Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 166 Six hundred thousand fans, who are crazy for! (1, please complete order!)

For the sake of this white rice, the two of them were indeed not easy, and they had been busy for four or five days.

However, seeing the steaming bowl in front of me with a hint of sweet white rice,

It feels all worth it!

There is basically no problem for the two of them to survive on the deserted island. Without the pressure of survival, naturally they must pursue the quality of life!

"I never thought that one day I would be able to eat the rice that I milled with my own hands.

Li Shuixin sighed in her heart.

From threshing to drying the grain to clearing the husk, finally milling the rice and cooking it!

This is the rice she personally participated in and made by herself!

looking fragrant,

It tastes more delicious!

Holding the bowl with a satisfied smile on her face, she happily took a bite of rice into her mouth.

After a moment, the comfortable sound of the hair hook,

"'s so delicious, soft and sweet, it feels like eating candy!

I feel like I don't eat anything, I can eat two big bowls of rice!"

Li Shuixin said in surprise.

In fact, what she said was no exaggeration at all.

This rice is traditionally rewarded, of high quality and tastes great.

The water used for cooking rice is the water of life, which seems to give life to the rice grains, making them more plump and delicious. Moreover, the water of life and the starch in the rice are melted together, which means that this bowl of rice has two parts of sweetness, and it tastes like eating sugar. This description is not exaggerated at all.

More importantly, one bowl of this kind of rice can top two bowls, which not only fills the stomach, but also has the effect of maintaining health and beauty!

"Yes, the water is just right. I was worried that you would cook the rice into porridge if you didn't cook it before."

Lin Han also took a bite and laughed and joked.

As soon as the words came out, Li Shuixin was immediately stared at.

"When I was studying abroad at "Eight Zero", I made my own rice, right? This kind of rice is relatively large and must have good water absorption, so I put a little more water. So, it's just right.

Li Shuixin raised his chopsticks and looked at Lin Han triumphantly.

These are the little skills of life that were originally essential skills for girls. Now, it has become their pride.

"One catty of this kind of rice can cook two catties or two taels of rice. You and I eat one and a half catties at a time, and we only need to eat three catties of rice a day, which means that we need to prepare one catty, four or two meters of rice every day.

Li Shuixin put down the chopsticks in his hand, gestured in the air, and did a simple math problem.

"We have a total of 210 catties of millet, about 143 catties of rice thistle. That is to say, we can eat these rice for 100 days."

She eats three or two rice at a time, and some vegetables are enough.

Lin Han eats a lot, but a pound or two of rice and so many dishes are enough.

More than 100 days sounds like a lot, but they still have to stay on the island for nearly 300 days.

Li Shuixin was thinking, should he save a little to eat.

"Lin Han, give you some food, I can't eat that much.

Li Shuixin picked up the bowl and rushed to Lin Han's bowl.

When she was studying in the past, she ate two taels of rice every meal, or even one or two.

These days, because of the heavy workload, I eat more.

Seeing her distressed appearance, Lin Han smiled lightly and grabbed her arm, "Silly sister, why are you doing this kind of calculation, are you worried that we won't have enough food?"

Lin Han pressed her bowl back, raised her head and looked at her seriously,

"In the future, we will cook according to a pound and a half of rice every day. You can eat as much as you can, and you can't starve yourself and lose weight, you know?

As for the food, you don't have to worry, after three months at most, our food will be too much to finish!

The idea of ​​​​growing food, Lin Han had been born when he got rice.

And, it is imperative!

Therefore, Li Shuixin's worries were completely unnecessary.

"Three months later? You said before about planting rice?

Li Shuixin asked curiously.

"Well, don't worry, one pound of millet can grow one mu of land, even if we fail, we will only waste two pounds of millet.

Besides, with me, how could it fail. "

Lin Han smiled confidently.

He is young, but has a lot of experience in farming.


Li Shuixin nodded obediently, she trusts Lin Han unconditionally!

During this meal, the two finalized their plans for the future.

Plant the land!

must be implemented.

While they were planning, netizens also began to work hard.

A dress called "Three Gifts for Lin Shen", the big guys gathered here.

[Inversely, it is still the king]: "The team is stronger than the last time, very good!"

"Everyone line up and listen to Wang Tiandi's speech!




Seeing these guys, Wang Yida showed a gratifying smile on the corner of his mouth,

It is them, they are everywhere!

