Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 174 A sturdy heroine also has a girlish heart (5, please complete the order!)

Lin Han carefully tore up the seedling bricks, trying not to hurt their roots.

These seedlings didn't look like much when they were in one pot, but after separating them, it was found that three or five pots couldn't hold them at all.

Lin Han only has four or five pots, and the pots are not enough. He used his own washbasin and the pots for his pets to drink.

Still not enough, Lin Han found a few more pots, and used all the containers that could be used anyway.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to make a clay pot, and three or four hooks can be fired in a day or two.

However, after the seedlings are scattered, there is no way to stand directly in the water.

Lin Han planned to ask Zhengguo to bring some sand with him. But I didn't expect that the always lazy cultivator would actually take the initiative to ask Ying.


Xiuyuan took the bark pot he used to transport things with his mouth and handed it to Lin Han.

"Ha, you said to let you come?"

Lin Han looked at Xiu Yuan with a strange expression,

What's wrong with this guy today? He's so diligent!

The reason why Lin Han is called Zhengguo is because Xiuyuan had a busy day with Li Shuixin yesterday and wanted him to rest. I didn't expect it to be active, strange, really strange!

Netizens also felt strange and left messages one after another, saying,

"Rare, crocodile brother!"

"I've been chasing you for two seasons. It's the first time I've seen you so diligent. Could it be that the tool crocodile has awakened?"

"Let's just say that you bunch of single dogs don't know anything, it's obviously Xiuyuan who cares for his wife.

"Damn it, it's really possible!"

"The brother upstairs, who is also single, how did you find out?"

Since it is so proactive, Lin Han can't continue to call Zheng Guogong. I brought it and a bamboo spring to the beach. I haven't seen Long Tai for several days, so I brought it some water of life.

Like Da, Long Tai was also very happy to drink the water of life, and kept playing and beating in the water, and bit a fish for Lin Han.

Really a sweet guy.

After interacting with Long Tail for a while, Lin Han packed a pot of sand, carried two buckets by himself, returned to the bamboo house, and transplanted all the seedlings.

In the morning, Lin Han and Li Shuixin ridged the field with some mud to prevent the water flow from the rice field.

Mud is ready-made, no need to go far to pick up clay.

For the first time playing in the mud, Li Shuixin felt that the SWAT was happy.

From time to time, he held up a piece of mud and smiled happily, "Lin Han, look, do I look like you?"

Lin Han looked up and was instantly speechless.

"Forgive me, I don't appreciate abstraction.

It's just such a 330 that barely has a human shape, how dare you say this? !!


Li Shui angrily threw the mud away, then found another piece and continued to carry it.

Seeing that she was having such a good time, Lin Han also found the mud of moderate degree and quickly pinched it.

I saw that his technique was extremely fast, turning his hands constantly, sometimes gently carving on it with his fingernails,

In less than a minute, a clay figurine appeared in his hands.

"Gu, here it is for you."

Lin Han handed the clay figure to her.

Li Shuixin picked it up curiously, put it in the palm of his hand and looked at it, and was instantly stunned.

"Is this me?"

she exclaimed.

Although the clay figurine can't be seen, the shape, demeanor, and hairstyle are simply carved according to her mold!


"Look, you recognize it yourself and call it a clay figurine!"

Lin Han took the opportunity to strike.

However, Li Shuixin didn't care at all, and put the clay figurine on the stone next to it and let it dry in the sun.

"If you don't want the clay figurine to crack, it's best not to put it in direct sunlight.

It needs to be dried in the shade first, and then exposed to the sun, so that the clay figurine will not crack. "

Seeing that she wanted to keep this clay figurine, Lin Han reminded her.

Ah, there are so many things to pay attention to.

Li Shuixin obviously cared about this clay figurine, so he picked it up quickly and put it in a cool place.

The perimeter of the two places is not much, probably less than 300 meters.

Next, Lin Han came to the lakeshore mentioned last night, used a hoe to dig a 20 cm deep hole, and dug a small trough between the hole and the water.

This puddle is not used to store water, so twenty centimeters is enough.

After finishing, Lin Han jumped into the lake, lifted the bucket and poured water into the pit.

