Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 156 The air overlord meets, the battle of Xiaobai's destiny! ((5, please complete the o

"It shouldn't be possible to transport so much rice to the cold water island ten nautical miles away. The bamboo raft will definitely sink!"

"Bamboo chopsticks are very heavy by themselves, and half of them will sink when placed in water, and at most they will bear a weight of one or two hundred kilograms. Another problem is that the bamboo raft is leaking, and when rice is placed in it, it will definitely sink. Can I still eat it when I soak it in sea water? 11

"I think Lin Shen might as well just deal with the rice on Lanshan Island, it's too troublesome to bring back.

Because you didn't know Lin Han's idea of ​​planting rice, they all felt that it was the best choice to stay on Lanshan Island to deal with millet.

After all, more than 600 catties of rice are only 200 catties when the shell is removed. It will be much more convenient to take it back when the time comes.

"I think Lin Shen did this for a reason. First of all, he didn't know that the two teasers had been eliminated. If he stayed on Lanshan Island, he would definitely be worried about being stolen by them. Second, the rice needs to be threshed as soon as possible. The island has no tools, no shelter, and the temperature difference between book nights is larger than that of Hanshui Island, and various conditions are not suitable for threshing and drying of grains. It is transported back to deal with the current Zheng, but it will save a lot of trouble in the later stage.

"Agreed! Leaving the rice on Chanshan Island means that Lin Shen either lives on Lanshan Island or runs back and forth. No matter which is inconvenient, it is best to transport it back.

"But what if the rice is soaked in water? After soaking in water, the rice is easy to emblem "823", or germinate, and the loss will be even greater at that time, right?"

"Don't question my male god, don't your faces hurt enough?"

"This is not a question, but a fact!"

In the live broadcast room, netizens had a heated debate on whether to transport the rice back to Hanshui Island.

Of course, no matter what the outcome is, Lin Han's decision cannot be influenced.

Just when Lin Han was thinking about how to transport it, a traditional voice sounded in his ears again,

[Ding, it is detected that the host is facing challenges, and the cross-sea delivery mission is triggered! The harvested rice and oysters are safely transported back to the station, and a mysterious prize can be obtained! The mission fails, there is no reward!

Mission introduction: It is more important to transport materials and find materials. Please send the host back to the rice safely. "

The traditional sound is so intimate,

Although on weekdays, I will never answer any questions, but whenever I encounter difficulties and dangers, it can always bring Lin Han the greatest inspiration and motivation.

To do something that needs to be done, and there is a reward, who would not be motivated?

Fantong has already done this, and the rest is done!

Lin Han first unloaded the rice and spread it out on the beach. The sun here is very strong, and it can take off a lot of water for an hour.

Then, he whistled towards the sea, and the thresher shark quickly came over, "Shui Xin, you follow the long tail first, and transport half of the oysters back. I estimate that this bamboo raft can only bear a weight of two hundred pounds. , So the frogs have to be transported twice.

"Well, after I go, let Long Tail come over."

Li Shuixin immediately understood what Lin Han meant,

The two put the oysters into the bamboo raft together, and then put the tow rope of the bamboo raft on the head of the long tail, and pushed the bamboo raft into the sea.

"Be careful on the road.

Lin Han warned.

"I will, don't worry."

Li Shuixin rode on the back of the long tail and set off towards Hanshui Island.

With a long tail of more than 400 pounds, the dragging ability is still very strong.

However, it has to carry a weight of 100 catties and has to drag a bamboo raft of 300 catties, so it naturally cannot get up fast.

Originally a forty-minute journey, it took about an hour and a half.

Just arrived on the shore of Hanshui Island, Xiaobai, who was patrolling in the air, spotted them, flew over, and landed on Li Shuixin's shoulder.

"Xiao Bai, are you coming to pick me up?"

Li Shuixin smiled sweetly and patted Xiaobai's head.


Xiaobai remembered that this girl once saved him, and trusted Li Shuixin as much as Lin Han.

"Are you all right?"

Li Shuixin asked.


"Well, it's fine.

By the way, Lin Han is still on the island to the west, go and help him. "

Li Shuixin supported Xiaobai with his arm and pointed to Lanshan Island in the west.

There is no way for her to establish a spiritual connection with animals like Lin Han. But Xiaobai is smarter and closer to her, so he can generally understand her words.


Xiaobai flew into the sky, signed a circle above her head, and then flew towards Hanshui Island.

Ten nautical miles, it only took a few minutes to fly past.

Li Shuixin dragged the bamboo raft ashore, hooked all the oysters inside, and now put it in the water to raise it.

"Alright Long Tail, let's go to Lin Han's place. I'll give you something to eat when you come."

Li Shuixin patted the thresher shark's nose lightly with the palm of his hand, and then pointed to the sound of Fang Yuan when it came.

Because the thresher shark has Lin Han's instructions, it is easy to understand Li Shuixin's meaning.

With a cry, he dragged the diabolo raft back to Lanshan Island.

Li Shuixin would go to the bamboo house to find Xiuyuan and Zhengguo for help.

With so many powerful pets, they also save a lot of effort.

It took more than two hours for Long Tail to make a trip, and Lin Han was not idle either, and went into the woods to search.