[Learn back to the king]: "Everyone, at six o'clock tonight, try to make the heroine's popularity surge to six cans of ten thousand within an hour, no problem, right?

[Peach Blossom Island Lord]: "Thank you for your great love to my goddess, my brother is here to thank in advance.

Saying that, he sent a red envelope.

This kind of skirt they built is a skirt with an increased limit, and a red envelope can be issued 100,000.

In order to show his respect, the island owner sent a red envelope of 100,000 yuan.

"Wow, a treasure! Thank you so much to the island owner."

"I'm going, what kind of character, what the hell am I doing with such a big red envelope? Laozi is going to buy a lottery ticket tomorrow! 99

Red envelope fried skirt, the effect is great!

[Lv Bu in the People]: Thank you, "Island Master, a penny is also money!

"Pfft, hahaha, Boss Lu Bu, are you trying to laugh at us to death? 99

"You grab one point for 100,000 yuan, this character is comparable to Lin Shen. 99

"Boss Lu Bu is not short of this money, he gave it to us on purpose.

The atmosphere in the skirt is brought up,

After the red envelopes subsided, Wang Yida began to arrange tonight's tasks.

[Inversely read the king]: "Guys, tell me about tonight's task. Those with strong abilities will start with 10 treasures, and those with low abilities will guarantee one treasure. This time there are more people, so we won't do it for a minute and a half. , every ten seconds, can you do it?

"Ten seconds? 666!

"If the Emperor of Heaven speaks, who would dare not obey!"

"The private house money that is hidden for a year is ready.

"Hee hee, just grabbed a treasure.

Being able to enter this skirt is enough to show their ability. A treasure that can definitely be taken out.

There are 237 people in the skirt, one treasure in ten seconds, that is, one round in forty minutes. Therefore, quite a few people only need to contribute one wave, and for them, it is really not much!

[Life is so boring]: "I think five seconds is better.

The boring god who speaks little, speaks amazingly!

[Read it upside down or Wang]: "What do you think?"

[Lu Bu in the People]: "No opinion!

【Fuyao Jiutian】: "Agree.

[Peach Blossom Island Lord]: "I'll take the lead!

"Five seconds, such a thrilling thing, how can I be without me!"

"When you're done, play big.

"Tonight, only female heroes are left in the entire live broadcast industry!

"Hohohoho, my treasure is already hungry!

Others have expressed no opinion.

One round in twenty minutes, three rounds in one hour. In other words, those who are a little weaker only need to contribute three treasures.

However, to be able to enter the skirt built by Wang Tiandi, can the strength be poor?

[Inverted reading is still the king]: "Okay, let's line up now! The island owner will take the lead, I won't grab the first one, and I will finish. Who will come second?

【Life is so boring】: "2!"

[There is no trash can for you]: "Hey, join in the fun, 3!33


More than two hundred people, arranged in order. In this way, it is guaranteed to cover every five seconds, without duplication or grabbing.

A treasure in five seconds!

Scary to think about.

After the news was released, the netizens of Lin Han and Li Shuixin immediately became excited.

It was negotiated two days ago, and when the time comes, we will rush into Li Nuxia's live broadcast room together.

"Mr. Liu, Lin Han's fans are going to do something again!"

The chief director of Wilderness Survival, Gao Xingxing, rushed into the office of Liu Han, the technical director, and was very nervous.

Lin Han's influence is too great, and the fear of the last time is still looming over him.

Liu Ha gave him a light warning, then turned around very calmly,

"Director Gao, you are also the chief director anyway, so you don't know about such a big thing, right?

Lin Han's fans want to do something, and she received the news a few days ago.

Therefore, emergency plans, emergency diversion and multi-line backup have been initiated early.

No matter how popular the popularity is, they are still capable of taking it hard!

"Uh, since President Liu said so, then I'm relieved."

Gao Xingxing walked out of the beautiful director's office.

Domestic time, six o'clock in the evening!

The time on Hanshui Island is five o'clock, and the sun is still hanging overhead.

Lin Han was busy making rice-milling greens, and Li Shuixin was in charge of helping him. This stuff is too complicated, and it is not an easy thing to learn. Therefore, Li Shuixin is very self-aware as a chorus girl.

Very ordinary picture, compared to the live broadcast in normal days, there is no special police 0.....


