Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 165 The first meal of white rice, the status of other players (4, please order all!)

Li Shuixin's patience was obviously much better than everyone imagined.

Originally, everyone guessed that she could only hold on for half an hour at most, and she would feel bored or give up.

However, two hours later, she still insisted on grinding rice with a small stone, without the help of Xiuyuan and Zhengguo. Zheng Xiao in the left hand is replaced with the right hand, and Zheng Xiao in the right hand, both hands together.

In the middle of two hours, except for two sips of water, she has been milling rice.

At this time, many white rice grains had appeared in the bamboo sieve.

More and more rice grains will be covered with rice husks.

Considering that Lin Han's appetite is relatively large, she has to grind two kilograms of rice.

Usually, the ratio of rice to rice is one to two, but the grains of this kind of rice are fuller, and the cooked rice may be more.

In other words, two catties of rice can cook at least four catties of rice.

According to Lin Han's food intake, two people eat four kilograms of rice a day - not much.

"Take a rest, girl, don't worry about it for a while."

"It's been more than two hours, and the heroine has never stopped. This perseverance makes me, a big man, ashamed. 93

"It turns out that it was so difficult for the ancients to eat a meal?"

"In the future, when you eat, there will never be a grain of rice left in the bowl!"

"I didn't know the value of food before, but now I know, from now on, I am a dog when I waste a grain of food!"

Seeing Li Shuixin's hard work in milling rice, netizens in the live broadcast room began to reflect.

Wasting food has become a habit.

Especially in the collective canteen.

Most people eat very few discs, and there will always be some left in the bowl after eating. Those who eat up their food will be ridiculed by the police.

Haven't eaten yet?

A starving ghost reincarnated?

Poor ghost?

Such people will be maliciously labelled by those who waste food. Over time, no one will stick to CDs anymore.

No one would have thought that Lin Han's live broadcast room could guide everyone on rare food, and the effect was much better than the slogans in the cafeteria.

Lin Han finished cutting the bamboo and brought the clay back. Seeing Li Shuixin still milling rice, he couldn't help but admire this persistent girl.

Do one thing and stick to it!

Lin Han felt that if he was the one who milled the rice, he would probably have to take a break or two in between.

As long as, just get the rice out before meals.

But Li Shuixin was different, she had to finish one thing, and then she could rest in peace. In this regard, she is very stubborn.

"Shui Xin, take a rest, it's okay to eat later.

Lin Han advised.

Although, he knew it might be of little use.

"Just a little more."

Sure enough, Li Shuixin's answer was as stubborn as ever.

Lin Han shrugged, went to pick up a glass of the Fountain of Life and carried it over, took the oval stone from her hand, "Drink a sip of water and take a rest. I'll do the rest.

There was really not much left, Lin Han took the stone from her hand domineeringly, and then sat next to it and crushed it.

Lin Han's strength is greater, so the speed of rice milling is also much faster than her.

In less than ten minutes, all the remaining rice was milled.

At this time, rice grains and chaff are mixed together. But that's okay, it's easier to separate them.

Gently toss the rice with a sieve, and then blow away the chaff mixed with the rice grains with the help of wind or blowing your own air.

It only took about ten minutes, and there were only white rice grains left in the bamboo sieve.

Occasionally, there is a shell that has not been erased, and Lin Han gently squeezes it with his hand and peels it off.

There should be two pounds of rice here!

Lin Han weighed his weight and glanced at Li Shuixin with a warm heart.

No wonder she grinded it for so long, it turned out that she had added some more rice.

This must be because he was afraid that he would not be able to eat enough, so he increased the original one and a half catties to two catties.

Two catties of rice can cook four catties of rice, plus some vegetables and meat, you will definitely be full after eating.

But, luckily for this girl.

"Okay, after two months and nine days, I can finally eat white rice again!

Lin Han put the white rice in front of the camera and showed it to everyone.

Then, put the sieve down, and pick up some red and swollen finger pulps. Just after pinching a lot of grains with my fingers, I felt some tingling.

