Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 168 Three tools, Lin Shen wants to invite us to dinner?!! (3, please order all)

"Fitness equipment and fishing rods? It seems that Lord De can still enjoy life. Next, let's see what kind of choices Lin Han will make."

Dong Qingcheng is worthy of being a well-known host, and it is easy to bring the audience's attention from the guest room to the live broadcast room.

At this time, they had already reached the time for the next broadcast, and a group of young guests had already come in, but they were still a little reluctant to leave.

"I want to leave after watching Lin Han's hook selection. Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Dai Yixiang said itching/impatiently.

"Me too."

Dong Qingcheng nodded, expressing the same feeling.

The young guests had no choice but to wait behind to witness the choice of Lin Han and Li Shuixin.

The Crocodile Squad, this time a total of five packs of band gaps,

Everything from daily necessities to survival tools.

The first package is mainly for daily necessities, such as toilet paper, flashlight, mosquito repellent, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel, towels and so on.

The second bag, mainly clothing, is called, shoes, and things for girls' menstruation.

The third and fourth packages are some survival tools, such as military shovels, saw blades, sabers, hammers, chisels, rescue ropes and other supplies.

In the fifth bag, there are fishing line, fish hook, needle and thread, thermal water bottle, compass, electronic watch, pen and paper and so on.

With so many things, Lin Han was a little dazzled.

In fact, the two of them have nothing missing now, and there is absolutely no problem in terms of survival.

The next step is to improve the quality of life and turn the wilderness survival into an island vacation!

Therefore, some creative tools are needed, or tools to make yourself comfortable.

"Can we discuss it?"

Lin Han didn't know how to choose for a while, and anyway, Li Shuixin had the right to choose these three tools, so he couldn't make a decision directly.


The crocodile gestured please.

He is also one of Lin Han's fans now, and of course he is happy to provide such a small request.

"Let me tell you what I think,

Lin Han stood up, looked at Li Shuixin and said, "We don't have a shortage of living supplies now, so it's best to choose something that makes us comfortable. I just took a look at the daily necessities, and the program team is quite generous, as for soap. There is a whole box, there should be six pieces, and the body wash is also one liter capacity. I want to choose the same order between the two things

The idea is simple, just make yourself comfortable!

Li Shui thought for a while but shook his head, staring at Lin Han with beautiful eyes, "Lin Han, I know you are thinking about me, but it's not necessary.

Whether it's soap or body wash, it doesn't last long. If you use it now, and suddenly there is no exposure at the back, it will be more uncomfortable. It is better to maintain the present, without them!

She knew that Lin Han chose such a thing mainly for her consideration.

I was moved by my heart, but out of rational consideration, I felt it was inappropriate.

A bottle of shower gel for Lin Han may last a year, but a girl can't use it for two months.

As she said, if you use it a little bit, it's gone, it's better not to have it in the first place.

All right.

Since she said so, Lin Han didn't insist.

For the living materials, pass directly.

Toothpaste, toothbrush, these things, they can make their own, keeping the mouth clean is completely no problem.

No shower gel, just a little extra water when taking a shower, no big problem.

Anyway, here, there is a lot of water.

"Then choose a hoe, just as we are about to plant the land, the work efficiency of a hoe is much higher than that of a stone shovel or a military shovel, and it can save us a lot of time.

Lin Han continued.

"Hmm. 99

This time, Li Shuixin nodded obediently.

In small matters, she will keep her own ideas, but in such big decisions, she will follow Lin Han's advice.

This made the male compatriots in the live broadcast room envious.

Calling Li Nvxia a good daughter-in-law of Longguo!

Hearing Lin Han's choice, the crocodile took the head of the hoe in the tool bag and fished it.

The program team only provides the head, as for the handle of the hoe, Lin Han needs to make it himself.

Of course, this is no pressure for Lin Han.

"I want another plate.

Lin Han hesitated for a moment, then said the second item.

Because there are no nails, many things need to do some simple mortise and tenon structures. Before it was replaced with a saber, the work efficiency was very poor, and the things made would affect the appearance and function.

If you have a plate, you will save a lot of time and effort when doing carpentry.

"Hey, I've been wanting to help you for a long time.

Li Shuixin nodded again and again.

Every time she sees Lin Han doing carpentry, she can't help but feel distressed. I wish I was Sun Monkey and helped him make a plate hook,

Therefore, even if Lin Han doesn't mention this, she will take the initiative to work.

"Okay, I've already chosen two, you can choose the last one.

Lin Han looked back at Li Shuixin and gave her an encouraging look.

In fact, a hoe or a chisel is just the icing on the cake, with or without it.

So the third thing doesn't matter what you choose.

Li Shuixin hesitated for a long time, then grabbed an electronic watch from the pile of items, "Just choose it."


Whatever she chooses, Lindsay will support it.

And the watch, representing the concept of time, is also a very important tool for them!

If a person does not know the time, he will be very empty.

There was a kind of punishment in ancient times, very gentle, but also very cruel. The prisoner was locked in a pitch-dark room, with no light, no sound, and no knowledge of day or night.

It is said that no one can survive in this environment for more than seven days.

Although the desert island is not so cruel, with the concept of time, Lin Han and the others can have a degree in their hearts!

""Are you sure about choosing a hoe, chisel and watch?"

The alligator gave them one last chance to consider.

The two nodded at the same time, "Yes.


The crocodile left three things behind, ready to leave.

"Wait a minute, can you tell me what time it is?"

The electronic watch is new and unopened. After Lin Han took out the battery card, the time displayed on it was 0:00:00, and the date was also the date of production of the watch.

This kind of thing means nothing to him.

Originally, crocodiles couldn't tell them the time.

But there are no hard and fast rules for the show team, so he is happy to help Lin Han, "August 16, 7:33 pm. 99

The crocodile glanced at his watch and said.

Lin Han quickly adjusted the time.

"Right, I'm talking about Dragon Country time, and the island is one hour later than Dragon Country. 99

That is, island time is 6:33.

Lin Han called back.

Since, living on the island, naturally (money) is calculated according to the time on the island.

Thank you".

"You're welcome. 33

The two each said a word.

"A few of you haven't eaten yet? 11

After the handover, Lin Han asked with a smile.


Crocodile and those teams were about to leave when they heard Lin Han's words and stopped quickly.


Could it be that Lin Shen is going to cook a meal for us?!!


The crocodile team of six people swallowed together.

They are big fans of Lin Han and know that what Lin Han cooks is absolutely delicious.

No, this place is more than ten meters away from the dining table, and they can smell the aroma of the food.

"Does Lin Shen want to keep us for dinner? Yes, or not?

Crocodile is a little tangled now.

After all, it is a great honor to be able to eat the meal made by Lin Shen himself. Wan Yan netizens, I am afraid to die of envy.

But will doing this break the rules of the program group?

After all, the program team did not allow them to have too much communication with the players who were not eliminated.

How to choose, wait online, urgent!.

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