Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 167 Three gifts for Lin Shen! (2, please complete the order!)

【Three gifts for Lin Shen】!

[Peach Blossom Island Lord]: "Thank you for your support, and thank you for being like a little fairy for me. 33


A big red envelope hook is now in front of people.

Slow hands!

"Islander, you're welcome!"

"I accepted the red envelope, but I don't agree with what the island owner said! What makes you look like a little fairy, that's our heroine. 11

"That's right, the heroine is the god of Lin, and I will firmly defend this!

"Wait, Dada Lu Bu, who did you offend? It's another penny!!!


[Peach Blossom Island Lord]: "Yes, yes, everyone is right, she is the little fairy of Lin Shen, but also my little fairy. 39

"[Lu Bu among the people] has been offline...

There was a happy voice from inside the skirt.

One hour, six cans, ten thousand people,

They did it!

After reaching six million people, netizens stopped entering and some people began to withdraw.

Therefore, Li Shuixin's number of visits has been kept at around one million in six rounds.

Of course, as long as this peak is reached, the program team has to let them choose three gifts as agreed!

As for why not continue to increase, everyone is tacit.

Because, Lin Han's peak is more than 8 million in six or six clusters.

Everyone supports Goddess Li, but will not let her popularity surpass that of Lin Han!

"The battle is over", the atmosphere in the guest room was also lively,

"Lin Shen's live broadcast room has once again created a miracle, one hour is six or six million, may I ask, who among us has such appeal?

Brother Long leaned on the chair, turned around and looked at the big coffees present with interest.

That is to say, his eyes fell on the most attractive diva, Dai Yixiang, "Yixiang 08, how many people did you perform in your most popular concert?"

Everyone was very curious about this question and looked at Dai Yixiang.

Dai Yixiang thought about it for a while, "Probably, it was ten years ago, when a bunch of one million yuan.

This number is not a single game, but the number of infants who cruise in a year!

That number was a record!

However, there is no comparison between live viewing and online viewing. Now any well-known anchor will often have hundreds of thousands of online fans!

"Remember that the highest record in Asia was created at the beginning, and no one has broken it yet, right?

Brother Long smiled.

Although he is in the film and television industry, he occasionally participates in some concerts, variety shows, etc., so he knows something about it.

Dai Yixiang nodded and glanced at the bald boy on the screen with a smile, "Yes, but compared to Lin Han, it's not worth mentioning."

Gathering six difficulties and ten thousand people in one hour, it is quite terrifying to say that the Dragon Kingdom is placed in the whole world!

"Actually, this is all inevitable. Lin Han's fans are too wide, ranging from grandparents to students who are in school. It is normal for such a huge age range to attract so many people.

No, even you and I have become his fans?

Well-known director Liu Berg laughed.

"Yeah, I really can't imagine that he could know so many things at such a young age. I'm very curious about what happened to him when he was a child. 99

The famous host Dong Qingcheng was surprised.

"When the challenge is over, you can do a special column of interviews, so that we can know more about it. Netizens all over the country are very curious.

Dai Yixiang said.

She's probably the most curious one.

"If he gives face, I'd be happy.

Dong Qingcheng smiled slightly and looked at Lin Han jokingly.

"Longguo people are so capable of creating miracles. Many things that Lin Han knows are beyond my reach. If you give me so much rice, I don't know what to do."

A look of deep admiration also appeared on Lord De's face.

For the player Lin Han, from the beginning of his dislike, to slowly blinking his eyes, and now admiring him, Master De's mood simply doesn't know how to describe it.

He is the most well-known wilderness expert in the world, and he has challenged many dangerous places.

However, compared with Lin Han, his so-called "comfortable" days are simply unsightly.

"Master De doesn't have to be humble, no matter what, you are their senior.

The Dragon Kingdom has a vast territory and a long history and culture. What Lin Han knows is all about the ancients. If you stay in the dragon country for a long time, you will gradually like the culture of the dragon country.

Brother Long explained.

"After the show is over, I must have a good understanding of the Dragon Kingdom culture."

Dee laughed.

The time is quickly approaching the afternoon, and Lin Han's roll is almost done, faster than expected. However, the soil needs to be fired into pottery, otherwise it will be easily worn out.

Lin Han put Bi's clay part into the earthen furnace and fired it, and it only took one night to burn it.

"Tomorrow should be able to use the old rice.

Lin Han put the reel that was almost dried in the shade into the earthen stove, and then added a fire to it, and the rest was left to the time.


Li Shuixin, who was cutting grass and cooking feed for the piglets, stopped what he was doing and looked at Lin Han with a hint of joy in his beautiful eyes.

Having a roll means that they can be greatly liberated.

