Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 173 The new rice seed? Germinated in one day! (4, please order all!)

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Tian Mengmeng bright, Lin Han and Li Shuixin are not up yet, but the pets are already waiting at the door.

They waited at the door every morning, waiting for their master to give them water to drink.

Since they joined the Fountain of Life, they have never joined the water in the lake again.

Even the Xiuyuan couple were in the queue to receive the water.

Because the water of life can help them reborn and improve their physique and intelligence, as long as it is his own pet, Lin Han will feed them the water of life.

The fountain of life is endless, and when it is full, the spring will stop supplying, but as long as it is used a little, it will produce a little. Therefore, don't be afraid that pets will be useless after drinking.

Netizens have long been accustomed to the phenomenon of pets queuing for water.

But this morning, everyone was attracted by another phenomenon.

In front of the bamboo house (Lin Han's hometown is called gai base, in some places it is called gai edge), a pottery pot covered with sackcloth, a lot of lush green grass emerges!


Of course not, everyone remembers, Lin Han soaked millet in this pot yesterday to help millet germinate.

Therefore, the green seedlings that came out of the pots must be killer seedlings!

"Lu Lashou, damn it! Did Lin Shen put some grass in the pot in the middle of the night while we were sleeping?"

"Have you all noticed, that pottery pot is the pottery pot that Lin Shen used to germinate the millet, and what are the green seedlings that grow out!"

"I know what everyone is thinking, but it's absolutely impossible! It takes three to seven days for Yizi to urge the seedlings. Of course, only one or two millimeters of shoots can grow in seven days. It is impossible to directly grow seedlings with such a long rhyme!

The millet that has sprouts should be sown in the soil to raise seedlings, which will then grow into green seedlings. Therefore, this time around a day is definitely not a seedling! 9)

"It's not Hemiao? What do you mean, killing a child can still grow a species of police?

"Perhaps, Lin Shen changed the pot when we were not paying attention.

After soaking in spring water for just one night, the millet will grow into a seedling?

If it is true, it is definitely a supernatural event!

Everyone has different guesses, and some people say that nothing can happen to Lin Shen.

But some people think that each species has its own growth laws that cannot be broken.

As this matter continued to be controversial, Lin Han's live broadcast room became more and more popular.

Although it was Monday, three or four million people had gathered in the live broadcast room before the two of them got up.

[Mr. Gu Zi] Zhang Xiaosheng is also following the live broadcast room. But seeing the big controversy, he did not speak.

In the past two days, he has been beaten by netizens and does not want to speak.

Watch silently and wait for the moment when Lin Han is slapped in the face!

Seeing that netizens actually said that millet sprouted overnight and grew into seedlings! He just sneered.

After waiting for more than an hour, the door of the bamboo house finally opened.

Li Shuixin usually gets up early, and today is no exception.

She got up early, gave birth to a lazy waist, and then habitually said hello to the netizens, "Good morning everyone, it's a new day, I hope everyone is in a happy mood.

She waved her hand and smiled sweetly, it is easy to bring happiness to people.

Many people said that the first thing they do every morning is to wait for Li Nvxia to greet them.

When you wait, you will be in a good mood all day long.

If you don't wait, today will feel like something is missing.

Soon, when Li Shuixin went to brush his teeth, he also noticed the green seedlings emerging from under the burlap.


She frowned slightly and walked over curiously.

"Is Nvxia Li going to reveal the answer?

"Hmph, if you question Lin Shen, you should just wait to be slapped in the face.

"Even Li Nvxia is curious, it must be He Miao! 99

"Lin Shen, you can never judge him with normal thinking. Because we are human, and he is a god!

Seeing Li Shuixin walking towards the pot, netizens' hearts also became nervous.

All eyes stared at the screen.

Zhang Xiaosheng, who had been ignoring it at first, suddenly became serious. Like other netizens, he was full of expectations.

"Meow meow~"



When Li Shuixin walked to the pottery pot, and was about to reveal the answer, a group of pets ran over to make trouble.

Dahua bit her trousers, and Xiaohua kept pushing her calf with her head.

Even Xiuyuan and Zhengguo came to join in the fun, and a group of pets were very anxious.

Li Shuixin was itchy, so she had to give up temporarily to check the vision in the pot, "Haha, alright you little guys, I'll go get you some water."

Feed these pets water every morning.

"In the middle of me, on purpose, the answer will be revealed soon, what are you doing to make trouble!

"Pfft~ I treat you like my first love, and you abuse me a hundred times!"

"It's uncomfortable, I can't wait to rush over and uncover the cloth myself!"

Originally, Li Shuixin was about to reveal the answer, but was interrupted by the pets. It was like a good movie was put in the high-chao section, and she was about to answer the answer, and suddenly an advertisement was posted...

Although everyone was suffering, there was nothing they could do.

Here, there is no VIP ad-free feature.

Can only wait.

Li Shuixin came to the spring with a pottery basin specially designed for them to drink water, and the floater who was scooping up the water.

The big flower, the small flower, and the little white tiger have four heads and drink a pot of water.

As for Xiuyuan and Zhengguo, the two heads are too big to squeeze together with them. So, Li Shuixin scooped them up and poured them into their mouths.

Crocodiles drink a lot of water every day, but there is only so much spring water at a time, and they can only drink two scoops per person.


The pot of water was quickly consumed by the four of them.

They are very happy every time they finish drinking water.

Xiaobai rushed into the sky and looked around, while Dahua and Xiaohua entered the woods and patrolled the ground. By the way, and florets hunt around.