At six o'clock, the first round of bombing came on time,

[Peach Blossom Island Lord] 100 treasures of whale watching anchor Li Shuixin: "To my most beloved goddess! To the most powerful Lin God!

A treasure of 5000.

One hundred treasures, that is half a million!

Usually, when there are more than 1,000 tips on the live broadcast platform, banners will be pulled across the channel.

A reward of 500,000 yuan is directly bombed by fighter skirts!

In an instant, the entire live room vibrated.

Countless little anchors who just started broadcasting instantly felt the domination of doomsday terror.

"f*ck, calm down for a while, why come again!"

"It must be Lin Shenda who is doing something wrong, the dog viewers, follow this anchor and kill it!

"I said, God Lin, can you give us a way to survive! Who can stand such a wave at every turn!

"Wait, this is not a reward for Lin Shen, the anchor Li Shuixin? Who?"

"It doesn't matter who she is, the worship is over.

[Life is so boring] I rewarded anchor Li Shuixin with 50 treasures,

This guy has always had a grim look, smashing 250,000 rhymes, and he doesn't even bother to type a single word.

Just after the bombing of a fighter skirt, in just five seconds, another wave of long-range pilots came!

The little anchors who originally planned to continue the broadcast couldn't sit still for a moment.

Their live broadcast room has been covered by this round of rewards, and they also broadcast a wool thread.

When some people saw it, all the fans ran away,

Live? Live your sister!

Wouldn't it be nice to watch a live broadcast?

A five-second round of treasure bombing, more ruthless than Lin Han's last half-minute!

Countless current netizens, no matter what type of fans you are, will all pull over for you!

Whether you agree or not, come in and add a little more popularity!

Lin Han's fans, under the promotion and guidance of the forest protector, flocked to Li Shuixin's live broadcast room one after another.

In less than ten minutes, Lin Han's live broadcast room was cleared for the first time in history, and all of them were crowded into Li Shuixin's live broadcast room.

The people in the technical department of the program group felt that their spare lines would be broken at any time, so scared that they didn't even dare to blink, staring at the screen!

No matter which line is slightly shaken, they will think that the end of the world is coming, and they will do their best to repair it!

Ten minutes later, all the fans of Lin Han's live broadcast room crowded into Li Shuixin's live broadcast room. In addition to the treasure bombing of local tyrants, Li Shuixin's live broadcast room has exceeded 30,000 people.

The people in the technical department thought they could breathe a sigh of relief,

As a result, I haven't had time to drink a sip of water,

A new round of popularity is rolling again!

"Quick, strengthen Lines 5 and 7! Line 19 is ready for emergency repairs at any time!"

Liu Han personally directed at the scene, and his aloof temperament suppressed the audience, and no one dared to be lazy.

Even so, three more lines soon burst into red. 3.4

The technical department is blowing the 16 degree air conditioner, but there is still a cold sweat on the forehead!

"Line 11, urgently divert traffic, otherwise it will be cut off!"

Liu Han's hands that had been holding in front of Xiong suddenly loosened, and he nervously grabbed the back of a programmer's chair.

The programmer suddenly heard the director's voice rhyme above his head, and the back court was so frightened that he almost stopped watching.

"Yes Yes!

He hurriedly controlled the line, distributing the traffic to the live broadcast platform and alternate lines.

A few minutes later, the popularity slowed down a little, and the seams of his tense body loosened.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

"Well done."

Liu Han patted him on the shoulder, the latter was flattered!

About forty minutes later, the popularity of Li Shuixin's live broadcast room continued to decline completely.

More than thirty people in the technical department, as if they had just come down from the battlefield, all their backs were wet.

Fortunately, they held their line!

This is a great achievement.

At this time, the popularity of Li Shuixin's live broadcast room has soared to more than seven million!

It wasn't until an hour later, when the popularity soared to more than one million for six cans, that the treasure awning stopped.

"Ahem, in just one hour, from a few million to a million in six cans, they really did it!! 1

Liu Ha secretly clicked his tongue,

Of course she knew who these guys who helped Li Shuixin's popularity were for!

"Lin Han, you are really fascinated me more and more."

The corner of Liu Han's mouth lifted, and a flash of excitement flashed in his beautiful eyes.

Yu Ji clapped his hands and said loudly, "Everyone did a good job tonight, I'll treat you to a late-night snack!

"Long live President Liu!"

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