Use the sense of the earth to find what is available.

Unfortunately, except for some minerals, and wild purslane and mint, no new crops have been found.

on his way back

Suddenly I heard a sharp cry, "Throat—"

The sound cut through the sky and could be heard all over Lanshan Island.

Moreover, the voice was very familiar.

"It's Xiaobai!"

Usually Xiaobai makes this sound, indicating that it has encountered danger or a strong enemy!

Lin Han worried that it was again, and rushed to the shore.

I saw that in the sky, Xiaobai was in a stalemate with another bigger bird!

"That's a... tiger-headed sea eagle!"

After seeing the big bird clearly, Lin Han's pupils shrank suddenly, and even his voice became hoarse.

"How can I meet such a ferocious guy in such a place!"

Lin Han began to worry about Xiaobai.

Although Costin has the reputation of the god of ten thousand eagles, it can only be regarded as a medium-sized bird of prey.

He wants to call Xiaobai back and give up this fight!

But after thinking about it and hesitating,

Xiaobai is the king of the sky, since he chose to fight, it shows that he is not afraid of tigers and sea eagles.

It's not a good thing to call it back at this time. It is possible to wear off the wild nature of Costin, so that it will choose to escape when it encounters such danger in the future.

A king who loses the fighting spirit is not worthy of being called a king.

Now, Xiaobai can only complete this battle by himself!

"There are two eagles fighting in the sky?"

This battle in the sky was naturally also photographed by drones,

Netizens were shocked,

"It's Xiaobai!"

"The heroine let it come to help Lin Shen, how did it fight with the police bird?

"Mom, what kind of bird is that, it's bigger than Xiaobai!"

It was an adult tiger-headed sea eagle with a wingspan of 2.5 meters and a body size of at least 20 pounds!

And Xiao Baiyi is less than two meters tall, and his weight is also 15 pounds.

The two sides, just like the ancient generals of the Dragon Kingdom fighting, first opened up the distance, and then charged!

Every time it hits, many feathers are scattered from the sky.

There are Xiaobai, and there are tiger-headed sea eagles.

[God of Eagles]: "Xiao Bai may be in trouble this time.

[Favorite Eagle]: "That's right. What's wrong with Lin Shen? Why don't you call Xiao Bai back? If you go on, he might die!"

These two people are the people who like Xiaobai the most in Lin Han's live broadcast room,

At this moment, the two were worried to death.

[Animal expert 011: "Two eagle friends, don't make premature assertions, the police forgot, Xiaobai is the only jade white dragon in this world. Although its size is not as good as that of the big eagle, its fighting power is definitely not weak.

Moreover, since it chose to fight head-on, it shows that it has confidence, or has the strength to fight! If the strength is very different, the survival instinct of the animal will make it run away immediately.

Since it was its own choice, Lin Han couldn't interfere with it. Otherwise, it will affect its future growth!"

Even if they are defeated, they must be defeated in the attitude of a king.

If he ran away with his tail tucked, then Xiaobai might be a savage Haidong Qingxiao from now on.

[God of Ten Thousand Eagles]: "Elder Zhao is right, we are overly worried.

[Favorite Eagle]: "That's right, it's a Jade White Dragon, it's not sure who wins or loses. But it's really rare to see two air overlords fighting.

[God of Eagles]: "By the way, Mr. Zhao, have you found out Xiaobai's life experience? Why does it appear in the tropical waters?

[Animal Special Shock 011: "I had no clue at first, but I accidentally found a netizen's message in the Lin Han bar. After questioning, I found out the truth. It turned out that this Costin was sold from Central Asia. The netizen who went to Australia, who was studying in Australia, saw Xiaobai escape from the police.

It is estimated that he encountered a big storm on the way home and fell on Hanshui Island. "

[God of Eagles] [Favorite Eagle]: "So it is! 93

Australia is half a world away from Central Asia.

However, after Xiaobai escaped, he did not stay in Australia, but wanted to go back on 3.4.

This perseverance and courage is admirable!

"I said, big guys, what are you talking about? I just want to know, who is the guy who fought with Xiaobai?

"Same question, where did such a big bird come from?"

Compared with the big guys, ordinary netizens only pay attention to the question of who Xiaobai's opponent is and whether Xiaobai can win.

[Animal Expert 01] introduced, "The one confronting Xiaobai is a tiger-headed sea eagle, the most ferocious of the giant raptors. Their fighting power is stronger than the golden eagles we know well!

This encounter is a huge challenge for Xiaobai!

Winning is a kind of sublimation, becoming the real king of the sky!

If it is unfortunately defeated, it is very likely to lose confidence and become a third-rate bird.

Although Xiaobai has a noble bloodline, after all, this species is not as good as the tiger-headed sea eagle. So I can't guarantee that Xiaobai will definitely win.

If it is an ordinary sea ivy, it will naturally not be able to do the tiger head sea eagle.

But Xiaobai is the only jade white dragon that exists in the whole world!

Even No. 1 of the Zoological Research Institute said that it has a 50% certainty, which shows that the expectations for it are very high!

Lin Han on the ground,

Also looking forward to Xiaobai winning!

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