Xiuyuan couple, do what they like to do most, lie down on the sunny bank of the room, Ge Man!

"Then what is it?"

With curiosity, Li Shuixin went to the pottery pot.

This time, she did not continue to abuse the injured hearts of netizens. She carefully opened the sackcloth,

I saw that it was full of lush small seedlings.

Although it is not long, basically all the millets have germinated, and the pottery pot is full of small seedlings!

Each seedling is about one or two centimeters long, with white roots underneath.

It can be seen that the water in the pot has been sucked up by them!

"It's... sprouted!

Li Shuixin's beautiful eyes were stunned, looking at the pot full of seedlings, her brain was a little short-circuited!

Because there are too many seedlings, they are all crowded together, like a dense lawn.

But she soon understood the reason for the whale.

"It must be the spring water!

Li Shuixin muttered in her heart, her gaze, without leaving a trace, glanced at the drone.

She knew that the more miraculous it was, the less it would attract the attention of the police. Otherwise, it will bring trouble to Spring Water, even himself and Lin Han.

But this kind of thing, millions of viewers watching, can't hide it.

In fact, her worries are completely unnecessary,

The springs here, with traditional protection, will not have any problems. Even if the top scientists came to test it, they couldn't find anything out of the ordinary, let alone Lin Han.

So, the magic is over, nothing else to worry about.

"Lin Han!"

Li Shuixin shouted loudly towards the room.

After a while, Lin Han walked out of the room and asked with squinted eyes,

"What's up?"

"Look at this.

Li Shuixin stretched out a slender finger and pointed to the side of the pottery pot.

Lin Han looked over,

Suddenly no sleep, eyes widened,

"Huh? It's all sprouting!

Lin Han instantly understood that this must be the credit of the water of life.

However, he will not explain to the audience that way.

"This millet is really amazing, is it a new variety?"

Lin Han muttered, and then showed joy on his face, "Great, this will save us a lot of trouble. We can directly raise the seedlings with water, instead of spreading the millet on the autumn ridges. 93

Save a step, save a lot of things!

Most importantly, save time!

Usually it takes about 30 days to raise seedlings, because it takes seven days for millet to germinate.

Now with the help of the Fountain of Life, Lin Han estimates that the time for raising seedlings can be shortened by at least half. This means that the killers can be harvested at least half a month in advance!

"Anyway, it's a good thing for us. We don't have to be so tight!

Li Shuixin said happily.

"Indeed, come, get these seedlings first, let's separate them and raise the seedlings directly in the pot. 5

Lin Han said.

The two of them found a few sticks, and said that the seedlings in the pottery pot were picked up little by little,

Then, separate the crowded seedlings, put them in ten pots, and nurture them with the fountain of life.

"Those who say they are weeds, do you have any pain in your face?

"Your idea is really ridiculous, Lin Shen needs to deceive us with some weeds?

"It has been said that Lin Shen is powerful and unquestionable! 99

"I remember yesterday that there seemed to be a special portrait called [Mr. Millet], saying that he had been planting rice for 20 years. He said that the germination rate of the millet of Lin Shen will never exceed 1%. Excuse me, can you produce To explain? 33

Seeing this barrage, Zhang Xiaosheng, who has been in shock, almost lost blood on the screen.


Don't bring salt to the wound like this.

However, he is an academician anyway, so naturally he will not be disturbed by such people.

His eyes, staring at the screen, have been thinking, what is going on?

"You all saw it, tell me what you think?

Zhang Xiaosheng looked at the proud disciples next to him, and for the first time, asked them with a humble attitude.

Zhou Qiang and the others suddenly felt flattered.

They are young people with youthful impulses and fanaticism. When I saw Lin Han, I was contemptuous at first.

However, it was soon followed by fans.

Therefore, like most netizens, they like Lin Han and even worship Lin Han.

This time, because of the seedlings cultivated by Lin Han, the teacher's attitude has changed, and they worship Lin Han even more!

However, their attitude towards teachers is still as respectful as ever.

This is different from netizens.

"Teacher, I think Lin Shen... What Lin Han said should be the answer, his millet varieties are different,

I have carefully compared all the rice varieties and have not found one that is the same as the one he (good) harvested from the wild. Maybe, this is a new rice species!"

Zhou Qiang first expressed his views.

"I agree with Senior Brother's opinion, it may be a mutant species, so Jihui will sprout so quickly.

Another girl with black-rimmed glasses and a very quiet appearance said.

"It should not be possible for a mutant species. This should be a new rice seed that we have not seen before, but the genes of rice are all the same. It is impossible to say that it germinates in one day. So I think the reason for such rapid germination should be It should be those springs!

Before, Lin Han's pet drank the spring water and began to moult, and the hair became softer and brighter. This is enough to show that the spring water is different.

Remember the Changshou Village in our country, Guangxi Province, the rice they grow with water containing water molecules is also much better than those in other places. So I think, it boils down to the spring water!

another boy said.

Because there is no real object, it can only be inferred from the video,

They discussed for a long time, and there is no unified answer.

In the end, Zhang Xiaosheng concluded, "What you said is true. What is certain is that this is a new species with high yield and good quality. When Lin Han's live broadcast is over, we will try our best to make this rice To come back a little ear.

Maybe, it can set off a rice reform in our country!

"Rice Reform!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Xiaosheng in surprise,

They knew that when the teacher said such words, the evaluation of the rice in Lin Han's hands was quite high.

"I take back my previous views on this anchor, if you have time, continue to pay attention to him.

Zhang Xiaosheng said lightly and left the conference room.

"Uh, teacher,..."

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