Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

The first side, Chapter 69, I don't know how expensive time is in the wilderness!

Crocodile Squad is too difficult now,

Promise Lin Han and you may lose your job.

Don't refuse Lin Han's invitation? They are really reluctant. If you do, I am afraid you will be scolded by netizens to death!

What's the matter, Lin Shen invited you to dinner, but you refused!

Don't you know how many people want such an opportunity but can't!!

"Forget it, if you lose your job, you can find it again, but if you miss your meal, you won't have it!

The crocodile is determined to work hard and eat this meal!

"You don't know if you eat or not, you need to think for so long?"

Seeing their strange expressions, Lin Han felt very strange, what happened to these people?

If you don't ask if you have eaten, there is more to say later, but answer.

What are you nervous about, I won't give you a meal...

"I haven't eaten yet.

The crocodile smiled shyly, this is obviously an expression of wanting to eat.

Did not eat you said earlier.

Lin Han rolled his eyes speechlessly, "I didn't eat, then hurry back to eat. You work so hard, but you have ruined your body.

Go now. "

Lin Han waved his hand, took three tools, and took Li Shuixin's hand back to eat.


Crocodile Squad: Collective idiots to the point of confusion!

Sweat, sweat!

Emotional Lin Shen asked us if we were eating or not. This is what he meant. Still 840 thought, you want to keep us for dinner...

"Crocodile, what are you thinking, kid, don't come back quickly after completing the task, do you want to squat there for dinner?"

At this time, the captain's voice came from the headphones.

Moreover, the crocodile heard it very clearly, and the captain was laughing.

I'm so...

Lost the old face!

"Close the team!

The crocodile roared depressedly and led the team away.

Seeing this scene, netizens were overjoyed,

"Hahaha, these little brothers of the rescue team, do you want to laugh at me to death, and then inherit my flower chant? 9

"Forgive me for laughing unkindly, because, it's really funny, oh ho ho ho..."

"Want to give you a meal in Lin Shen? Haven't been beaten by Lin Shen before?

"Lin Shen: Have you eaten yet? Rescue team: No, yet. Lin Shen: If you haven't eaten, hurry up and eat, the police are on hold.

"This year's Spring Festival Gala skit has some stalks. 39

"Lin Shen is too bad, but I like it! 93

This is the netizen,

Exchange your pain for their joy!

guest room,

The veterans have left, and now, it's time for the young!

Zi'er covered her mouth and smiled, "Lin Shen is too bad, bullying the little brothers of the rescue team. 99

Liu Yiyi, "Hmph, I don't think the rescue team should have the idea of ​​giving meals. Lin Shen and the others are surviving in the wilderness.

Nana: "Actually, I can understand it. If it were me, I couldn't help but want to eat rice. It's a rare opportunity to be able to eat rice cooked by Lin Shen."

In fact, the big joke about the crocodile is a bit gloating.

If Lin Han really left the crocodile to eat, everyone would feel unbalanced.

"Brother Yu, you are a wild survival expert in our country. Can you comment on the three things that Lin Shen and the heroine chose?"

Xiaoshan pulled the topic back and looked at the man next to him who had been seldom talking.

Chen Xingyu, a young wild survival expert in Longguo.

Although his fame is not as good as that of a world-class player like De Ye, he is very famous in China.

Since the program team divided the guests into two classes, they invited him over.

Perhaps because of Lord De's presence, Chen Xingyu has always kept a low profile.

If Xiao Shan had not taken the initiative to ask him, he would have remained silent.

"A hoe and a chisel, there's nothing to say about these two things, and Lin Shen chose them as the icing on the cake. You can farm without a hoe, after all, they have military shovels and stone shovels. As for chisels, Lin Shen may want to be a woodworker. when it's convenient.

Before, he worked as a carpenter, and everyone saw it. It was really very fortunate and troublesome. Although I don't know much about woodworking, but after seeing Lin Shen doing so much woodworking, I also know the importance of chisels.

This time they chose the most noteworthy, watch! 59

Although Chen Xingyu doesn't talk much, he is professional after all, and he can get to the point when he speaks.

What he said will make people involuntarily convince!

The guests are by no means decorations. They need to guide the audience and give some convincing explanations when necessary.


Xiaoshan and the others looked at him in surprise.

(aide) "Why are you all looking at me with such an expression?

Chen Xingyu said with a smile.

Xiaoyi, "because we all feel that a watch is the most useless option. 33

"Look, many netizens leave messages like this, and no one understands why they choose watches.

Xiaoshan called out the barrage.

"In the same text, what is the relationship between watches and wild survival?"

"I just feel that the watch is a waste of this precious choice.

"Sympathetic waste!

Such barrages are not rare.

Chen Xingyu watched for a while, with a shallow smile on the corner of his mouth, "Since everyone doesn't understand, let me explain it to Lin Shen. 9)

"First of all, let me ask, how many times a day do you usually watch?"

Chen Xingyu raised his eyes and glanced at everyone.

"I haven't counted it, but say it less than a dozen times a day. 3

Xiaoshan's eyes moved up to dry, which was his habitual thinking action.

Others also expressed that they didn't pay much attention, four or five times less, more than ten times...

"In fact, time is as important to us as air, but its importance is easily overlooked.

Think about it in a big way. If you are on a desert island, you know that you have to challenge for a year, but you don’t know how fast time will pass. In a short time, there may be no feeling, but after a long time, it is easy for people to think about how long it has been.

When you think about it, you will find anxiety, irritability, and even self-sacrificing emotions! Without the guidance of time, people are like a boat sailing in the sea, but can't see the shore. You don't know when you will land, but you always feel that you are coming.

Over time, the mentality can easily collapse!

Listening to Chen Xingyu's words, everyone brought them into thinking,

Thinking about it, I was involuntarily afraid.

"When a person is alone, often looking at the time and not looking at the time all the time can accelerate the feeling of loneliness.

Studies have shown that the timing of questioning can reduce human loneliness. So, I think their choice of watch is a very correct decision! 22

When Chen Xingyu said this, he did not hide his admiration for Lin Han and Li Shuixin at all.

Hearing this, he nodded again and again,

"After hearing what Brother Yu said, I really realized the importance of time. 99

"To tell the truth, I can't do it without looking at the time for a day, especially when I am alone, I always want time to pass faster. 11

"Continuously looking at the time and not looking at the time will cause a sense of loneliness, I agree with this very much!

These young celebrities have obviously been persuaded by Chen Xingyu.

Those netizens were relieved when they heard Chen Xingyu's explanation.

Fans of Lin Han, the thin layer of estrangement towards Li Shuixin disappeared, replaced by admiration!

"A sports car was given to Li Nvxia, forgive my misunderstanding of you!

"I'll just say, how could Lin Shen choose a useless thing. 99

"If you think about it carefully, how can you live at home and wrap every clock?

"If you question Li Nvxia in the future, I'm just a dog!"

"Upstairs, what does the dog bark, let's hear it?"

"You listen to your own voice every day, haven't you heard enough??"

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