"Are your hands okay?"

Li Shuixin stepped forward, grabbed his hand, and blew lightly.

In the beautiful eyes, there is a color of concern.

"It's fine, it'll be fine in an hour or two.

Lin Han smiled lightly.

His physique was different from ordinary people, and for him, such a small problem recovered very quickly.

However, Li Shuixin couldn't help but worry, "Next time I'll use my hands again, it's just a matter of spending more time."

Just following those killers, if you use lime sulfur, it will take a few more minutes.

"Okay, listen to you.

Lin Han smiled warmly, raised the sieve with his right hand and said, "Okay, let me cook. 92

"It's better for me to come, and you are lucky too - it's morning. 33

Li Shuixin snatched the sieve.

All right"."

Lin Han didn't fight her, and while Li Shuixin was cooking, he could process the parts of the roll.

However, first sweep these killing shells up.

Human stomachs cannot digest and kill shells, but animal stomachs can.

In the village, when people grind rice, they also collect the crushed chaff. The crushed husks are called sugar and can be made into pig feed or food.

Feeding animals is very demanding of food, so these things cannot be wasted.

Lin Han swept the chaff into a pile and threw them into the shed.

Ye ate only vegetable leaves and food scraps for the past two days, but he was not hungry. Therefore, they are not very fond of these husks. After Lin Han poured in, there was not a single mother for Weizi.

0....... ask for flowers,

"Okay, it's up to you to eat or not.

Lin Han shrugged helplessly, busying himself.

Seeing Lin Han and the others getting busy again, netizens relished it.

But the guest room must take care of other contestants for the program effect.

Brother Long was in charge of switching the shots and switched between other players.

If you see something interesting, comment on it and bring popularity. There is nothing to watch, just skip it if you say a few words.

Since Charlie Zhang and Niu Chuan were eliminated, another player has been eliminated in the middle.

Today, including Lin Han and Li Shuixin, there are only eighteen challengers left.

To this day, most people are doing pretty well.

There is stable shelter, adequate water resources, and a relatively stable source of food.

Being able to persevere for so long not only depends on luck, but also on strength.

The residences of the big selection are all by the water, and the protection of fire is very strong, so there is always fire to use.


The only difficulty is the food.

More than half of the 18 people are running for food every day, and basically, there is no food storage.

After all, without hunting tools, they can only rely on some simple traps.

Traps require luck.

Therefore, most people live in a tight way, without a meal, without enough food, and without clothing.

In a better situation, it was a pair of teams composed of two field survival specialists.

Like Lin Han, they basically can't finish the food.

Also this time, the seed players who completed the challenge.

Of course, they have no hope of winning the championship.

Not to mention that the popularity is far less than that of Lin Han, various evaluations have also been used by Lin Han for dozens of centuries!

They live in caves with poor sanitation, and they are harassed by mosquitoes every day. Lin Han lives in a cool and comfortable bamboo house, which is safe, comfortable and beautiful.

Although they are not worried about eating, the variety of food is single and the taste is unsatisfactory. All are as long as they are cooked, and sprinkle some coarse salt at most.

As for Lin Han, the food is very rich, including staple food, meat, and vegetables. The seasonings such as pepper, ginger, dragon head, oil and salt frog oil are very rich. They eat food, and Lin Han eats food!

According to Lord De, the two just had bad luck and met Lin Han.

Otherwise, the championship is definitely theirs.

As for the others, they are still struggling with food and clothing. One day they are unlucky, or if they encounter continuous heavy rain, I am afraid that some people will be eliminated.

"Lin Han, wash your hands and cook for a while."

As soon as Li Shuixin finished cooking, she couldn't wait to run over and call Lin Han.

This is their first white rice meal!

PS: I feel unwell today and feel dizzy. I wrote and deleted and wrote again. I wrote four chapters all day long. After a long time, I will find a chance to make up for it later. I’m sorry! ,

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