"When the rice is milled tomorrow, we can concentrate on farming.

Lin Han plans to start soaking millet tomorrow. If the speed is fast, the seedlings can be raised the day after tomorrow.

Two days were enough for him to hook up a piece of land.

"Lin Han, can the millet grow to maturity in three months?

Li Shuixin asked.

"Enough! Usually, it only takes eighty to ninety days. We are in the tropics, with a suitable climate and abundant water sources. I think it will take less than eighty days before we have a new Gu Zixiao.

In this regard, Lin Han is very confident.

"That is to say, as long as we are busy for a while, we basically don't have to worry about the challenges that follow."

In Li Shuixin's beautiful eyes, there is a hint of surprise!

Survival in the wilderness, she had a month, very hard. If you can easily spend the next three hundred days, it will naturally be a very wonderful thing.

The most important thing is that there are only two people on the island, she and Lin Han, and no other factors interfere.

Everything, very calm and warm!


Lin Han nodded.

"Okay, let's start cooking.

Li Shuixin was busy preparing food and cooking for the animals, and Lin Han took the initiative to contract.

Half an hour later, a sumptuous dinner was on the table.

However, when the two were about to start their meal, the pets suddenly became restless.


Dahua had the sharpest reaction, and suddenly rushed to the stone bank, and roared at Fang on the east side road!

Then, the two air overlords, Xiaobai and Hutou, flew into the sky and made a sign in the sky.

Xiaohua is also a little bit like a fox and a tiger, and keeps howling after Dahua!

"A wild beast approaching?"

Lin Han hurriedly put down his chopsticks and opened up the sense of the earth,

No. That is, relax.

The police were nervous, they were the rescue team. "

Also, they are old acquaintances.

He patted Li Shuixin's hand to comfort him, then walked up to Dahua and touched its head,

"The police are nervous."

After a while, a group of people appeared in front of the fence.

The leader of the rescue team, Crocodile, led the team. A team member behind him carried a lot of things in his hands.

"Isn't there another item reward? 22

Lin Han asked with a smile.

It has been more than a month since the last item reward.

Could it be that the netizens are very powerful, and their popularity has broken through eight difficulties?!!

The crocodile smiled slightly, "That's right, but it's not you this time."

His gaze turned to Li Shuixin behind Lin Han, and then politely said, "Miss Li, congratulations on your popularity breaking through 60,000, according to the program team's regulations, you can get three items as a reward.

However, this time the rules are slightly changed, you can only choose three of these items we carry. "

The crocodile waved his hand and motioned for the team members to bring things up.

A few team members glanced at Dahua timidly, a little afraid to approach.

After all, it was a leopard.

Such a big leopard can bite off their necks in one bite.

"I'm afraid, Dahua won't bite you."

Lin Han crouched down and touched Dahua's head.

Hearing what the crocodile said, he immediately understood what was going on, 840.

It was indeed not easy to help him rush to the point where everyone was angry. After all, the higher you go, the harder it is. However, if Li Shuixin rushes to six cans of ten thousand, it will become very easy. After all, he has already reached this height before.

Netizens must have heard what Charlie Zhang said, so they continued to do so.

Li Shuixin Bingxue is smart, and soon wants to understand this.

"Lin Han, you choose."

She now obeys Lin Han's arrangements.

"Let's see what's going on first.

Lin Han raised his head and glanced at the crocodile, "Can you give me some light?"

At this time, the sun had already set, and it didn't matter that he had the perception of the earth, but Li Shuixin couldn't see clearly.

The crocodile opened his hands and nodded, and the other team members also turned on their flashlights, illuminating the four tooling bags, and it was clear what was inside.

Netizens, waiting for this moment.

"Is it finally here, I don't know what Lin Shen will choose this time. 39

"I guess, Lin Shen really wants a refrigerator right now!

"Refrigerator, mine generator, and another barrel of oil, just three pieces, perfect!

"The program team probably thought of this, so they made minor changes to the rules, and can only choose from what they brought.

"The show team is rude!"

guest room,

"Master De, if it were you, what survival tool would you choose at this time?"

Because of concern for Lin Han and the others, Dai Yixiang asked curiously.

Master De thought for a moment and joked, "Lin Han and the others have nothing missing. I think they should pursue the quality of life now. If it were me, I might choose a fishing rod and eat dinner leisurely every day. Go to the beach for fishing. Or ask for a set of fitness equipment, eat so much every day, it is easy to gain weight if you don't exercise.

"It seems that Lord De has recognized Lin Han and the others very much.

"It's more than recognition. If they have reached this stage and are still eliminated, it must be the reason of God."

Lord De shrugged and said something humorous.

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