Now his single arm strength is close to 600, and he can easily pour a bucket of water to a height of two or three meters.

"Boom! Boom!

Lin Han pressed the bucket into the water, and immediately lifted it up after it was full of water. This force was enough to throw the water away.

That is to say, Lin Han's strength can do this. If it is replaced by an ordinary person, it is estimated that his arm will become sore after two or three times, and Zheng can't lift it up.


"Boom! Boom!"

A violent wave swayed on the water surface, causing a layer of ripples to appear on the entire lake surface.

(aifb) After about three minutes, the paddy field was filled with water.

"Lin Han, it's ready! 22

Li Shuixin shouted from above.

"Hmm. 99

Lin Han stopped, came from the water with a bucket, and walked to the rice field.

The water has soaked the soil inside, but it is constantly seeping down.

"These soils don't hold water, so you need to moisten the soil at first. After another hour, you have to pour it again."

Lin Han stared at the rice field for a while, as if he had expected it.

In the live broadcast room, netizens watched with admiration.

"The weight of that bucket of water is not light, if it were me, I probably wouldn't be able to lift two or three buckets.

"It's easy to lift, but it's not easy to throw the water to such a high place. Lin Shen actually persisted for three minutes, and the waves were no less than a hundred buckets of water, how strong his arms are!

"Watching Lin Shen's live broadcast, I always thought that survival in the wilderness was very simple. Until today, I know that Lin Shen's simplicity is based on strength!"

"Lin is simple, not simple!

In the morning, I mainly moisten the soil, and Lin Han intends to make some pottery in the spare time.

I used to think that the pottery was enough, so I didn't make new pottery for a long time.

But this time, after using pottery pots to raise seedlings, they now have no pottery to use.

So, Lin Han intends to make some spares. I can't guarantee that someday, there will be a need. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't need money.

Seeing Lin Han pick a pile of dirt over, Li Shuixin immediately understood what he was going to do.

"Lin Han, do you want to make pottery? 11

Li Shuixin had planned to weave, but An could not hold back her curiosity and came over.

"Well, make some spares, so as not to be insufficient next time.

Lin Han said casually and poured the soil in the place where he usually used mud.

The clay pot didn't use much clay, so he picked two loads, which was enough.

"I'll help you.

Li Shuixin was eager to try, and hung up to take over.

She found that playing in the mud was really fun. She just walked around in the paddy field and didn't have enough fun, and was laughed at by Lin Han.

This time, she has to prove herself.

Girls, also have the talent to play in the mud!


Lin Han nodded, this simple technique, he also intends to give Li Shuixin.

Since knowing this sister, she has shown an amazing talent for learning. As long as it is not a physical task, she can quickly get started.

Although he is not as proficient as he is, he is not going to participate in the competition, it is enough.

"First of all, the most important thing in making pottery is to choose the soil. These clays are selected after comparison, and they are suitable for making pottery. However, there will be some sand in it, and we need to pick it out."

In order to make better quality clay, Lin Han specially made a sieve for filtering stones.

After drying, the clay is mashed with hands or with a hoe, and then strained over a sieve.

In this way, fine sand and clay can fall through the small holes in the sieve, while larger clods and stones can be filtered out.

Although it takes a little time, the texture of the pottery caught in this way is more uniform and fine, and it is more comfortable to use.

The two were busy all morning, and finally screened all the soil.

This kind of thing is not difficult, when Lin Han goes to moisten the soil, Li Shuixin can do it by himself.

After lunch, continue learning to make pottery.

"The soil is of the best quality now, and the next step is to mix with mud. Be sure to pay attention to the ratio of mud to water, not too thin or too dry. 99

When Lin Han introduced, his hand didn't stop.

In fact, his pottery art has been completed, and he can accurately grasp the amount of water.

But he didn't do it so directly this time. Because Li Shuixin was a beginner, it was impossible to grasp it as accurately as he did.

"If you can't do it, you can prepare some dry soil next to it. Once you find that you have put too much water, add dry soil to neutralize it immediately. The clay picked out in this way is the best.

Lin Han did the same, slowly adding water to the clay pile, looking for the most suitable amount of water.

"In fact, as long as you pay attention and add it once, you can grasp this amount.

