mysteriously, and dragged the bamboo raft to the swamp.

"What a good thing!

Li Shuixin asked curiously.

"You'll know when you get there. 99

Lin Han was in no hurry to announce it.


Li Shuixin rolled his eyes at him, and in his heart, he became even more curious.

Because the bamboo raft is made of new bamboo, it is relatively heavy, about 140 to 50 jin.

However, Lin Han can walk like a fly while dragging it with one hand. After a while, he brought Li Shuixin to the swamp.

"Shui Xin, see what's over there."

Lin Han said, pointing to the mountains of rice.

Li Shuixin followed the direction he was pointing at, and after a while, her beautiful eyes shrank abruptly, and she shouted excitedly, "That's... rice, you actually found so much rice!"

Previously, taro was their only staple food, an important source of carbohydrates.

However, the growth rate of taro is very slow, and even if there is a bonus from the vegetable field, it still cannot meet the three meals a day for two people.

Moreover, the taste of taro will start to be disgusting after eating for a long time. The special police is at night, and it is easy to get flatulence.

That's why they so desperately want a new staple to replace taro.

Rice, without a doubt, is the best substitute!

Lin Han is from Hunan Province, and Li Shuixin is from Zhejiang Province. Both grew up eating rice.

Rice, no matter how much you eat, you won't feel tired.

"Lin Han, how did you find out!"

Li Shuixin grabbed Lin Han's arm, and the handsome face of Bai Chen was full of surprises!

"When I came in to chop bamboo, I heard the voice of a teal. I suddenly wanted to eat roast duck, so I came to see it. I didn't expect that there was such an unexpected harvest.»

Lin Han explained casually.

The audience saw it too.

"Teal duck?"

Li Shuixin opened her mouth in surprise, thinking that Lin Han's luck was a little too good.

"Hey, tonight we can eat authentic pine wood roast duck.

From the rice pole, Lin Han hooked the two teal ducks who had been shot in the head.

"These two teal ducks are very fat, they must be delicious when roasted!

Zheng all morning, Lin Han's stomach began to growl when he thought of what he had eaten. In my mind, seven or eight ways to cook roast duck flashed.


Aside, Li Shuixin couldn't help swallowing.

She is the same, busy all morning.

"Let's put the rice movement first, if you keep it here, it will be broken.

Lin Han started to move the rice into the bamboo raft.

After the rice is cut, it must be threshed as soon as possible, otherwise it will be easily damaged, and it will be very difficult to take care of at that time.

"There are so many, let's not cut them all at once.

Looking at the mountains of rice, Li Shuixin frowned slightly.

If it is a flat road, it is fine, but if you want to transport it to the beach, you must pass through two rough jungles.

0...for flowers...

There is no road in the jungle, the ground is rough, and there are all kinds of obstacles.

If she was alone, it would be good to be able to tow the diabolo raft with so much rice.

"Try it, if you can't say it again!

Lin Han estimated that the rice was 600 jin, plus the bamboo raft, it would be 750 jin but less than 800 jin.

He now has 525 jins of strength with one arm, and he has no problem dragging 700 to 800 jins of things with both arms.

Although there will be many obstacles in the jungle, he also wants to give it a try.

If you don't challenge the limit, how can you break through it?

"Can it work?"

Li Shuixin was still a little worried.

After all, it's too heavy!

"The police forgot, I have a lot of strength. 93

Lin Han knew that she was caring about herself, and smiled comfortingly.


Li Shuixin nodded subconsciously, thinking that Lin Han had beaten a wild boar weighing more than 400 jin back by himself.

Maybe, it really works!

The two quickly loaded the boat and put all six hundred catties of rice into the bamboo raft.

Lin Han built the bamboo raft to hold the rice, so the space is completely sufficient.

The two teal ducks were still thrown into the rice.

Lin Han tried to tie it to the front, protected by four bayukrio ropes.

"It's very strong, it shouldn't break!


Lin Han found a straw pad on his shoulders, hung the rope, and roared.

The bamboo raft weighing seven or eight hundred catties was immediately moved to dry.

From here to the beach, there is an advantage that the terrain keeps dropping!

That is to say, they are going downhill.

"It's so heavy!"

Lin Han muttered.

The huge gravity made him feel that instead of a rope as thick as a baby's arm, he had a sharp knife on his shoulder.

However, he still gritted his teeth and dragged the bamboo raft forward.

"This time, it should be able to reach the limit!

Lin Han muttered in his heart.

Li Shuixin helped him push from behind, and the bamboo chopsticks quickly slid.

[Ding, it is detected that the host is challenging the limit, and the attributes are improved!

【Ah, Strength +1, Endurance +1!】

Sure enough, a few minutes later, when Lin Han walked about fifty or sixty meters, he heard the traditional prompt!

[Ah, Strength +1, Endurance +1!)

For an average of fifty meters, you can get 1 point of strength and 1 point of stamina!

Dragging an object is not like carrying it on the shoulder. Once the object moves, it will save some effort behind it. Only with the shoulders, I will feel that the object is getting heavier and heavier, and the body's attachment is getting bigger and bigger.

Therefore, from the swamp to the beach, Lin Han's speed did not slow down and kept moving at a constant speed.

Dilemma of more than 400 meters, a total of 50 points of strength and endurance bonus!

It's not much, but it's a lot better than working out every day and getting a little bonus after a day or two!

"Lin Han."

Li Shuixin touched the sweat on his forehead and looked at the Dahaidao, "Are we really going to transport so much rice back to Hanshui Island?

bamboo raft,

It will leak!

She was worried that the long tail wouldn't be able to drag something so heavy!

"If you want, it's good to ship it a few more times. These rice are very important to us!

Lin Han said firmly.

Even if you transport 100 pounds at a time, you have to transport them all back!

Because, these rice can not only be used to eat, but also used to grow!

Rice is grown in tropical regions, and there is no problem with three crops a year. The middle rice has just matured, and now it is too late to plant the late rice.

You know, one pound of seeds can make one acre of land.

Even if the yield is low, one mu of land can harvest two or three hundred catties of grain! As long as two or three mu of land are planted, you will no longer have to worry about food after a few months.

By then, they will truly progress from the era of gathering to the era of farming!


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