Lin Han handed the scoop to Li Shuixin, "Come and try.


Li Shuixin has been listening very seriously, although she thought it was fun to learn, but since she intends to learn, she must learn it well.

At first, she carefully added water to it,

Soon, you will be able to pinpoint accurately.

"Yes, you learn fast!

Lin Han gave a timely compliment.

Li Shuixin smiled happily, "Actually, it's a bit like taking medicine. When you're not sure about the dosage at the beginning, you need to add it bit by bit. But it makes perfect sense. Once you're familiar with the dosage, you can It's easy to handle."

But I forgot, this sister has extraordinary medical skills.

In terms of handling, she adapts very quickly!

"As expected of a heroine, I learned so quickly! I've seen Lin Shen do it no less than ten times, and then I barely touched some fur."

"The interest class that I reported for my son can be withdrawn. Watching Lin Shen's live broadcast is much more useful than those with the interest class! 99

"Drink, don't you know, since my daughter watched Lin Shen live doing pottery, she let me transport a hundred catties of soil and put it at home, and now I'm about to become an original ecological farmer."

"Such a wonderful pottery class is very rare, so I hurried to dig some soil and come back.

Although many people love the art of pottery, most of them are interested.

Interested, experience it, don't really want to master it.

Therefore, when everyone saw Lin Han doing pottery, everyone just booed, and few people actually did it.

But Li Shuixin was different, she studied very seriously.

After a while, the clay was mined.

"What's next? I remember, you need a turntable to make pottery?"

Although Li Shuixin has never done pottery, he often sees it on TV.

"You are talking about the roulette method. Our conditions do not allow it, and we can only use the most primitive method."

Lin Han dug a mud hook from the mud with his hands.

"The most primitive way?

Li Shuixin asked curiously, just like Lin Han, he dug up a piece of mud and put it in his hand.

"That's right, it's called the mud bar method! It's about rolling the clay into a mud bar, and then building it into whatever you want.

However, this method can only make small pottery. Let's make a clay pot first.

Clay pots can be built with mud sticks, but not for pots.

Lin Han made a wrong stick of mud and placed it in a circle.

"Is this really a method?"

Li Shuixin was extremely surprised, and her beautiful eyes stared at Lin Han with wide eyes.

"Of course, that's what people from 10,000 years ago did." Lin Han gave her a puzzled look, not understanding why she was so shocked.

"Well, I thought Peppa Pig was a lie, but I didn't expect it to be true." Li Shuixin stuck out her tongue. He looked around, hiding his embarrassment.

"What is Peppa Pig?"

Lin Han asked curiously, and then rhymed a piece of mud to make a second mud stick.

"Well, it's a very popular children's cartoon right now.

"Children's cartoon?"

Lin Han gave her a surprised look.

"Hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at. I just, when I was studying abroad, was invited to a tutor for lunch. Her little daughter likes to watch it, so please tell me to watch it with her for a while.

Li Shui explained angrily!

"Hey, that's it."

Lin Han smiled lightly and placed the second mud stick that was delivered.

"What do you mean, don't you believe it?

Li Shui is so angry, this guy probably thinks of himself as a naive little girl!

"Pfft haha~ I didn't expect that under the sturdy appearance of the heroine, there is such a young girl's heart! »

"What's the matter, I've finished watching Peppa Pig, and I'm still chasing updates.

"The way the heroine is in a hurry to explain is so cute.

"Lin Shen is also very cute. 9)

"Agree, the person who really wants to do pottery with Lin Shen is me.

"The dream in front is over, are you sure you are as cute as a female hero? Even if there is, would you dare to kill? Dare to stab a giant python? Can you do so many things for Lin Shen?"

"Real blow, wake up!"

Well, the ladies and sisters in the live broadcast room said they didn't speak anymore.

They can admit that they are cute, but they dare not kill!

As for helping Lin Han with his chores, ploughing the fields, weaving clothes...

Forget it, I'll just quietly be a lemon spectator.

"The second step is to look at it. The bottom of the pot should be small and the belly should be big. Only in this way, the next can be stable on the pet. So when picking up the second and third, one should be longer than the other. 29

Lin Han didn't get tangled up in cartoons and continued to teach seriously.

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